Bob's Burgers is an American animated sitcom created by Loren Bouchard for the Fox Broadcasting Company. The show consists of the Belcher family which includes Bob Belcher who is a father to his three kids, Tina, a teenager obsessed with boys, Gene, an overweight young boy who enjoys adventure, and Louise, a young girl who likes to play pranks and have fun, along with his wife Linda, who helps Bob run the family restaurant Bob's Burgers. Bob's Burgers is currently on its 14th season and airs Sunday nights at 9/8pm on Fox.
Bob's Burgers on The Simpsons[]
- Bob, Gene, Tina, Linda, and Louise appear at the end of "Homerland."
- Bob appears in "The Simpsons Guy."
- During "The Girl Code", when Lisa was testing Conrad, Bob is one of the test subjects.
- In the episode "Simpsorama", Hedonoismbot said "Top This Bob's Burgers".
- Bob's Burgers couch gag, where Homer ends up inside Bob's Burgers restaurant; the Belcher family makes an appearance. Their actors make a guest appearance.
- Bob's Burgers was listed among the other shows in "Krusty the Clown".
- Bob's Burgers is mentioned as a location in "The Girl on the Bus".
- Louise cameo'd in Lisa's timeline of cartoon women's history picture in the episode "Bart vs. Itchy & Scratchy".
- At the end of the third "Treehouse of Horror XXXIII" segment, the family goes to the Bob's Burgers Land with Linda as their waitress.
The Simpsons on Bob's Burgers[]
As Bob's Burgers is a cartoon grounded in realism, there is never a direct crossover or cameo appearance from characters in other cartoons.
- One of Tina's erotic fan fictions is titled "Sexy Simpsons".
- In "Family Fracas" Pam says the line "I sentence you to kiss my ass" like the judge said in Marge Simpson in: "Screaming Yellow Honkers".