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Channel 4 2022

Current Channel 4 logo (2022-present)

Channel 4 is a British television broadcasting channel that broadcasts episodes of The Simpsons daily. Channel 4 is owned and operated by the Channel Four Television Corporation, a public body established in 1990, coming into operation in 1993. The Simpsons are usually broadcast at the 6pm time slot on weekdays, and earlier on weekends. Recently, however, they have started airing episodes at 5:30pm, as well as 6pm before Hollyoaks. The Simpsons were previously shown on BBC 1 and BBC 2 and then Saturday mornings for a very short time on CBBC.

Channel 4 also usually broadcasts a Simpsons ident before episodes of The Simpsons.

On November 5, 2004, five idents were shown on Channel 4, showing its first two airings of Season 12.

Since 2017, repeats of the previous week's airings on Channel 4 have been repeated on sister channel 4seven on Saturdays. However, as of 2021, airings of The Simpsons on 4seven are extremely infrequent, and repeats of the previous week's airings are usually done on Channel 4 instead.

When the outage that affected Channel 4 happened in September 2021 (caused by an incident at Red Bee Media's playout center), continuity announcements into The Simpsons became less and less common, an issue later fixed on 22 November 2021. In addition to this, older episodes in 4:3 were being broadcast in a 16:9 pillar boxed format rather than in native 4:3,[1] a problem later fixed on 19 November 2021 with the episode The Ziff Who Came to Dinner with Raised Pitch. However, the letterbox format still airs on 1+.

On 19 September 2022 (on the day of Queen Elizabeth II's funeral), Channel 4 aired a repeat of the episode Alone Again, Natura-Diddily on sister channel 4seven, which caused a bit of outrage among some people (though the outrage wasn't as big as when Channel 5 aired the reviled animated film The Emoji Movie).

As of 25 September 2023, Channel 4 have been showing episodes at 6:30pm on weekdays after Hollyoaks was moved to E4.

On 16 December 2024, it was announced that The Simpsons' weeknight slot was moving to E4 beginning with the terrestrial premiere of Season 32 in January. The weekend morning/lunchtime slot remains on Channel 4.


Episode Cuts[]

In accordance with BBFC rules, most episodes of The Simpsons have been edited on Channel 4 (as well as Sky Showcase and BBC) to remove any content considered not family-friendly, such as violence, foul language (some of which is considered offensive in the UK, but not in the show's native United States), crude sexual references, visual and verbal references to suicide, self-harm, drug abuse, and dangerous behavior; and racially insensitive content. Most of the cuts listed here are also edits done on Sky Showcase and BBC, while others (as seen with "Stark Raving Dad" getting banned and the Tourette Syndrome line on "Marge Gets a Job") are edits done in America that affect most (if not all) international airings. For a full list of scenes edited internationally, click here.

Also note that this is not a full and complete list of edits, as this show is still on the air and most past episodes have not been reported for having cuts.

Season 1[]

Bart the General[]

  • The scene of Grampa typing out his complaint letter was edited to remove the word "sex" from his line, "We [Old people] are not vibrant, fun-loving, sex maniacs" and "horny" from the list of words he doesn't want to hear on TV again, though "family jewels" (which is a slang term for male genitals) wasn't cut from either that scene or the scene of Homer advising Bart to kick Nelson in his family jewels if he has to fight him.

Season 2[]

Treehouse of Horror[]

  • The flashing lights during the opening were slowed down.
  • "Bad Dream House" was edited to remove (please note that all of these were edits done during watershed hours. Post-watershed, these scenes and lines are shown uncut):
    • The house saying, "You must kill them all. They all must die."
    • Lisa picking up the butcher knife after the house encourages her to get it from the kitchen (in contrast, Sky Showcase completely cut this scene).
    • Homer saying, "They all must die."
    • The house's disembodied voice saying, "Die, die, everybody die!",
    • The shots of the family laughing evilly while brandishing their weapons.
    • The house's morbid descriptions of the family's eyes and organs boiling and erupting from their bodies (though Marge yelling at the house to stop saying those horrible things and show some manners wasn't cut).
    • Homer saying that Marge's hands shaking from anger was better than her eyes bursting.
    • Homer saying, "Wow." and Bart Simpson saying, "Bitchin'!" as the house implodes.
  • The flashing lights before the title card of "Hungry are the Damned" were slowed down.

Itchy & Scratchy & Marge[]

  • In the cartoon, "Kitchen Kut-Ups", Itchy stabbing Scratchy in the stomach was cut.

The Way We Was[]

  • Jacqueline saying "Whores use rouge" while prepping Marge for the prom was cut.

Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?[]

  • McBain throwing Senator Mendoza out of a window was shortened.
  • During the flashback of Abe meeting the carny woman before he married Homer's mom, Abe's line about the carny woman, "She would do things your mother would never do, like have sex for money," was cut down to "She would do things your mother would never do".
  • The car ride home from the hospital was severely cut because of excessive use of the word "bastard", though unlike the BBC version, Channel 4 left in Lisa saying, "A long-lost half brother. How Dickensian!" and cut the rest of the scene instead of deleting the scene completely.
  • Homer's "Holy moly, the bastard's rich!" line was cut down to "Holy moly!"

Bart's Dog Gets an F[]

  • Marge showing Lisa her sewing callus by burning her finger with a lighter was cut.
  • Ms. Winthrop's "Bloody twits" was cut to remove "bloody".
  • Ms. Winthrop's "Pull the bloody chain" was cut to "Pull the chain"
  • Ms. Winthrop's "Oh, you son of a bitch!" during the dog graduation was cut (compare to the BBC airings, which only cuts out the word "bitch").

Brush with Greatness[]

  • Bart saying, "Bitchin'!" as he slides down the H2-Whoa! was cut in Channel 4 airings.
  • Marge's line, "He's just a little S.O.B!" as she's trying to keep Homer from eating whipped cream out of depression was cut in Channel 4 airings.

Three Men and a Comic Book[]

  • The flashing lights as Comic Book Guy laughs fiendishly were slowed down.

Season 3[]

Stark Raving Dad[]

  • Similar to the American reruns and newer home media releases (the new pressings for the season three DVD and the streaming version on Disney+), this episode is now banned due to the controversy behind the Leaving Neverland documentary.

Bart the Murderer[]

  • The end of the Itchy & Scratchy cartoon, "The Sound of Silencers" was cut to remove Itchy gunning down a gangster cat as he spells out "The End" in bullets.

Like Father, Like Clown[]

  • Krusty saying "Ooh, sex chat." was cut on all broadcasts, except for evening and post-watershed slots.

Treehouse of Horror II[]

  • The flashing lights in the opening and before each of the nightmares start were slowed down.
  • In "Bart's Nightmare" ("The Bart Zone"), all mention of America being called "Bonerland" (Mrs. Krabappel's line while she's going over the pop quiz answers, the quiz actually having "Bonerland" as an answer, and Dr. Marvin Monroe's office window saying he's from the Bonerland Medical Association) were cut/digitally removed.
  • The flashing lights as Burns and Smithers enter the laboratory in "Homer's Dream" ("If I Only Had a Brain") were slowed down.

Saturdays of Thunder[]

  • The waiter shooting McBain's partner, Scoey, in the movie was cut.
  • Following Bill Cosby being outed as a sexual predator, the scene of Homer using Bill Cosby's book to learn how to parent Bart was cut.
  • One of Nelson's cronies handing Nelson a knife was cut. Contrast with Sky Showcase, where they also cut the knife part, but went further and cut Nelson banging the cronies' heads together. Channel 4 didn't edit that part.

