Bart Simpson 1 ✯SON of HOMER✯
- Big Fat Trouble in Little Springfield
- Grrrl Whirl
- Close Encounters of the Nerd Kind
OUT 2000
Bart Simpson 2 ✯NATURE BOY✯
- Bart's Day at the Zoo
- Talent Hunt
- Maximum Bart
- Futility Belt
NOV 2000
Bart Simpson 3 ✯TROUBLEMAKER✯
- The Space Family Simpson in Terror on Trioculon
- Battle of the Boy-Bands
- Sky-High Bart
FEV 2001
- ...Who Wants to Win a Pocketful of Quarters?
- Quantum Cola
- Bully for You
MAI 2001
Bart Simpson 5 ✯MENACE to SOCIETY✯
- Wild, Wild Bart
- Bart's Puzzle Page
- Wild, Wild Bart Part II
- the Case of the Hanging Shoes from the Secret Files of Lisa Simpson
- Bart Simpson's Day Off
AGO 2001
Bart Simpson 6 ✯HIGH FLYER✯
- the Supercat of Springfield
- Bart Simpson and Milhouse Van Houten in: the Invisible Nerd
- 24 Hours in the Life of Ralph Wiggum
NOV 2001
Bart Simpson 7 ✯BOY of MYSTERY✯
- See You Later, Alligator
- the Case of the Missing Moon Waffles from the Secret Files of Lisa Simpson
- Bart Simpson and his Family Visit Stampy the Elephant in: All's Veldt that Ends Veldt
FEV 2002
Bart Simpson 8 ✯LITTLE RASCAL✯
- the Dickens You Say
- Li'l Kang and Kodos in Baby's First Abduction
- Professor Frink's Partly Probable Parables: Sashimi Bart
- Bart & Milhouse's almost Excellent Adventure
MAI 2002
Bart Simpson 9 ✯RABBLE ROUSER✯
- O Bart, Where Art Thou?
- a Chair of One's Own
- Bart's Nasty Shirt
- Cooking with Kang and Kodos
- Prize Possession
- Cyrano de Bart
- Hill of Beans
AGO 2002
Bart Simpson 10 ✯BOY of 1,000 FACES✯
- Bartology 101 (não impressa na 1ª tiragem)
- Bart's Beard
- Snow Brawl
- Li'l Itchy & Scratchy in: of Mice and Menace!
- Lunch Pales
- the Madness of Milhouse
FEV 2003
Bart Simpson 11 ✯HOLY TERROR✯
- From Lichtenslava with Love
- Tango Tangle
- Bartzilla
- Balloon Payment
ABR 2003
Bart Simpson 12 ✯AMERICAN IDOL✯
- an Anime Among Us!
- Taming your Wild Child
- Bart's Anagrams (não impressa na 1ª tiragem)
- Scheme Supreme
- Bart Fink and the Mighty Mississip
JUN 2003
Bart Simpson 13 ✯BOY WITHOUT FEAR✯
- Bartzan and the Ancient Forbidden Golden City of Gold!
- Bartzan and the Ancient Forbidden Golden City of Gold! part 2
- Little Buddy Day
- Scaredy Cats
- Bart's Big Spill
AGO 2003
Bart Simpson 14 ✯the YELLOW KID✯
- Bart Simpson in the Time Bandit!
- Bart Simpson in Bring your Parents to Work Day
- Bart Simpson in Computer Hackles
- Bart Simpson in Bart does Something Fishy!
- Lisa Simpson in Reading Night
OUT 2003
Bart Simpson 15 ✯CLASS CLOWN✯
- Another One of Professor Frink's Partly Probable Parables: Bart Version 2.0
- Lisa Simpson in Diary of a Mad Sax Camper
- Lisa Simpson in Bad Hair Day!
- Maggie Simpson in Invasion of the Baby Snatchers
DEZ 2003
Bart Simpson 16 ✯MISCHIEF MAKER✯
- Picture Day
- the Squish of Death
- the Case of the Headless Dolls
- Zone Wars
FEV 2004
Bart Simpson 17 ✯the RETURN of BARTMAN✯
- Legends of the Bartman Family
- Li'l Abe Simpson: the Able-Bodied Boy
- the Special Kid... the Hinting Hippie
ABR 2004
Bart Simpson 18 ✯THRILLER DILLER✯
- Bart Simpson: Secret Agent Man part 1
- the Truth about Cats and Mice
- Bart Simpson: Secret Agent Man part 2
JUN 2004
Bart Simpson 19 ✯LITTLE DEVIL✯
- Are you gonna Eat that?
