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Homer's Brain
A Game of Life couch gag
San Diego Comic Fest
Game of Life Couch Gag

The Game of Life couch gag is the eighteenth couch gag of Season 25.


Everybody is a pawn in The Game of Life, a young Homer is driving a car-shaped pawn and though many obstacles from having marriage to hair falling off and growing older. Then, the car stops and gets taken away before the family reaches the couch. Homer then notices the Grim Reaper next to the couch.

Character Appearances[]




The Game of Life Couch Gag from "Pay Pal" THE SIMPSONS ANIMATION on FOX

⇐ Season 24 Season 25 couch gags Season 26 ⇒
Season 25 Celebration couch gagGuillermo del Toro couch gagThe Hobbit couch gagGravity couch gagThe First Thanksgiving couch gagMusicville couch gagFlailing Tube Man Balloon Family couch gagBefore Christmas couch gagChannel Changer couch gagSuper Bowl XLVIII couch gagTriplets of Belleville couch gagContinent Family couch gagOperation couch gagRunning of the Bulls couch gagMinecraft couch gagBubble Wrap couch gagHomer's Brain couch gagThe Game of Life couch gagSan Diego Comic Fest couch gag

⇐ Season 25 Season 26 couch gags Season 27 ⇒
Don Hertzfeldt couch gagScratchy couch gagCat Stevens couch gagHedonismbot couch gagSki Lift couch gagSmartphones couch gagFrozen Couch GagArt Gallery couch gagGoldilocks couch gagSushi Couch GagPixel couch gagFax Machine couch gag IIPortal couch gagPopping Popcorn Family couch gagArctic Animal Family couch gagSoccer couch gagRick and Morty Couch Gag
⇐ Season 23 Re-used couch gags Season 30 ⇒
The Game of Life couch gag