Bart the Lover[]

  • The "World Without Zinc" short film was cut to remove Billy using a gun to attempt suicide, only to learn that the gun doesn't work because the firing pin was made of zinc and there's no zinc in the world he's living in.
  • The strobe light effects during the yo-yo assembly were cut down.
  • Homer mentally going through any celebrities who became famous for yo-yo tricks (which include Donald Trump, Arnold Palmer, and Bill Cosby) was cut to remove the mention of Bill Cosby, following Cosby being outed as a sexual predator.
  • Homer almost yelling, "Damn it!" at church after accidentally putting a $20 bill in the collection plate was cut, though the rest of the swear jar montage (Homer almost swearing while bowling [a scene that used to be cut in American syndication for time and possible content reasons], Homer almost swearing when Flanders begins receiving checks for commercial acting, Homer almost swearing when Lisa points out that the doghouse has no door, and Homer almost swearing when a beehive falls on him) wasn't cut.

Dog of Death[]

  • Mr. Burns asking Smithers "If I came into your house and started sniffing at your crotch and slobbering all over your face, what would you say?" was changed to "If I came into your house and started slobbering all over your face, what would you say?" (though Smithers' reply, "Hmm, if you did it sir?" wasn't cut).
  • The scene with Mr. Burns subjecting Santa's Little Helper to brainwashing into being a vicious, soulless killer a la A Clockwork Orange was shortened to cut the close-up shot of Santa's Little Helper strapped to a chair getting eye drops put in his eyes, and the montage of horrible imagery was cut to remove a poodle getting hit in the nose with a newspaper and most of the scene with Lyndon Baines Johnson holding a dog by the ears while the dog struggles.

Black Widower[]

  • Homer saying, "If some snot-nosed little kid sent me to prison, the first thing out I'd find out where he lives and tear him a new bellybutton!" followed by an imitation of stabbing was cut to remove "...and tear him a new bellybutton!" and the stabbing action. However, this is uncut in evening and post-watershed airings.

The Otto Show[]

  • David St. Hubbins' line, "Well, this is a rock concert, not the bleedin'...splish-splash show." was edited to "Well, this a rock concert, not the...splish-splash show!" However, this is uncut in post-watershed airings.
  • In Bart's imagine spot as a drugged-out British rock star, both instances of Bart saying "Slag off!" (to his manager who wants him to go onstage and to Milhouse, who complains how much the excesses of rock and roll have changed him) was cut, except during post-watershed airings.

Brother, Can You Spare Two Dimes?[]

  • Smithers saying that Homer is "shooting blanks" was cut.
  • Mr. Burns asking Smithers if Homer was "the one with the lazy sperm" was cut.
    • It should be noted that the other scenes about sperm (Smithers showing Mr. Burns Homer's sperm compared to his and the end where Homer's lazy sperm are also enjoying the vibrating chair that Herb finally bought him) weren't cut.

Season 4[]

Kamp Krusty[]

  • Bart slapping Edna on the behind during the beginning dream was cut.
  • Milhouse being dunked in the toilet by Dolph, Jimbo, and Kearney during the summer break countdown was edited to remove Milhouse's head getting dunked in the toilet again.
  • The kids watching a cock fight in Mexico during the end photo montage was cut.

A Streetcar Named Marge[]

  • Bart saying, "He's such a bitch!" while watching the beauty pageant was cut.
  • This episode was at one point banned due to the offensive "New Orleans" song (after the network aired it when Hurricane Katrina's destruction of Louisiana made the news). The episode was shown again years after Hurricane Katrina was old news, but the song was edited. As of January 2023, the song has been reinstated, but Bart's "He's such a bitch!" line during the beginning where Homer and the kids watch the Miss USA pageant is still cut.

Homer the Heretic[]

  • Homer reading a Playdude magazine (skipping over the Lorne Michaels article and reading the "Unabashed Dictionary" segment) was cut.

Treehouse of Horror III[]

  • Lightning flashes during the opening were slowed down.
  • The camera flashes throughout "King Homer" were slowed down.

Marge Gets a Job[]

  • In contrast to the edited version now shown in America, the Channel 4 version keeps in Mrs. Krabappel's line, "Bart, to get out of this test, you have faked smallpox, the bends, and that unfortunate bout of Tourette's syndrome" (instead of replacing "Tourette's syndrome" with "rabies"), but Bart making noises and muttering, "Shove it, witch!" after he tells Krabappel that he's not quite over it was cut (similar to the old, American syndicated version).

New Kid on the Block[]

  • The scene from the game show Hunks cut the line "He was so sexy, I hoped we would have sex" down to "He was so sexy" and the male contestant saying he "did the deed" with Uta, Candy, and Shasta was completely cut.
  • Homer asking Ruth if they were talking about sex after Ruth says she has "all the normal appetites" despite being a divorcee was cut.
  • Moe saying, "You little S.O.B.!" during Bart's "Amanda Hugginkiss" prank call was cut.
  • Moe telling Jimbo, "Geez, I wasn't going to kill ya. I was just going to cut ya" after seeing Jimbo cry on the living room floor as he pleads for his life was cut.
  • Bart's line, "As usual, a knife-wielding maniac has shown us the way" after Laura tells Bart that he was right about Jimbo not being a "bad boy" was cut down to "As usual."

Mr. Plow[]

  • The insurance agent asking Homer what kind of establishment "Moe's" is, and Homer lying and saying it's a pornography store instead of a bar was cut. It used to air uncut, until it was shown during pre-watershed hours on Christmas Day and has been edited ever since.
  • Homer's imagine spot where, on order from George Bush, Sr., Homer plows through the protesters outside of the White House was cut.

Marge vs. the Monorail[]

  • Mayor Quimby saying that he'll amuse himself with some pornographic playing cards rather than listen to Marge's proposal on what to do with the $3 million surplus was edited to cut the word "pornographic".

I Love Lisa[]

  • Three parts of the flashback of how Chief Wiggum got the tickets to Krusty's 29th anniversary show were cut:
    • The exterior of the porno theatre;
    • Wiggum's line, "Nothing beats a good porno movie." as he sits behind Krusty;
    • Wiggum's line, "Really? I keep my pants on in this version" after Lisa says that the story of how he got tickets to Krusty's 29th anniversary show wasn't suitable for children.

Last Exit to Springfield[]

  • McBain gunning down everyone at Senator Mendoza's unveiling of his synthetic drug "swank" was cut for excessive, bloody violence and to tone down the flashing lights that could cause seizures in epileptic viewers.
  • Mr. Burns' father calling the Japanese "Those sandal wearing goldfish tenders" during Mr. Burns' flashback of what factory work was like when he was a kid was cut.

Krusty Gets Kancelled[]

  • The beginning with Springfield Squares was cut to remove the Coast Guard boat warning of an impending tidal wave and Charlie Weaver getting drowned by it after refusing to take to Barry White's square (which is higher up) for shelter.
  • The flashing lights during the Gabbo trailer were slowed down.
  • The Gabbo crank call on Krusty was missing the line, "Is this the call-back about that porno film? Look, I know I was nervous, but, let me assure you, I'm all man...", though not Krusty saying, "Me rikey veddy much!" and apologizing for offending the alleged Japanese man on the other line.
  • Gabbo saying, "I wouldn't want to offend the little S.O.B.'s.", and later saying that the children of Springfield are all "S.O.B.'s" and then Kent accidentally saying it was cut, with the edit making it look like Kent got fired for criticizing Gabbo.

Season 5[]

Homer's Barbershop Quartet[]

  • Homer saying, "Far out, man. I haven't seen a bong in years." after Bart shows Homer the "pencil holder" he bought at the swap meet was shortened so that he just says, "Far out, man.".
  • Nigel saying that a lot of women would want to have sex with the Be Sharps and he wants them to think they can was cut, but is uncut in evening airings.

Cape Feare[]

  • The flashing lights in the transition from Bart's bedroom to Bob's prison cell are slowed down.

Homer Goes to College[]

  • Homer saying ''Those bastards.'' during Bart's outline of the mascot kidnapping plot was cut.


