Simpsons Wiki
ā—„ Exit Through the Kwik-E-Mart
At Long Last Leave
Mayor Quimby: We don't want to hurt the feelings of the freaks.
Cookie Kwan: Those freaks have no feelings (points at Maggie) Look at baby, she never cries (Maggie looks at the crowd and makes a throat slash gesture while some background people go "She's a freak") What type of baby does that?

Homer: Let her {Maggie} slice off the tip of your ear and she'll go right to sleep.
Carl: No.
Homer: That's not a choice you get to make.

Homer: If you banish us you will get a 1000 year drought (Raining Storm) I mean a 1000 year flood (Rain stops rainbow comes out) I mean 1000 years of perfect weather.

Mayor Quimby: Maybe he's {Homer} right. We are jerks.
Chief Wiggum: You want I should spray some of my Jerk-Off on you? (Holds up a spray-can labeled 'Jerk Off")
Mayor Quimby: Eh, it's OK.

Homer: (disguised as Mr. Burns) Excellent.
Chief Wiggum: It wouldn't be you if you didn't say excellent.

Bart: How you doin', Mr. Assange?
Julian Assange: That's my personal information, and you have no right to know about it.

ā—„ Season 22 Season 23 Quotes Season 24 ā–ŗ
The Falcon and the D'ohman ā€¢ Bart Stops to Smell the Roosevelts ā€¢ Treehouse of Horror XXII ā€¢ Replaceable You ā€¢ The Food Wife ā€¢ The Book Job ā€¢ The Man in the Blue Flannel Pants ā€¢ The Ten-Per-Cent Solution ā€¢ Holidays of Future Passed ā€¢ Politically Inept, with Homer Simpson ā€¢ The D'oh-cial Network ā€¢ Moe Goes from Rags to Riches ā€¢ The Daughter Also Rises ā€¢ At Long Last Leave ā€¢ Exit Through the Kwik-E-Mart ā€¢ How I Wet Your Mother ā€¢ Them, Robot ā€¢ Beware My Cheating Bart ā€¢ A Totally Fun Thing That Bart Will Never Do Again ā€¢ The Spy Who Learned Me ā€¢ Ned 'N Edna's Blend ā€¢ Lisa Goes Gaga

