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Bart's Girlfriend |
Cultural References[]
- Bart struts down the street to the tune of "Stayin' Alive" by the Bee Gees; the section is a reference to the movie Saturday Night Fever.
- In a self-reference, one scene shows Marge criticizing a troll doll's bizarre hairdo.
- When parents are flushing kids out of cattails and snaring some in nets, this is a reference to Planet of the Apes when Colonel Taylor and two of his fellow astronauts first encounter human life, only to be victims of an ape hunting party shortly afterwards.
- After Bart is accused of stealing the money from the church collection plate, he is forced to wear a straitjacket and mask in church, which is a reference to Hannibal Lecter in The Silence of the Lambs.
- Ned Flanders is heard singing Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring by Johann Sebastian Bach in the church.
- The music playing during Bart and Jessica's night on the town is the song Misirlou by Dick Dale. The same song is heard in the soundtrack for the 1994 Quentin Tarantino crime classic Pulp Fiction.
- This episode was originally rated PG (suitable for children, but only with parental supervision) by the BBFC when it came out on VHS, for drug references [Skinner admitting to smelling marijuana smoke in Vietnam], comic violence [The parents capturing their children to go to church, Willie getting attacked by turtles], dangerous behavior in a slapstick context [Bart falling down the hill on his skateboard and not having safety gear on, which, in the UK, is considered dangerous behavior likely to be imitated by children, even though the consequences (Bart falling down the hill and getting hurt) weren't shown as safe, fun, and risk-free], imitable antisocial/criminal behavior [Bart and Jessica covering the Jebediah Springfield statue in toilet paper, Jessica pulling the fire alarm, and Jessica stealing the church money], discriminatory behavior played for laughs [Bart and Jessica tease some fat dieters by eating ice cream in front of them], mild bullying [Bart getting harassed by the townspeople for allegedly stealing the church's money], comedic, non-sexualized nudity [Groundskeeper Willie's kilt getting torn off his body by Bart's balloon prank], and rude language [Bart talking about an episode of Martin that has gratuitous use of the word "butt" and Bart's "Why the crap do we have to go to church?" line]. As of 2005, the episode is now uncut with a U (suitable for all audiences) rating for "mild comic violence" and "mild bad language".
- During an FXX rerun of this episode on January 25, 2016, during the scene where everyone is yelling at Bart outside his house, it suddenly cuts to a black screen, then it goes to a commercial break. Whenever it comes back, it goes back to the part when it happened, and it did it again. When it did once again, it went to a FXX ident, but it went to a black screen again, causing it to go to a different Simpsons episode. The reason why this happened is unknown, though it can be assumed that this was a technical gaffe that has since been fixed.
- The line "with flaming swords, the Aramites did pierce the eyes of their fellow men" isn't in the Bible.
- April 1st is shown to be a Monday, and yet there is a church service. It is possible that the Simpsons were too busy to attend church on Sunday.
- The calendar that Bart marks off shows April having 31 days and May having 30 days. In real life, April has 30 days and May has 31. Later, after Bart marks off June, April and May switched to their appropriate number of days.
- Apu is seen with the church congregation searching for the missing collection money, despite the fact that he is Hindu and had no reason to follow them. He also once mentions that he does not share their faith in God.
- Lisa proclaims that the collection money will be found in the Lovejoy's home, despite the fact that she was not shown to have any proof of the money's location. She may have just strongly suspected it since she knew that was where the thief lived.
What should be empty space behind Lovejoy colored white
- When Reverend Lovejoy accuses Bart of transporting his bedroom into their house, the background space behind Lovejoy's left arm and leg repeatedly is colored white like his robe.
- Helen Lovejoy was shown here to be offended whenever she hears the word "Butt" or "But", but in other episodes, she had no trouble with the word "butt" (cf, on "Itchy & Scratchy & Marge", she said, "We want you to get your big Italian butt out of here!" when the censorship protest group S.N.U.H went after the people who were trying to bring in Michaelangelo's "David" to Springfield). Much like her husband, Helen Lovejoy is a religious hypocrite. She may be Christian and seen as the God-fearing wife of a preacher, but she gossips about other people (usually Marge), doesn't discipline her daughter, and has little to no tolerance for other faiths and beliefs. She even convinced Marge to divorce Homer on "Secrets of a Successful Marriage" and, later, sicced the Japanese mafia on Marge's pretzel business after learning that Homer asked the Springfield Legitimate Businessmen's Club [a.k.a. Fat Tony and his Italian mafia goons] to help Marge sell pretzels.