  • The Ramones' performance at Mr. Burns' birthday party was cut to remove Johnny saying, "Hey, up yours, Springfield!" and CJ ending the song with ''Go to hell, you old bastard!'' was edited down to "Go to hell". Contrast with Canada's Global Channel, which cut out all the profane language and made it look like Mr. Burns was scared of the Ramones' punk music.

Treehouse of Horror IV[]

  • The lightning flashes during the opening, the title card of "The Devil and Homer Simpson", Devil Flanders turning Homer‘s head into a donut, during Bart's deathly bus nightmare, in the scene where Bart first sees the gremlin, the scene where Bart was taken by Skinner and throughout "Bart Simpson's Dracula" were slowed down due to strobe effects.
  • Homer saying ''Bastard! He's always one step ahead!'' in "The Devil and Homer Simpson" was replaced with Homer screaming.
  • In addition to slowing down the flashing light effects, "Bart Simpson's 'Dracula'" was also edited to remove:
    • Count Burns saying "Oh, son of a --" after realizing he's still on speaker.
    • Homer's line, "Oh, I guess killing will be fun enough." after Lisa orders Homer not to touch the Super Happy Fun Slide lever.
    • Homer driving a stake into Count Burns's crotch multiple times and emphasis on Count Burns' suffering as he dies.

It should be noted that, with the exception of the strobe light effects, the edits only apply when the episode airs during watershed hours. Post-watershed airings reinstate the cut and altered scenes.

Marge on the Lam[]

  • Chief Wiggum telling Homer to get an inflatable woman, adding that he should "...make sure it's a woman, because, one time I--" before trailing off and offering Homer a ride home was cut.

Bart's Inner Child[]

  • Kent Brockman's line, "And this reporter thinks it's about f[bleep]ing time..." was shortened to cut "f[bleep]ing", but it is uncut in evening airings.

The Last Temptation of Homer[]

  • A man saying ''Thanks for poisoning the planet, bastards!'' when he passes by Homer and Mindy's booth at the energy convention was changed to "Thanks for poisoning the planet!". However, this is uncut in post-watershed airings.

$pringfield (Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Legalized Gambling)[]

  • Kent's report about how Fort Springfield's closure devastated the liquor and prostitution industries (including a shot of two women in sleazy dresses standing by the side of the road hitchhiking) was cut.
  • Raymond Babbitt going into an autistic screaming fit at the blackjack table and Homer copying him was cut.
  • Krusty talking and singing about herpes during his "Adults Only" stand-up was cut.

Homer the Vigilante[]

  • Abe's line, "I'm filled with piss and vinegar. At first, I was just filled with vinegar." was cut, but is uncut in evening airings.

Bart Gets Famous[]

  • Following the 2004 tsunami, Channel 4 cut the two scenes involving a tidal wave in Kuala Lumpur (the first one where Ken Brockman tries to pronounce "Kuala Lumpur", but changes it to France and the second scene where Kent Brockman refuses to read the news because someone took his cheese danish, and The Bumblebee Man comes in, reads the tidal wave report in a serious, accentless English voice, then screams "Ay, carumba!" in his native Mexican Spanish accent, and passes out) but was later added back in.

Homer and Apu[]

  • Apu walking into the Simpsons’s house was edited to remove the lightning flashes (due to concerns over causing seizures in epileptic viewers), though they kept in Homer screaming over Apu allegedly trying to strangle him, only for Apu to explain that extending his arms is a gesture of apology in his native village, then realizing that it's a threatening gesture and many have needlessly died.
  • James Woods cursing as he's talking to his agent about the role change and cleaning the microwave oven ("Lousy, frickin', no-good mother[bleep], [bleep], [bleep], [bleep], [bleep], [bleep] cheese!") was cut.
  • Apu saving James Woods from getting shot during a robbery was edited to remove the criminal firing the gun (though Apu diving to block the bullet was left in) and Apu's line, "Oh! The searing kiss of hot lead, how I've missed you. I mean, I think I'm dying." was changed to "I think I'm dying."

Lisa vs. Malibu Stacy[]

  • Jasper reading the instructions on the bottle of heart pills Abe swiped from Andy Griffith as the ambulance with Griffith in it passes by them was cut.
  • Smithers printing out information about Stacy LaVelle's last known whereabouts was cut to remove Smithers' start-up screen of a naked Mr. Burns saying, "Hello, Smithers. You're quite good at turning me on," and Smithers sheepishly telling Lisa to ignore that (this scene has since been reinstated, while the heart pill scene is still cut).

Homer Loves Flanders[]

  • After Homer proudly declares that Ned Flanders is his friend as he drives by Lenny and Carl, the part where Lenny asks, "What did he say?" and Carl says, "I dunno. Something about being gay" was cut. The scene was later reinstated after audiences complained about the joke being removed.
  • Homer saying, "Later sex." to Marge as he heads to Flanders' house was cut.
  • Ned's nightmare of climbing a bell tower, assembling an assault rifle, and opening fire on innocent victims (until a mailman returns fire with his own gun) was cut down to Ned climbing the bell tower and assembling the gun before waking up in horror and telling his wife he hates Homer Simpson.

Burns' Heir[]

  • The flashback of Mr. Burns sabotaging a Greenpeace boat was cut to remove Mr. Burns throwing a bong away and saying that all this time, he's been smoking harmless tobacco.
  • Lisa's line, "Yeah, me too. That midget taught me a lot about his native Estonia" (during the end when Homer explained to Bart that the Simpson family that said they didn't miss Bart were just actors playing them) was cut.

The Boy Who Knew Too Much[]

Lady Bouvier's Lover[]

  • Smithers saying, "I don't know, sir, you had sex with that old woman?" was shortened to, "I don't know, sir."
  • Mr. Burns saying "Get to the bloody point!" during his wedding to Marge's mom was edited to remove "bloody".

Season 6[]

Treehouse of Horror V[]

  • Willie getting killed with an axe in the back in "The Shinning" was cut. His next axe death in "Time and Punishment" had the shot of the axe in his back and the blood surrounding it cropped out. His third axe death in "Nightmare Cafeteria" wasn't cut. Contrast with Sky Showcase, which completely cut all three times Groundskeeper Willie is axed in the back.
  • A crazed, blood-soaked Lunchlady Doris cornering Bart, Lisa, and Millhouse with an eggbeater on "Nightmare Cafeteria" was shortened to be less horrifying.

Homer Badman[]

In contrast to Sky Showcase rarely airing the episode due to its heavy themes of sexual harassment, regular harassment (with the media going after Homer for allegedly molesting Ashley Grant), and depicting illegal voyeurism in a favorable light (Groundskeeper Willie videotaping couples in cars and one of the videos being proof that Homer didn't grab Ashley's butt as she left the car), Channel 4 did air this, but cut the following scenes (none of which were the ones Sky Showcase cut on the rare times that network aired this episode):

  • The part where Homer slips as he gets out of the shower and the news helicopter gets a picture of an unconscious Homer with the shower curtain draped over him: the news anchor's line, "Simpson Scandal update: Homer sleeps nude in an oxygen tank, which he believes gives him sexual powers" was strangely cut to remove "sexual".
  • Rock Bottom's story before Homer's interview (the one about a sex farm for sex hookers, with the farmer claiming that he just grows sorghum, until he lets it slip that the hookers are in the back of the barn) cut off after the farmer's line, "I keep tellin' ya. I just grow sorghum here."
  • The Rock Bottom presenter's line "...until the night a grossly overweight pervert named Homer Simpson gave her [Ashley Grant] a crash course in depravity" was changed to "...until the night a grossly overweight Homer Simpson gave her a crash course in depravity".
  • In "Homer S: Portrait of an Ass-Grabber", Dennis Franz Homer running down the cat was left in on Channel 4, but Dennis Franz Homer threatening to grab Ashley's butt was cut, while Ashley saying, "No, Mr. Simpson, that's sexual harassment!" was changed to "No, Mr. Simpson, that's harassment" (though the rest of the line of Ashley threatening to scream so loud, the whole country will hear her and Dennis Franz Homer scoffing at the idea because the President of the United States is a man wasn't cut on either channel).
  • Groundskeeper Willie's line about not coming forward with evidence that Homer is innocent because his hobby of secretly videotaping people makes him out to be a pervert in American society was cut.
  • Similar to Sky Showcase, the video footage of Mayor Quimby making out with a woman in his limo before going to the footage of Homer picking the gummi Venus off Ashley's pants as proof that Homer didn't touch her inappropriately was cut.
  • The Rock Bottom presenter referring to Groundskeeper Willie as "...a foreigner who takes perverted videos of you when you least suspect it." was changed to "...a foreigner who takes videos of you when you least suspect it," though his nickname "Rowdy Roddy Peeper" wasn't cut.

