Lista odcinków, w których główną bohaterką jest Lisa Simpson.
Popularne strony
Wszystkie elementy (121)
- Lard of the Dance
- Last Exit to Springfield
- Last Tap Dance in Springfield
- Lisa Gets an "A"
- Lisa Gets the Blues
- Lisa Goes Gaga
- Lisa on Ice
- Lisa Simpson, This Isn't Your Life
- Lisa the Beauty Queen
- Lisa the Drama Queen
- Lisa the Greek
- Lisa the Iconoclast
- Lisa the Skeptic
- Lisa the Tree Hugger
- Lisa the Vegetarian
- Lisa the Veterinarian
- Lisa vs. Malibu Stacy
- Lisa with an "S"
- Lisa's Date with Density
- Lisa's First Word
- Lisa's Pony
- Lisa's Rival
- Lisa's Sax
- Lisa's Substitute
- Lisa's Wedding
- Little Big Mom
- Little Girl in the Big Ten
- Loan-a Lisa
- Lost Our Lisa
- Luca$
- The Book Job
- The Burns and the Bees
- The Color Yellow
- The D'oh-cial Network
- The Dad Who Knew Too Little
- The Daughter Also Rises
- The Food Wife
- The Fool Monty
- The Front
- The Girl Code
- The Girl Who Slept Too Little
- The Great Simpsina
- The Hateful Eight-Year-Olds
- The Kid is All Right
- The Kids Are All Fight
- The Marge-ian Chronicles
- The Miseducation of Lisa Simpson
- The Monkey Suit
- The Old Man and the Lisa
- The President Wore Pearls
- The Secret War of Lisa Simpson
- The Seemingly Never-Ending Story
- The Squirt and the Whale
- The War of Art
- They Saved Lisa's Brain
- Two Dozen and One Greyhounds