- Art for Bart's Sake
- Maggie's Mobilization
- the Mediocre Misadventures of Martin & Milhouse! Bartless on a Tuesday
AGO 2004
Bart Simpson 20 ✯CHIP OFF the OL' BLOCK✯
- the Great Springfield Donut War
- Movie Mayhem
- Bart's Fun Pages
OUT 2004
Bart Simpson 21 ✯BOY BARBER✯
- Batter-Up Bart
- the Three Stages of Teaching
- Cuff it Up!
DEZ 2004
Bart Simpson 22 ✯SCOURGE of HOMER✯
- Final Detention
- Bart Burger
- Bait and Cackle
- Birth of a Salesman
FEV 2005
Bart Simpson 23 ✯BEST in the WEST✯
- Bart vs. the One Man School
- Bart Simpson Explains:"the Sick Day"
- Special Delivery
- Kwik-E-Bart
- Grampa Bart
- Flu Shot
ABR 2005
Bart Simpson 24 ✯CARTOON GENIUS✯
- Bart's got Spirit!
- Nelson Muntz's Guide to Grown-Up Nerds
- the Kiss of Blecch!
- the Maggie & Moe Mysteries: the Willful Will
JUN 2005
Bart Simpson 25 ✯PRINCE of PRANKS✯
- Comic Fan no More
- Box Office Bingo
- Cross Country Clown
AGO 2005
Bart Simpson 26 ✯BIG SPENDER✯
- Bart gets Stumped
- Mayor Maggie
- Stink & Stinkability:
- the Crimespree on Springfield 2
- Special Delivery
- Kwik-E-Bart
- Grampa Bart
- Flu Shot
OUT 2005
Bart Simpson 27 ✯SNEAKY PETE✯
- Hot Air Buffoon
- the Case of the Sax Solo Saboteur
- no Purchase Necessary
DEZ 2005
Bart Simpson 28 ✯STRAIGHT SHOOTER✯
- Lisa the Vampire Croaker
- Milhouse...the Girl?
- Prankster's Helper
- Bart goes to the Movies
- Angry Dad in Trimming the Hedges
FEV 2006
Bart Simpson 29 ✯PUPPET MASTER✯
- Bart Cops Out
- if You can't Wiggum, Join 'Em!
- Presenting Eastern Europe's Favorite Cartoon Cat and Mouse Team: Worker and Parasite
- K-Bart
ABR 2006
Bart Simpson 30 ✯BOY of MYSTERY✯
- the Book that Ate Springfield
- the Secret Life of Bart
- the Great Train Wreck
JUN 2006
Bart Simpson 31 ✯MASTER of ILLUSION✯
- Spree for All
- Handy Pop Culture Quotes for All Occasions!
- Shopping for School Supplies the Bart Simpson Way!
- the Maggie & Moe Mysteries: the Disappearing Duchess!
AGO 2006
Bart Simpson 32 ✯LEADER of the PACK✯
- Hog Tied
- Clone Alone
- Baby got Back (at Burns)
OUT 2006
Bart Simpson 33 ✯LARGE & in CHARGE✯
- Fort Knocks
- a Load of Trouble
- the Uter Bomber
- Signs of Intelligent Life
DEZ 2006
Bart Simpson 34 ✯SIGMUND FRAUD✯
- Mr. Bart Krabappel!
- Willie and the Weasels
- Burger Meister
FEV 2007
Bart Simpson 35 ✯HIGH STEPPER✯
- the Return of Truckasaurus
- Today's Science Prank with Professor Frink
- Barty & Milhousy
- Elementary School Dropout
ABR 2007
Bart Simpson 36 ✯POP ART ICON✯
- One Flew over the Retirement Castle
- Bart vs. Bart 1
- Going Postal
- One for All and Alpha One
JUN 2007
Bart Simpson 37 ✯ROLE MODEL✯
- Chapter One: Attend the Tale
- Chapter Two: the Tension Mounts
- Chapter Three: Intense Radiation
- Chapter Four: the Best Intentions
- Chapter Five: When Ten Titans Clash!!
AGO 2007
Bart Simpson 38 ✯NUMERO UNO✯
- Principal Simpson!
- Milhouse's Guide to Keeping it Cool
- Ralph Learns a Lesson
OUT 2007
Bart Simpson 39 ✯STANDUP GUY✯
- Bigger than Big
- Heatie Jeebies
- Bart the Magnificent
- Window of Opportunity
- the Trial of Maggie Simpson
DEZ 2007
Bart Simpson 40 ✯SHOWSTOPPER✯
- Easy Writer
- Li'l Krusty 1
- Attack of the 50-Foot Maggie
- Li'l Krusty 2
FEV 2008
Bart Simpson 41 ✯TOP DOG✯
- no Such Thing as a Free Comic
- Bart Hears a What?
- Angry Dad (fixes his car)
ABR 2008
Bart Simpson 42 ✯SIBLING RIVAL✯
- Battle of the 'Plexes!
- Say Hello to my Little Friend... Scarface!
