Episodes of The Simpsons have been featured on DVD by 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment.
NOTE: Do not add this category beyond Season 20 episodes that aren't on DVD unless there's an extra. Adding it is considered misuse and would subject to be undone.
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All items (301)
- Bart After Dark
- Bart Gets an "F"
- Bart Gets Hit by a Car
- Bart Has Two Mommies
- The Bart of War
- Bart Sells His Soul
- Bart Star
- Bart the Fink
- Bart the General
- Bart the Genius
- Bart the Lover
- Bart the Murderer
- Bart to the Future
- Bart vs. Australia
- Bart vs. Lisa vs. the Third Grade
- Bart vs. Thanksgiving
- Bart's Dog Gets an F
- Bart's Friend Falls in Love
- Bart's Inner Child
- Barting Over
- Beyond Blunderdome
- Black Widower
- Blame it on Lisa
- Blood Feud
- The Bonfire of the Manatees
- The Boys of Bummer
- Brake My Wife, Please
- Brother from the Same Planet
- Brother, Can You Spare Two Dimes?
- Brush with Greatness
- The Burns and the Bees
- Burns Verkaufen der Kraftwerk (Burns to Sell the Power Plant)
- Half-Decent Proposal
- The Haw-Hawed Couple
- He Loves to Fly and He D'ohs
- The Heartbroke Kid
- Helter Shelter
- Holidays of Future Passed
- Home Away from Homer
- Home Sweet Homediddly-Dum-Doodily
- Homer Alone
- Homer and Lisa Exchange Cross Words
- Homer and Ned's Hail Mary Pass
- Homer at the Bat
- Homer Badman
- Homer Defined
- Homer Goes to College
- The Homer of Seville
- Homer Simpson, This is Your Wife
- Homer the Heretic
- Homer the Moe
- Homer the Smithers
- Homer the Vigilante
- The Homer They Fall
- Homer to the Max
- Homer vs. Dignity
- Homer vs. Lisa and the 8th Commandment
- Homer vs. Patty and Selma
- Homer's Barbershop Quartet
- Homer's Enemy
- Homer's Night Out
- Homer's Odyssey
- Homer's Paternity Coot
- Homer's Triple Bypass
- Homerazzi
- Homerpalooza
- Homie the Clown
- How I Spent My Strummer Vacation
- How the Test Was Won
- Husbands and Knives
- Large Marge
- Last Exit to Springfield
- The Last Temptation of Homer
- Lemon of Troy
- Life on the Fast Lane
- Like Father, Like Clown
- Lisa on Ice
- Lisa the Beauty Queen
- Lisa the Drama Queen
- Lisa the Greek
- Lisa the Iconoclast
- Lisa the Vegetarian
- Lisa's First Word
- Lisa's Pony
- Lisa's Rival
- Lisa's Substitute
- Little Girl in the Big Ten
- Lost Verizon
- The Mansion Family
- Marge and Homer Turn a Couple Play
- Marge Be Not Proud
- Marge Gamer
- Marge Gets a Job
- Marge in Chains
- Marge on the Lam
- Marge vs. Singles, Seniors, Childless Couples and Teens and Gays
- Marge vs. the Monorail
- Marge's Son Poisoning
- Mayored to the Mob
- Midnight Rx
- Midnight Towboy
- Milhouse Doesn't Live Here Anymore
- Milhouse of Sand and Fog
- Million-Dollar Abie
- Miracle on Evergreen Terrace
- Moaning Lisa
- Mobile Homer
- Moe Baby Blues
- Moe'N'a Lisa
- Mommie Beerest
- The Monkey Suit
- Mother Simpson
- Mr. Lisa Goes to Washington
- Mr. Plow
- Mr. Spritz Goes to Washington
- My Fair Laddy
- MyPods and Boomsticks