Grampa vs. Sexual Inadequacy[]

  • Troy McClure's line, "There's more than one way to get high, baby" after his partner wonders where their marijuana stash is if they have the sack full of diamonds in the film "Goodtime Slim, Uncle Doobie, and the Great Frisco Freak-Out" was cut.
  • Homer's line "But I promise you, the second all those things go away, we'll have sex." was edited so that "we'll have sex." was cut.
  • Abe saying "Unsatisfying sex life." was changed to "Unsatisfying love life".
  • Homer telling Abe to not to say the word "sex" and Abe repeatedly saying it was cut.

A Star is Burns[]

  • The scene in "McBain: Let's Get Silly" of McBain doing his Woody Allen impression (which is him saying in his actual voice, "I'm a neurotic nerd who likes to sleep with little girls") and throwing a grenade at the audience after a random audience member heckles him was cut, though not McBain opening fire on the audience after getting heckled for his unfunny toilet seat joke ("Do you ever notice how men leave the toilet seat up? That's the joke.")

Season 7[]

Treehouse of Horror VI[]

  • The couch gag with the family hanging from nooses was cut. It was also cut when it was reused as part of the couch gag on the episode "At Long Last Leave" where all the couch gags from the past 499 episodes are shown.

Mother Simpson[]

  • The part where Grampa yells at Mona for abandoning him and Homer in her youth was cut to remove Grampa's pathetic plea to have sex with Mona and Mona rejecting him.

Sideshow Bob's Last Gleaming[]

  • The 20th Century Fox Television logo appearing before the end credits (as part of the call-back to the TV scene Bob was watching) was cut.

The Simpsons 138th Episode Spectacular[]

  • The deleted scene from "Krusty Gets Kancelled", with Krusty promoting his book featuring him "in a variety of sexually explicit positions" and getting arrested by the FBI for selling pornography to minors was cut.

Bart the Fink[]

  • Krusty's pornography being sold at auction (and Jasper buying it by mistake) was cut.
  • Krusty's line, "Tell me where you are now, you bastard!" after throwing his ham radio into the ocean was cut. It was shown uncut in 2014, though that was a broadcasting mistake.

The Day the Violence Died[]

  • Chester Lampwick's short film showing that he created Itchy was cut to remove Itchy "running afoul of an Irishman" and putting him through an old laundry mangle, and Itchy decapitating Teddy Roosevelt.


  • The tech guy saying, "He's gonna be pissed off." and Peter Frampton replying, "You're damn right I'm gonna be pissed off. I bought that pig at Pink Floyd's yard sale!" was cut. Sky Showcase cut the same part, but left in Peter Frampton's line about buying the pig balloon at Pink Floyd's yard sale.
  • The exterior shot of the "Suicide Notes" music store was cut.
  • The Hullabalooza organizer saying that somebody ordered the London Symphony Orchestra "possibly while high" (and suspects that the members of Cypress Hill did it) was cut.

Season 8[]

The Homer They Fall[]

  • Homer getting beaten up by Dolph's, Jimbo's, and Kearney's fathers was shortened, and Moe's line, "If you're gonna beat up my friend in my bar, there's a two drink minimum" as he's threatening the trio with a rifle in the same scene was cut.
  • Barney drinking a canister of varnish after commenting that boxing causes brain damage was cut.
  • Homer asking Moe why there's barbed wire on his boxing glove and Moe saying that it was a technique that's not used anymore was cut.
  • The promo for Homer and Drederick Tatum's fight was edited to remove Drederick Tatum's fist shattering Homer's head.
  • Abe saying Homer's "gonna die on his feet" during his fight with Tatum was cut.

Burns, Baby Burns[]

  • The computer simulation of Homer bursting through the theater doors and getting gunned down (which Marge and the kids initially think is real) was cut.

A Milhouse Divided[]

  • Luanne dousing Kirk's shirts with lighter fluid and burning them, as well as her line, "Forget it. She's gone. Presto change-o, KABOOM! Sweet Fanny Adams, bye-bye!" was cut, due to dangerous behavior involving fire and lighter fluid (which almost always gets edited from TV shows and movies in the junior categories of U, PG, and 12/12A), and use of the word "fanny" (which is a vulgar slang term for women's genitals in UK slang, while in U.S. slang, a "fanny" is a mildly rude word for someone's rear end and is usually used in the term "fanny pack" [what the UK would call a "bum pack"]). Despite this, the callback to it, where Kirk asks Luanne for his shirts back after failing to win her back by singing, "Can I Borrow a Feeling?" wasn't cut.

The Twisted World of Marge Simpson[]

  • Maude referring to the Yakuza as "The Poisoned Fists of the Pacific Rim" was cut.
  • Agnes' line about the Yakuza killing their victims five times before they hit the ground was cut.
  • The Yakuza vs. Italian Mafia fight was shortened to remove scenes of garroting, flying kicks to the face, and use of ninja weapons (nunchaku [nunchucks] and shiruken [Japanese throwing stars]).

Simpsoncalifragilisticexpiala(Annoyed Grunt)cious[]

  • The Itchy & Scratchy cartoon with Quentin Tarantino was shortened to remove Tarantino getting decapitated and Itchy and Scratchy dancing to "Miserlou".

The Itchy & Scratchy & Poochie Show[]

  • June saying "Cheap bastards." after telling Homer that her "Meep" that was used for The Road Runner was doubled on the track, but she didn't get paid twice for its use was cut.

Homer vs. the Eighteenth Amendment[]

  • Chief Wiggum's line "Ladies, please. All our Founding Fathers, astronauts, and World Series heroes have been either drunk or on cocaine" was cut to remove "...or on cocaine."
  • Fat Tony's line "Okay, you win. We'll stick to smuggling heroin" was cut. Barney's reply was cut for continuity reasons.

The Canine Mutiny[]

  • The bag of weed falling out of the blind man's pocket after Laddie sniffs at his pants was cut (though not the blind man saying he needs his marijuana for medicinal reasons or the ending that heavily implies that the Springfield Police are getting high with the blind man).

Season 9[]

The City of New York vs. Homer Simpson[]

  • Marge's line, "Oh Homer. Of course you'll have a bad impression of New York if you only focus on the pimps and the CHUDS" is shortened to "Oh, Homer. Of course you'll have a bad impression of New York" (though the flashback of Homer walking by two porno theaters and getting robbed, having his hot dog taken from him by a pigeon, having garbage dumped on him by a young Woody Allen, and running afoul of a pimp who chases Homer into an open manhole wasn't cut).
  • The three guys arguing between Towers One and Two of The World Trade Center was cut.
  • Homer's big sigh of relief after finally reaching the bathroom at the second tower of The World Trade Center was cut.

The Principal and the Pauper[]

  • Skinner/Tamzarian saying, "Up yours, children!" as he drives off on his motorcycle was cut.
  • The scene of Principal Skinner/Armin Tamzarian hawking a strip club on the street (and failing due to his wooden delivery) was cut.

