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Batman couch gag
Anime Character Family

The Batman couch gag is the fourth couch gag of Season 15.


The Simpson family arrives in the living room, where the couch has been replaced by a series of fireman's poles, one for each member, with their name above. They go down their poles and land on the couch in a superhero lair, all dressed as Batman-style superheroes, except for Bart, who is dressed as Robin.

Character Appearances[]


  • When this couch gag was reused in "Simple Simpson", an additional trumpet was heard when it showed the superhero layer.


⇐ Season 14 Season 15 couch gags Season 16 ⇒
Decaying Family couch gagPolaroid couch gagPlay-Doh couch gagBatman couch gagAnime Character Family couch gagKnives couch gagCake couch gagPie couch gagMicrowave couch gagPlanted Family couch gagDry-Cleaning Rack couch gagPowers of Ten couch gag
⇐ Season 14 Re-used couch gags Season 16 ⇒
Get Smart couch gagDecaying Family couch gagPolaroid couch gagPlay-Doh couch gagCake couch gagPowers of Ten couch gagKnives couch gagAnime Character Family couch gag