- Ponce Upon a Time
JUN 2008
Bart Simpson 43 ✯LISA'S BROTHER✯
- Lisa's Bad Word!
- Cool Rules!
- Saxophony!
AGO 2008
- Maggie's Meltdown
- Citizen Cane
- Bart's Name is Mud!
OUT 2008
Bart Simpson 45 ✯CLASS ACT✯
- Class Klown
- Dog Gone Hollywood!
- the Maggie and Moe Mysteries: Naptime for Murder!
DEZ 2008
Bart Simpson 46 ✯ROCK STAR✯
- Aye, Robot!
- Yellow Chef!
- How Miss Hoover got her Groove Back
FEV 2009
Bart Simpson 47 ✯TITLE BLOCKER✯
- Split Decisions
- Li'l Krusty 3
- Li'l Krusty 4
- the Dating Game
- Li'l Krusty 5
ABR 2009
Bart Simpson 48 ✯the RADIOACTIVE MAN EVENT part 2✯
- the Best Radioactive Man Event Ever! part 2
JUN 2009
Bart Simpson 49 ✯SELF PROMOTER✯
- Children off the Cob
- Li'l Krusty 6
- 12 Angry Kids
- Li'l Krusty 7
- Li'l Krusty 8
AGO 2009
Bart Simpson 50 ✯MAD ABOUT SERGIO✯
- the Simpson Project
- Maggie's Crib 1
- Big Top Flop
- Maggie's Crib 2
OUT 2009
Bart Simpson 51 ✯BEHIND the SCENES✯
- Bart's Invisible!
- Change is Good!
- Maggie's Crib 3
- Drive-In, Driven Out
- Maggie's Crib 4
DEZ 2009
Bart Simpson 52 ✯HOBO CHILLIN'✯
- the Sound and the Flurry
- Maggie's Crib 5
- Homer Simpson: Chick Magnet
- Scared Tentless
FEV 2010
Bart Simpson 53 ✯PRANK PITCHMAN✯
- the Mystery of the Pesky Desk
- Maggie's Crib 6
- La Bart Vita
- Maggie's Crib 7
ABR 2010
Bart Simpson 54 ✯LI'L FIRECRACKER✯
- Bart on the Fourth of July
- Maggie's Crib 8
- Fortunate Son
- the Death of Comic Book Guy! (part one) (Chapter the First: Prelude to a Beginning!)
JUN 2010
Bart Simpson 55 ✯TWISTED SISTER✯
- Chapter 1: Let the Games Begin
- Chapter 2: Pony Up
- Chapter 3: Judgement Day
AGO 2010
Bart Simpson 56 ✯SORE LOSER✯
- Ri¢hie $imp$on
- Maggie's Crib 9
- Lisa Rocks the Party!
OUT 2010
- a Tomb with a View
- Maggie's Crib 10
- Bart vs. Bart 3
- the Day of the Mustache
- the More, the Merrier!
DEZ 2010
Bart Simpson 58 ✯TOY WONDER✯
- Pranks a Lot!
- Maggie's Crib 11
- Bart vs. Bart 4
- Maggie's Crib 12
- it's the Thoughtlessness that Counts
- Rod & Todd Pray-Off
FEV 2011
Bart Simpson 59 ✯KING of LATE-NIGHT✯
- Eat the Pie Slowly
- Maggie's Crib 13
- Bugged!
- Sleepless in Springfield
ABR 2011
Bart Simpson 60 ✯LEADER of the PACK✯
- Bart vs. the Kwik-E-Mart
- Big Bad Brother Bart
- Zombie Moves!
MAI 2011
Bart Simpson 61 ✯STAR MAKER✯
- Mail-Order Mayhem!
- Maggie's Crib 14
- Planet of the Plants
JUN 2011
Bart Simpson 62 ✯WAGE SLAVE✯
- Bart's Got Wheels
- Maggie's Crib 15
- the Nukes of Hazard
AGO 2011
Bart Simpson 63 ✯LI'L SLUGGER✯
- Model Behavior
- the Invincible Principal
- Maggie's Crib 16
- Curse of the Moleman
SET 2011
Bart Simpson 64 ✯NERD BUSTER✯
- Model Citizen Simpson
- an Easy Assignment
- ¡Viva La Bart!
OUT 2011
Bart Simpson 65 ✯CRITICAL HIT✯
- Gamemaster Lisa
- Maggie's Crib 17
- Monster Mashed
NOV 2011
Bart Simpson 66 ✯LADIES' MAN✯
- Marge Goes Green!
- Maggie's First Day
- I'm Lisa Simpson, Who the Heck are You?
- Maggie's Crib 18
DEZ 2011
Bart Simpson 67 ✯
- the Face that Launched a Thousand Blecchs
- Warlord
- Maggie's Crib 19
JAN 2012
Bart Simpson 68 ✯
- Free Range
- the Great Springfield Gold Rush
- Maggie's Crib 20
FEV 2012
Bart Simpson 69 ✯
- Hoop Schemes
- Maggie's Crib 21
- …Bart Simpson Shall do my Bidding!