Treehouse of Horror VIII[]

  • The beginning with Fox Censor the FOX Censor editing the episode's script was cut to remove the following:
    • Fox Censor muttering, "I think we can do without the crack pipe" as he's censoring pages was cut.
    • Fox Censor telling viewers that there will be no "raunchy NBC-style sex" was cut to remove the word "raunchy", though there were no cuts to the line after that about the episode not having any "senseless CBS-style violence".
    • Fox Censor yelling, "What the fudge?!" as he's being stabbed by the TV rating was cut down to "What the --", though the excessive stabbing itself (and the content rating going up with every stab) wasn't edited.

The Cartridge Family[]

  • The POV shot of Homer pointing his new gun in Marge's face was cut.
  • Bart pointing the gun at Millhouse's mouth while "playing" William Tell was cut.
  • A hooker at the Sleep-Eazy Motel asking Bart if he was "looking for a good time", Bart answering yes, and Marge taking him away and explaining to the hooker that he wasn't serious when he said that was cut.
  • Marge deciding to keep Homer's gun after realizing it makes her look cool in the trash can reflection was edited to make it look like Marge threw the gun away off-screen, leaving no explanation for Marge's femme fatale walk out of the motel.

Bart Star[]

  • Bart playing the video game Cat Fight was edited to remove the words "slut" and "skank", but left in the scratching ("I'll scratch you!") and hair-pulling ("The hair! The hair!"). Contrast with Sky Showcase's version, where the hair-pulling and use of the word "slut" were cut.

The Two Mrs. Nahasapeemapetilons[]

  • A worker putting up a sign reading, "Today: Bachelor Auction; Tomorrow: I Retire, Ya Bastards!" and falling off the ladder was digitally edited to remove "Ya Bastards!"
  • The scene of Bart and Lisa asking if the bindi on Apu's mother's head changes colors like a mood ring or if it's a third eye that can see into the future was cut.
  • Homer dressing up as Ganesh and crashing Apu's wedding, only to be chased by a big, burly Indian man, was cut.

The Joy of Sect[]

  • Apu complimenting the airport snack counter clerk with "Look at the outrageous mark-up. You magnificent bastard, I salute you." was edited to "Look at the outrageous mark-up. I salute you!"
  • The scene of Bart about to use "The L'il Bastard General Mischief Kit" on the Movementarians and being brought back in by a Movementarian member using "The L'il Bastard Brainwashing Kit" was cut.

Simpson Tide[]

  • The Rocky and Bullwinkle couch gag was edited to remove the flashing light effects when The Simpsons run to the couch and the ground gives way, causing all of them to fall. This edit was also done when the episode aired on Sky Showcase and BBC.
  • Abe's line "My Homer is not a Communist. He may be a liar, a pig, an idiot, a Communist, but he is NOT a porn star!" was cut to remove "...but he is NOT a porn star!". This edited was not done when Sky Showcase and BBC aired this episode.

Trash of the Titans[]

  • Raphael telling Homer (after he declares he's running for sanitation commissioner) that the line he's in is for people who have to register as sex offenders (followed by a pan to Moe, who comes in and complains about the long line) was cut to remove the line "...but this is where you have to register as a sex offender".
  • Adam muttering "Wankers." followed by him whistling nonchalantly when the other members of U2 look back at him was cut.
  • Ray Patterson telling the audience that Homer spread a rumor about him luring children into his gingerbread house was cut.
  • The scene during "The Garbage Man" song where Krusty is throwing out his used-up porno and the garbage men pick it up was cut.
  • Everyone in the family thinking that Homer got the money by dealing drugs was cut, though Lisa saying "I wish it were drugs" after seeing the garbage being shoved underground wasn't cut.
  • Ray Patterson's ending line "You're screwed. Good-bye." was cut, though Mayor Quimby's line, "We are far from screwed!" wasn't cut.
  • The post-credits scene where Mr. Burns is on the same plane as U2 and Mr. Burns says, "Ow! Wankers" after getting hit with a spoon had the line edited down to "Ow!" followed by the "In Memoriam" screen for Linda McCartney.

Natural Born Kissers[]

  • Marge and Homer struggling to have sex under their blanket was cut.
  • The scene at the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant is severely shortened: Homer's line, "Nah it'll just be awkward what with the sex and all." is shortened to "Nah, it'll just be awkward"; Carl's line, "I always thought that Marge would be a dynamo in the sack, you know." is shortened to "I always thought that Marge would be a dynamo."; and Marge's line "Oh, knock it off you perverts." is shortened to "Oh, knock it off."
  • Marge's line "You know, the fear of getting caught is kind of a turn-on." and Homer's reply, "There's that dirty girl I married.'' were cut.
  • The sequence of the people at the mini-golf course are trying to figure out what's inside the windmill and how to get it out shortened Moe's line "Who cares what it is. Let's monoxide it!" to "Who cares what it is" and cut the part showing Moe holding a long hose attached to the exhaust pipe of a beat-up car and sliding it into the windmill to suffocate Homer and Marge. The edited version goes from Moe's line "Who cares what it is." to Homer knocking the windmill over and he and Marge escaping.

Season 10[]

The Wizard of Evergreen Terrace[]

  • Marge's line "Homer, you've got it set on whore!" after getting shot in the face with the make-up gun was cut, though Homer actually shooting Marge in the face with the make-up gun wasn't cut, or Lisa telling Homer that women don't want to be shot in the face and Homer's reply, "Women will like what I tell them to like."

Treehouse of Horror IX[]

  • On "Hell Toupee":
    • Moe's line, "Hey, Apu, you got a breakfast cereal for people with syphilis?" was edited to remove "...for people with syphilis?" though not Moe actually eating the cereal ("Penicilli-Os") in a later scene.
    • Snake getting electrocuted during the televised execution was shortened to remove Snake writhing in pain and muttering, "Dude!" as his last words when the electrocution is over.
  • On "Starship Poopers":
    • Kang showing Marge the different places humans have sex -- the back seat of a Camaro, an airplane bathroom, a best friend's wedding, and the alley behind a porno theater -- was cut so that way the last location was just described as an alley behind a theater (though the doorway with the "XXX"s above it wasn't censored).
    • Jerry Springer screaming, "Son of a (bleep)!" as Maggie attacks him was cut, though the bleeped out language when Homer first beats up Kang and Marge's "I'm so [bleep] embarrassed" as Kang, Homer, and Maggie are attacking Jerry Springer wasn't altered.

D'oh-in' in the Wind[]

  • Homer's line, "Come on, Maude. The human wang is a beautiful thing." was cut, though not Homer actually sitting on the couch naked outside and Maude screaming and saying her eyes have been soiled by the sight of his nudity.
  • Willie scraping his face with a rake while high on the peyote juice was cut.
  • Wiggum's line, "It's nothing but carrots and peyote!" after tasting the juice, Eddie replying, "Damn long-hairs never learn, hey, chief?" and Wiggum declaring that it's time for a "good, old-fashioned hippie ass-whomping!" was cut.

Homer Simpson in: "Kidney Trouble"[]

  • All references to the Western town being run by prostitutes were cut, including the line containing words like "whorehouse", "cathouse" and "brothel", though the actual words written on the guides weren't cut, and the gunfight scene was only edited to remove the prostitution references rather than the excessive violence.

Viva Ned Flanders[]

  • Ned trying to hang himself after realizing he drunkenly married Ginger the barmaid was cut.
  • Similar to the American version, Homer's line about Barney's birthday being on the same day as Adolf Hitler's (April 20th) is changed to Barney's birthday being on the same day as the first dog to play Lassie (July 15th).

Homer to the Max[]

  • Homer saying, "And it doesn't stop in the bedroom, oh no. I'm taking charge!" was cut, though Homer's line about how sex with "Max Power" means "You strap yourself in and feel the Gs" (and Homer's accompanying pelvic thrusting) wasn't cut.
  • Bill Clinton telling Marge that he's "done it" with pigs (though whether Clinton meant the actual animal or the slang term for a fat and/or ugly woman isn't made clear) was cut.

