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The Cartridge Family
Bart Star
The Two Mrs. Nahasapeemapetilons


  • Homer accuses Marge of being the reason Bart quit the team, as she quit all her jobs in past episodes: when she was a cop ("The Springfield Connection"), a pretzel vendor ("The Twisted World of Marge Simpson"), church counselor ("In Marge We Trust"), and professional gambler ("$pringfield (Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Legalized Gambling)"). Although that might be true, Marge left being a cop because of corruption, was targeted by the Investorettes, she did quit as counselor over guilt about giving Ned bad advice, and Homer himself forced Marge to stop gambling.
  • Syndication cuts the first part of the Kwik-E-Mart scene where Bart plays a video game called "Cat Fight" where teenage girls beat each other up ("I'll scratch you" "The hair!" "Slut!" "Loser!").
  • One of the kids on Bart's football team looks like Jaffee, except in this episode, if it really is him, he has black hair instead of red or orange.
  • Rod and Todd wear numbers 66 and 6 respectively, and are next to each other in the scene where Homer is about to announce Bart as the new starting quarterback. Standing together, their jerseys ironically form the number "666."
  • It is revealed that Sherri or Terri might have a crush on Bart.
  • when Homer takes over as coach, he is seen wearing (legendary Dallas Cowboys Coach)Tom Landry’s hat he bought in “You Only Move Twice”
You're cut - Daniel Andrews LXing removals
  • The You're cut scene was quoted/spoofed by Victorian premier Daniel Andrews on his Facebook page about his plan to remove the 50 worst level crossings on the Melbourne Metropolitan rail network. It should also be noted that the reason he refers to Burke Road being gone is due to the fact that work was completed on replacing the crossing with a overpass going over the rail line earlier in 2016.
  • Hank Hill from King of The Hill appears with his family when the Wildcats defeat the team from Arlen (the fictional Texas town where "King of the Hill" takes place), asking "We drove 2000 miles for this?" (If you include there and back this would be the approximate distance to Springfield Missouri as Arlen is 96 miles out of Dallas which is 416 miles from Springfield MO.) Additionally, in the back of the bleachers Hank's friends/neighbors Dale Gribble, Bill Dautrieve, and Jeff Boomhauer can be seen.
  • Jersey numbers on each of the team members:
  • Ned Flanders is shown getting angry at Homer for heckling him. Ned losing his temper at Homer might be a result of his therapy in Hurricane Neddy, in which he learned to let out his anger.
  • Homer's "Flanders..." jeer during the game is a reference to the "Darryl..." taunt during the 1986 World Series, and is the second instance the taunt was referenced (the first time in Homer at the Bat where Bart and Lisa utilized the taunt against Darryl Strawberry as revenge for him forcing Homer to be benched).
  • This is the first episode of The Simpsons to start using the 1997 20th Century Fox Television logo's music.
  • When Marge is trying to tell the clerk at the store that Bart needs a cup for his personal area, the guy has her spell out what she wants, where she almost says the last letter and realizes he only made her spell it so that he would laugh at what she was saying.

Black rims on the picture on the wall


  • At Milhouse's house, the picture on the wall of Milhouse and Luann Van Houten depicts them both with black rims for glasses instead of the usual red ones.
  • Brownhairlew

    Lewis with the wrong hair color

    In a faraway shot prior to the first game, Lewis's hair is a light blond-brown instead of its usual dark gray.
  • Apuhair

    Apu with black hair

    In the audience at the soccer field, Apu Nahasapeemapetilon has black hair.
  • Yellowsheorte

    Sherri or Terri with yellow skin

    Homer cuts Martin from the team, but in later scenes he is still there.
  • In Bart's flashback of his meeting with Joe Namath, he sees Namath's wife by the disabled, vapor-locked car. But Namath's wife was behind a wooden picket fence and out of Bart's line of sight. He probably imagined how she looked like.
  • In one scene, Sherri/Terri is shown with yellow skin.
  • Bluedress2

    Jerri with a blue dress

    Jerri Mackleberry wears a purple dress initially, but when she is cheering towards the end, her dress is blue.
  • Chief Wiggum knows Bart very well so taking Nelson Muntz's place should not have worked (although Chief Wiggum is pretty dumb and crooked so either could account for him taking Bart in place of Nelson).
  • During the scene where Lisa wants to join the team, Nina Skalka appears as the fourth girl on the team (besides Janey, Sherri and Terri) and player number 7 instead of Allison Taylor.
    • In the same scene, Nina appears with Allison's hair color.

Season 8 Season 9 References/Trivia Season 10
The City of New York vs. Homer SimpsonThe Principal and the PauperLisa's SaxTreehouse of Horror VIIIThe Cartridge FamilyBart StarThe Two Mrs. NahasapeemapetilonsLisa the SkepticRealty BitesMiracle on Evergreen TerraceAll Singing, All DancingBart CarnyThe Joy of SectDas BusThe Last Temptation of KrustDumbbell IndemnityLisa the SimpsonThis Little WiggySimpson TideThe Trouble with TrillionsGirly EditionTrash of the TitansKing of the HillLost Our LisaNatural Born Kissers