- Hey Kids! It's your Very own Grease-Absorbent Krustyburger Souvenir Fun-Mat!
MAR 2012
Bart Simpson 70 ✯
- the Black Tooth
- Maggie's Crib 22
- Girl Power!
- What's Wrong with this Family?
ABR 2012
Bart Simpson 71 ✯
- Formula for Disaster
- Maggie's Crib 23
- Sound Thinking!
MAI 2012
Bart Simpson 72 ✯
- the Prince and the Penal System
- Wedgie Issue
- Maggie's Crib 24
- Rock 'N' Roll
- Bart's List of Truly Unspeakable Words and Phrases
JUN 2012
Bart Simpson 73 ✯
- Everybody Really Hates Bart
- Maggie's Crib 25
- Bart's Short Cut
- Children of the Corn Maze
JUL 2012
Bart Simpson 74 ✯
- Decisions, Decisions
- the Many Faces of Bart
- Into the Woods
- Maggie's Crib 26
AGO 2012
Bart Simpson 75 ✯
- New Girl in Town
- Maggie's Crib 27
- There's no Business Like Shoe Business
- Angry Dad Flips his Lid
- Bart Simpson's Believe it or Knot! Fun Shoe Facts for the Whole Family
- on this Day in Springfield History: 1959
SET 2012
Bart Simpson 76 ✯
- Fund-Razing
- Flight of Fantasy
- Southern Fried Simpsons
OUT 2012
Bart Simpson 77 ✯
- Good Cop, Bart Cop!
- For a Limited Time Only
NOV 2012
Bart Simpson 78 ✯
- Bartman vs. Doctor Octuplets
- Basketball's a Drag
- Milhouse Goes to Heck
DEZ 2012
Bart Simpson 79 ✯
- Lisa's Laughatory
- the Demon
JAN 2013
Bart Simpson 80 ✯
- Springfield Elementary Shakedown
- Kneading Dough
- Maggie and the Moon
- Meerkat Milhouse
FEV 2013
Bart Simpson 81 ✯
- Who the Bartman?
- the Todd & Rodyssey
- Maggie's Pancakes
MAR 2013
Bart Simpson 82 ✯
- the Martin Chronicles!
- Springfield Babies
- Nights of the Dinner Table
- So Long, Chum!
ABR 2013
Bart Simpson 83 ✯
- the Booty
- I'd Rather Bleed than Read
- Krustyburger Konfidential
MAI 2013
Bart Simpson 84 ✯
- Carpool Party
- ¡Bart Speaks Spanish!
JUN 2013
Bart Simpson 85 ✯
- Exit through the Comic Shop
- the Last Beer
- Maggie & the Buccaneers
- Agent vs Agent
JUL 2013
Bart Simpson 86 ✯
- Treehouse of Chimps
- Angles in the Outfield
- with Great Power...
SET 2013
Bart Simpson 87 ✯
- Prankenstein's Monster!
- Inherit the Windfall
- the Sideshow Redemption
NOV 2013
Bart Simpson 88 ✯
- Fool for a Client
- the Gluten, the Bread and the Hungry!
JAN 2014
Bart Simpson 89 ✯
- that's Hairable!
- Fangs for Nothing!
- Thumb Wrasslin'!
MAR 2014
Bart Simpson 90 ✯
- the Curious Case of Hans Moleman
- the Rebooting!
MAI 2014
Bart Simpson 91 ✯
- Bored Walk
- Radioactive Milhouse
- Mission Imp-possible!
- a Grand Adventure
JUL 2014
Bart Simpson 92 ✯
- Leader of the Backpack Pack
- D'oh! Unto Others
SET 2014
Bart Simpson 93 ✯
NOV 2014
Bart Simpson 94 ✯
- Me and my Shadow
- SpongeBart SquarePants
- Kitty Konfusion!
- Food Feud!
JAN 2015
Bart Simpson 95 ✯
- Bart Simpson: Assistant Manager
- Mommy Nature is my Friend!
- Güber Driver
MAR 2015
Bart Simpson 96 ✯
- Bedroom Battle
- Leapin' Lisa
MAI 2015
Bart Simpson 97 ✯
- Bart Simpson Saves the Universe
- App'd Out
JUL 2015
Bart Simpson 98 ✯
- don't Forget to Leave a Tipster
- Skateboard Renegade
- a Nose for Adventure
SET 2015
Bart Simpson 99 ✯
- Career Day
- Back Words
- from Malibu with Love
- Talk Cootie to Me
NOV 2015
Bart Simpson 100 ✯RADICAL DUDE✯
FEV 2016