I'm with Cupid[]

  • Apu's line, "But this is the peak hour for stoned teenagers buying shiny things" was changed to "But this is the peak hour for teenagers buying shiny things," though Jimbo marveling at his reflection in the aluminum foil (implying that he is stoned) wasn't cut.
  • Sideshow Mel's line, "My Barbara will no longer pleasure me with the French arts!" during the scene of the men grousing over Apu lavishing his wife with gifts was cut.
  • Apu's line to Elton John, "Well, well, the bitch is back!" was cut, but is uncut in evening airings.

Marge Simpson in: "Screaming Yellow Honkers"[]

  • Homer saying, "Screw you guys!" as Lenny and Carl make fun of Homer for driving the F-Series Canyonero was cut during watershed hours (post-watershed has the line uncut).

Make Room for Lisa[]

  • Homer saying, "Screw that touchy-queery crap!" was cut in Channel 4 airings, but only during watershed hours.
  • Repo Man #2 saying, "Ah, screw it! I have health insurance." as he's carrying Homer's sensory deprivation tank out was cut during watershed hours down to, "Ah, I have health insurance."

Simpsons Bible Stories[]

  • Adam (Homer) telling Eve (Marge), "I love you more than the butterscotch pond or the porno bush" was edited to "I love you more than the butterscotch pond."
  • Milhouse saying "Screw this! I'm converting!" in the Moses spoof was cut down to "I'm converting!"

Mom and Pop Art[]

  • Cecil's line, "If we hurry, we can still catch the heroin craze." was cut,

The Old Man and the "C" Student[]

  • Selma's line, "Mmm, that glue really gives it a pop." after smoking the cigarettes they used for Ciggy the mascot was cut.

Monty Can't Buy Me Love[]

  • Jerry Rude's line, "Thank you, Knick-Knack and Paddy-Whack, the Siamese midgets. We'll be sure to catch your new series on FOX." was edited down to "Thank you, Knick-Knack and Paddy-Whack. We'll be sure to catch your new series on FOX."
  • Jerry Rude asking Mr. Burns how long his wiener is was cut.
  • Jerry Rude coughing the word "queer" twice after Mr. Burns' innuendo-laden picnic story was cut.
  • The scene where everyone takes flash photographs of the Loch Ness monster was edited to slow down or darken the flashing lights.

They Saved Lisa's Brain[]

  • Homer saying, "Are you sure you're a fully accredited and bonded pornographer?" was edited to "Are you sure you're fully accredited and bonded?"
  • Marge's comment about the background in Homer's boudoir pictures looking like the set of a high-class porno film, and Homer telling her it's actually the basement of their house, was cut.

Thirty Minutes Over Tokyo[]

  • Lisa trying to tell Homer that the Internet is more than just a global pornography ring cuts her line off after "global".
  • Groundskeeper Willie going on an upskirt (or "upkilt") website and thinking the upkilt shot of himself is a woman (until he recognizes it as him) was cut.

Season 11[]

Beyond Blunderdome[]

  • The scene in the Mr. Smith Goes to Washington film where Mel Gibson grabs the decapitated head of the President was cut.

Brother's Little Helper[]

  • Bart laughing at Skinner saying "retardant" was cut, though not Bart laughing at "hose lengthener" or "king-size flamer".
  • The scene in Showgirls where Nomi yells, "Screw you! Screw everybody!" (after Marty [the red-haired man] tells her that she's throwing away her talent by becoming a showgirl) and the stage manager tells the girls to take their tops off was cut.

Guess Who's Coming to Criticize Dinner?[]

  • Homer suggesting that Lisa finish the newspaper article with "Screw Flanders" was cut (though not the Lifeways editor saying that repeatedly typing "Screw Flanders" was one of the many mistakes Homer made while writing his first food review).

Treehouse of Horror X[]

  • The lightning flashes as the Simpsons see "I Know What You Diddly-Iddly-Id" all over the walls were slowed down.
  • Homer saying, "Well, those ivory-tower eggheads have screwed us again" on "Life's A Glitch, Then You Die" was cut.


  • Homer saying, "Screw it." was cut.

Hello Gutter, Hello Fadder[]

  • Mrs. Krabappel mentioning crack and angel dust as popular drugs for bowlers during her introduction to Homer bowling a perfect game was cut, though the reference to steroids and narcotics being popular drugs for bowlers wasn't cut.
  • Homer attempting suicide by jumping off the Springfield Building, only to be saved by Otto bungee jumping, was cut, going from Homer sadly singing "This Is The End" after watching the news report about how Homer being famous for bowling a perfect game is starting to get old to Ron Howard pulling up in his convertible with his kids in the back seat (which inspires Homer to be known for being a good father).

Eight Misbehavin'[]

  • Apu calling Manjula "my little curry face" and "chutney butt" was cut.

Take My Wife, Sleaze[]

  • The shot of Marge on the cover of a biker magazine was cropped to remove Marge being called "This Month's Cycle Slut!"
  • Marge telling the bikers to not to call your employer a "skank" when she's teaching them how to be presentable when being interviewed for a job was cut.

Grift of the Magi[]

  • Bart's line to Lisa, "No, but if you're going to throw a spaz, I'll come with" is cut down to "No, but I'll come with."
  • Funzo strangling a Krusty doll and dancing with the decapitated heads of the Krusty and Malibu Stacy dolls were cut.
  • The scene during the epilogue showing Moe's head in his gas oven with the words "No Funeral" on his back (with Moe taking his head out of the oven and using it to cook Christmas goose for The Simpsons after having a near-death experience where he sees what life would be like if he were never born) was cut.

Faith Off[]

  • Benjamin talking about the program he invented that downloads porn off the internet one million times faster (with Marge being disgusted over it and Homer drooling over it) was cut.
  • The cameramen trying to look at people having sex in the library (only for the footage to be scrambled) was cut.
  • The half-time show was cut to remove:
    • the parade float showing Sir Oinks-A-Lot getting hanged while two people sing "I've Had The Half-Time of My Life".
    • Homer's parade float celebrating fraternity hazing (with a frat brother choking an underwear-clad pledge with a dog leash and spanking him with a paddle).

The Mansion Family[]

  • Cornelius Chapman guiding people to jump out of windows, and Moe realizing that throwing oneself out the window is a great way to commit suicide, was cut.
  • Cornelius taking a bullet for Huey Long was replaced with Kent Brockman making a speech at the Springfield Pride Awards, though the sound can still be heard.
  • Marge mispronouncing Bill Cosby's name as "Bill Crosby" during her lecture to Bart about cigars only being for famous comedians was cut, following Bill Cosby being outed as a sexual predator.
  • Lenny attempting to use rubbing alcohol as a substitute for drinking alcohol (and getting whipped for tricking Moe) was cut.
  • Homer's line, "Look at those poor saps back on land with their 'laws' and 'ethics'. They'll never know the simple joys of a monkey knife fight" was edited on Channel 4 to "Look at those poor saps back on land with their 'laws' and 'ethics'. They'll never know the simple joys of a monkey fight." The actual monkey knife fight was also cut to remove the monkeys brandishing knives as they circle each other, though Moe encouraging the monkey he bet on to stab the other and chuckling, "He ain't pretty no more," wasn't cut.
  • Homer putting a knife in his mouth and dropping it on his hand while rubbing out the Charlie horse in his leg was cut.
  • During the Gracie Films logo, Homer saying, "Don't shush me, you rich bastard!" was replaced with the version of the logo from "Missionary: Impossible" (where he says, "Save me, Jebus!"). Contrast with BBC where the entire line is replaced with the normal Gracie Films audio (the woman going "Shh!" and the Gracie Films music) and Sky Showcase, which cut Homer's line down to "Don't shush me!"

