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Puppet Show
22 Seasons Banner couch gag
Prisoner Family

The 22 Seasons Banner couch gag is the first couch gag of Season 22.


The Simpson family runs in and sits on the couch as usual, but above the couch is a banner hung above the couch that says,"22 Seasons: Congratulations from FOX". A FOX representative comes in with a cupcake that has a candle on it, and Marge lets Maggie to blow the candle, so she blows out the candle. However, before the family can have the cupcake, the FOX representative eats it for himself, then leaves the room. The banner then falls down as the Simpsons turn depressed.

Character Appearances[]


⇐ Season 21 Season 22 couch gags Season 23 ⇒
22 Seasons Banner couch gagPrisoner Family couch gagBanksy Simpsons Sweatshop couch gagLance Murdock couch gagAvatar couch gagTiny Family couch gagAdvent Calendar couch gagCouch's Morning Routine couch gagSundae Family couch gagSubstituting for Homer couch gagPenalty Box couch gagCouch Gag Game couch gagSpringboard couch gagASCII Family couch gagRental Video Cover couch gagSmithsonian Museum Robbery couch gagWords couch gag
⇐ Season 21 Re-used couch gags Season 23 ⇒
Springfield Shopper couch gag