Simpsons Wiki


Cultural references


General Trivia

  • In Bart's fantasy about the snowy 4th of July, Benjamin Franklin's sled says Don't Sled on Me, a play on the famous serpent flag "Don't Tread on Me".
  • Despite passing the fourth grade, Bart, of course, remains in Mrs. Krabappel's class in all subsequent episodes, since virtually no time ever really passes on the show.
  • During the episode Bart writes "I will not fake my way through life" on the chalkboard.
  • The idea behind the grade on the refrigerator would reappear in Bart's Nightmare where a letter grade would appear and the mood of the Simpson family would differ, with a scene similar to the ultimate scene in "Bart Gets an F".
  • Milhouse' voice appears deeper.
  • When Homer askes Lisa what she wants, she says "An absence of moodswings." Since Lisa is only eight years, this should not affect her yet.

First Appearances

  • This is Mayor Quimby's first appearance.
  • This is the first episode with the show opening used between Season 2 to mid-twenty.

Template:Season 2 R