Alone Again, Natura-Diddily[]

  • Moe saying that he would have been on Maude if Ned had died was cut.
  • Ned in the shower with his penis pixelated on the dating video was edited so that the penis shape is further obscured.

Missionary: Impossible[]

  • Homer saying, "If they're not having a go with a bird, they're having a row with a wanker!" was edited to cut "...with a wanker".
  • Homer saying, "I can't kill a man!" was cut, and so was Betty White asking him if he thought he could "just stab his problems away".
  • Ak saying, "Bouncy, bouncy!" in reference to the island of topless girls was cut, though not Homer asking Ak why there are no topless women on the island as seen in geographic magazines and Qtoktok saying the women are all on an island where "anything goes."
  • Homer saying, "Now my testicle's got ants on it!" was cut, though not the reveal that Homer is drinking his island drink in a bull testicle instead of a coconut.
  • Homer getting high off licking toads while radioing his family from the island was cut, though not Bart asking Homer if he's been licking toads.


  • The name of the carnival attraction, "The Tipsy-Whirl" and the female carnival barker saying, "Okay, kids, who wants to know what it's like to get drunk?" was cut, though not Bart getting on the ride, the female carnival barker calling Bart "charming", and the similarly spun-around kids (which include Milhouse and Ralph) staggering around and acting drunk.
  • Titania telling Duffman, "You said if I slept with you, I wouldn't have to touch the drunk!" was cut, as was Duffman's line, "Duffman says a lot of things. Oh yeah!"
  • Moe saying, "Uh, I just want to say that it was an honor for me to compete with the Mick and the chick with the rack there." was cut, as "Mick" is a derogatory term for an Irishman.
  • The male surgeon asking the female surgeon if she wants to see Moe's genitals was cut.
  • Moe's line, "I've been called 'ugly,' 'pug ugly', 'fugly', 'pug fugly', but never 'ugly-ugly'" after the flashback of his failed soap opera audition was changed to "I've been called 'ugly', 'pug ugly', but never 'ugly-ugly'".
  • The technical director yelling, "What the fudge?" with "fudge" bleeped out was cut.

Bart to the Future[]

  • Bart saying, "When we're finished, we can go through Bill Clinton's porno stash!" was changed to "When we're finished, we can go through Bill Clinton's stash" (though the close-up of the box that reads, "Girlies What Ain't Got No Clothes On" wasn't cut).
  • Krusty's poor-taste joke about Pakistan being different from a pancake because "I don't know any pancakes that were nuked by India!" was cut at the time of its premiere due to actual news of India and Pakistan being on the brink of nuclear war. The line has since been reinstated.

Kill the Alligator and Run[]

  • Marge saying that Homer had just had a breakdown, followed by him shaking and holding a sign saying "MENTAL" and saying that his pockets hurt was cut.
  • Kid Rock saying, "Yo, let's waste this biatch!", followed by Homer saying, "Biatch? Moi?" was cut. However, this is uncut in evening airings.

Last Tap Dance in Springfield[]

  • Lil Vicki saying, "I'm ever so pissed!" after discovering that Lisa has self-tapping shoes was cut.

It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad Marge[]

  • Homer stabbing his own fingers with the kitchen knife was cut.
  • Becky telling Marge that she wants to marry Otto because he has a clean police record and doesn't do any needle drugs was cut.

Behind The Laughter[]

  • Marge's line "Either (bleep) or get off the pot" when she's telling the story about how Homer wanted to create his own TV pilot (which would later become The Simpsons) was cut. The narrator's "And (bleep) he did" was cut down to "And he did".
  • Homer's line during the Act 1 break, "I wanna set the record straight: I thought the cop was a prostitute," was cut.
  • The scene where the nurse pours painkillers in Homer's mouth during his physical therapy session was shortened, though Homer admitting he got addicted to painkillers because of the iconic scene from "Bart the Daredevil" where he actually got injured during his fall off Springfield Gorge and continued taking painkillers so he could do all the dangerous physical comedy on the show wasn't cut.
  • Marge's line, "I learned something. When people reach for their diaphragm, they don’t want to see my picture", followed by Marge holding up a diaphragm with her disapproving face on it was cut, though not the line about Marge losing most of the family's money on her misguided investment in birth control products.
  • The shots of a plane with its wing on fire and a man in a devil costume dancing and laughing over the narrator's line, "The Simpsons' TV show started out on a wing and a prayer. But now the wing was on fire, and the prayer had been answered by Satan," were replaced with an extended shot of the Simpson family in the recording booth.
  • The scene where the narrator explains that, while The Simpsons was on hiatus due to the Iowa State Fair fiasco and the continuing decline of the show's quality, FOX replaced the show with security camera footage from the dressing rooms at Ann Taylor as part of a show called Peepin' It Real! was cut.

Season 12[]

Treehouse of Horror XI[]

  • All text during The Munsters spoof cold opening was strangely missing.
  • On "G-G-Ghost D-D-Dad":
    • Homer mentioning the "testicle thing" was cut, though not the other deaths he managed to avoid (i.e., the snake bite, the over-the-top bloody paper cut, and the pickaxe) before dying of eating broccoli.
  • On "Night of the Dolphin":
    • Homer using the Krusty Burger drive-thru as the Squeaky-Voiced Teen is being brutally attacked by a dolphin (and Homer not noticing that the dolphin is using the Squeaky-Voiced Teen's corpse to hand Homer his order) was cut.
    • Quimby's line, "We're all frightened and horny, but we can't let some killer dolphins keep us from living and scoring!" was edited to "We're all frightened, but we can't let some killer dolphins keep us from living."
    • Homer mentioning the "glory hole" as one of mankind's greatest inventions was cut.

A Tale of Two Springfields[]

  • Homer saying that The Who used to be called "The Hillbilly Bugger Boys" was cut.
  • Homer strangling Bart with the telephone wire, followed by Bart beating Homer with the receiver until they both pass out was cut.
  • Kent saying on TV, "Because of you, we're all taking golden showers!" followed by the staff in the studio laughing was cut.

Lisa the Tree Hugger[]

  • Moe throwing open the door and threatening to cut Bart "like a box" during Bart's job as a menu boy was cut.
  • After Marge says that she and Homer don't have a stash, Homer hesitantly saying, "No, of course... not." was cut, as it implies a drug-related stash, though Homer saying that Lisa is going to narc on their stash (which is a more blatant reference to the stash being drug-related) wasn't cut.
  • Homer strangling Bart after Lisa thinks the two are hugging each other during dinner was shortened.
  • The exterior to Hemp City when the Lisa log is about to plow into it was cut, though the name and place is still seen when Jesse is reading the newspaper about what happened to it.

Homer vs. Dignity[]

  • Moe's line, "Ha! You ain't going nowhere, cutie." was cut from the infamous "panda rape" sequence during pre-watershed (post-watershed is uncut).
  • Homer's line "I mean, screw you!" when he refuses Mr. Burns' offer to degrade himself for 903 dollars was cut during pre-watershed hours (post-watershed is uncut).

The Computer Wore Menace Shoes[]

  • Bart saying that a switchblade was found in his locker was cut, though not Bart saying he took a swing at a cop and that's he's been feeling mad all the time.
  • Comic Book Guy looking at the websites "X-Rated Girls" and "Dial 'X' for Sex" was cut.


  • The opening marquee reading "TOTALLY SICK, TWISTED, F***ED UP ANIMATION FESTIVAL" initially replaced "F***ED-UP" with a second "TWISTED", while later airings changed "F***ED UP" to "MESSED UP". Contrast with Sky Showcase, where "F***ED-UP" is digitally removed, making the marquee read, "TOTALLY SICK, TWISTED [empty space] ANIMATION FESTIVAL".

New Kids on the Blecch[]

  • Bart saying, "Screw you, man! We're gonna play it anyway!" and Skinner walking off sadly was cut.

Hungry, Hungry Homer[]

  • Paint-Drinking Pete drinking paint and dying from it was cut.

