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Boat Painting couch gag
Slot Machine
The title of this article is conjectural. Though the topic is found within The Simpsons universe, a proper name is not available.

The Boat Painting couch gag is the first couch gag of Season 13.


The Simpsons are in the simplistically drawn sailboat painting located behind the couch. They jump out of the painting by going in the “water”. The living room is wet from the splash and Homer uses his finger to clean his ear out while clicking on the TV with the remote.

Character Appearances[]


  • This was the only couch gag in season 13 to be only used once and never return in another episode.


⇐ Season 12 Season 13 couch gags Season 14 ⇒
Boat Painting couch gagSlot Machine couch gagHedge couch gagCrane couch gagCharlie Chaplin couch gagRepo Men couch gagSqueaky-Voiced Teen couch gagBlue Man Group couch gagFlip Book couch gagPuppet Master couch gag
⇐ Season 12 Re-used couch gags Season 14 ⇒
Football couch gagSpotlight couch gagMatrix couch gagCircus Line couch gagHedge couch gagSlot Machine couch gagCrane couch gagRepo Men couch gagSqueaky-Voiced Teen couch gagCharlie Chaplin couch gagBlue Man Group couch gag