Bye Bye Nerdie[]

  • The Itchy & Scratchy-themed cereal commercial was edited twice:
    • Itchy opening Scratchy's stomach with a knife was edited to remove sight of the knife.
    • A mother's severed head being shown on a platter was cut.

Trilogy of Error[]

  • Blood spewing from Homer's thumb after Marge accidentally cuts it was cut.
  • Cletus saying that Homer could be "one of them TV magic queers" was cut.

I'm Goin' to Praiseland[]

  • Louie saying, "No friggin' way!" when the crowd is admonishing Homer and Ned for allegedly attacking the orphans who were about to accidentally blow up the park by lighting candles over a leaking gas line was cut.

Season 13[]

Treehouse of Horror XII[]

  • "Hex and the City" was cut to remove (during pre-watershed hours. After watershed, these scenes are uncut):
    • Lenny mentioning that Jesus is more powerful than a leprechaun when it comes to breaking gypsy curses (and Carl countering that catching Jesus is more difficult, and to just stick with getting a leprechaun).
    • Lenny struggling before dying and Carl dying after the two are pinned under a crashed helicopter.
    • Bart's last words, "Can't live this way anymore!" before he drowns himself in his cereal, though Bart actually drowning himself in his cereal and the leprechaun dancing on Bart's head wasn't cut, nor was the part near the end where Marge tells Homer Bart's dead and that he could have been brought back to life if Homer just apologized to the gypsy fortuneteller for ruining her office.
  • "Wiz Kids" was cut to remove (during pre-watershed hours. After watershed, this scene is uncut):
    • Slithers sobbing and swallowing Lord Montymort's corpse whole after Bart stabs Montymort in his enchanted shin.

The Parent Rap[]

  • Marge calling Judge Harm a "butthole" after Homer and Marge are sentenced to being locked in stocks was cut.
  • Homer saying that Marge could use "drugged up" as a substitute for "bad" was cut.

Homer the Moe[]

  • This episode was heavily edited on Channel 4 during watershed hours to remove the following:
    • Moe's college professor walking in the lake to commit suicide (though not him telling Moe that he's dying of cancer)
    • Homer's blood spraying everywhere after trying to pound his fist on the jukebox to get it to play a la Fonzie on Happy Days
    • Homer giving Lisa a cigarette and Lisa coughing and stubbing it out
    • Homer getting sick from lack of oxygen at the oxygen bar
    • the Russian model lamenting that her penis has been falling off ever since the Chernobyl disaster and Moe thinking "penis" is a Russian word
    • Homer calling Moe a "she-male" during his "I Won't Drink at Moe's" song
    • Homer getting his head stuck in the bear trap and yelling "Ow! Son of a -- "

Weekend at Burnsie's[]

  • This episode only airs post-watershed, due to scenes of heavily-implied marijuana smoking and drug use that doesn't show any averse or negative consequences.

Season 14[]

Large Marge[]

  • The "You're a Bunch of Stuff" song in the episode was shortened to remove Moe's line about Marge being "sexy and exotic like a hooker from Belize" and Dr. Hibbert singing, "or a patient with insurance who's crawling with disease". Contrast with Sky Showcase, which banned the episode due to strong sexual content (all focused on Marge's breasts), scenes of sexual harassment (Marge getting catcalled and leered at because of her accidental breast implant surgery), and the subplot about Bart and Milhouse imitating a stunt they saw on an old episode of Batman that had Krusty the Clown guest-starring as a villain, and Krusty getting in trouble with media watchdog groups over showing dangerous behavior in children's shows.

The Strong Arms of the Ma[]

  • Homer looking through Rainier Wolfcastle's videotapes and asking him if he starred in any porno movies that weren't gay (and Rainier solemnly answering, "What's there is there") was cut.
  • Apu telling Marge to use the crack house for a bathroom was cut.
  • Marge beating up the man who mugged her was shortened to remove Marge biting the mugger's fingers.
  • Otto realizing he has been smoking pot after Marge grabs onto the back of the bus to stop it was cut.

Season 15[]

The President Wore Pearls[]

  • Drederick Tatum greeting people at the charity casino with, "So, relax, have fun and please, God, don’t piss me off." was cut.

The Fat and the Furriest[]

  • Homer saying "I'd never thought I’d say this, but you slags are are all right." was cut.

Today, I Am a Clown[]

  • Homer's line, "I decided to give him a night his wang would never forget" was changed to "I decided to give him a night he would never forget."
  • Willie's line, "He's an irritable, wall-eyed, misfit bastard... just like Willie." was changed to "He's an irritable, wall-eyed misfit...just like Willie."

'Tis the Fifteenth Season[]

  • Krusty saying, "For legal purposes, sick kids may include hookers with a cold." was cut.
  • Gil preparing to hang himself with Christmas lights was cut.
  • Homer saying, "Get back to your bong!" was cut.
  • Agnes saying, "What's your angle, pervert?" was shortened to cut "pervert".
  • Moe attempting suicide by jumping off a building and botching it was cut.

Marge vs. Singles, Seniors, Childless Couples and Teens and Gays[]

  • The actor playing Marge in the anti-children commercial saying, "Now it's time to do some coke off the blade of a knife!" was cut.

Diatribe of a Mad Housewife[]

  • Apu saying, "This is how you talk when you learn English from porno movies." was cut.
  • The word "pissy" in Marge's book was cut.

Smart and Smarter[]

  • Marge saying, "Just tell her which friggin' button to push!" was changed to "Just tell her which button to push!"

The Ziff Who Came to Dinner[]

  • Artie Ziff shown hanging from the kitchen ceiling fan after Bart tells Homer that Artie got depressed after his credit card was declined was cut.

The Wandering Juvie[]

  • Bart calling Gina a "Future skank!" and Gina calling Bart a "Family guy!" while beating each other up was cut.

Catch 'Em if You Can[]

  • Homer saying, "We'll finally and romantically hump!" was cut.
  • Homer and Marge having sex inside the bouncy house was cut.

Fraudcast News[]

  • Squeaky-Voiced Teen jumping off Geezer Rock over Futurama getting canceled (at the time) and landing in a car with two teens making out in it was cut.
  • Willie's opinion on the new tractors ("They're all shite!") was cut.

Season 16[]

Treehouse of Horror XV[]

  • This episode is only aired post-watershed, due to scenes of violence (including references to prostitute murders in the second story), opium smoking (also from the second story), and body horror/gross-out humor (in the third story).

All's Fair in Oven War[]

  • Homer saying "Screw you!" inside his mind was cut.
  • Homer going inside the walk-in microwave and being set on fire was cut.
  • Marge calling Playdude magazines "bosom books" was cut.
  • Marge cutting out the pictures of naked women from a Playdude magazine was cut.
  • Bart saying, "Then we could have orgies, whatever they are." was cut.
  • Lisa saying "But screw them, you're in!" was edited to cut "screw them".
  • Marge saying "Oh BFD!" (BFD standing for "big f**king deal") was cut.
  • James Caan being shot by a group of hicks at the end in a spoof of the tollbooth shootout death scene on The Godfather was cut entirely.

Sleeping with the Enemy[]

  • Marge saying, "And try not to have intercourse on the way!" as she escorts Nelson's mom out of the house was cut, making it look like Marge rudely escorted Nelson's mom out the house.
  • Mrs Muntz saying, "From the third director I slept with!" was cut.

She Used to Be My Girl[]

  • Barney drinking bike shiner was cut.
  • Kent saying, "This just in: I'm pissed off!" was cut.
  • Marge using the Shiner- Be- Gone on her black eye was cut.
  • Homer strangling Bart in the house was shortened.
  • Homer saying that he was growing ashamed of his penis was cut.
  • Chloe having "pity sex" with Barney was cut.
  • SpongeBob saying "Screw her!" as Lisa begs for help was cut.

Fat Man and Little Boy[]

  • Bart saying "I know. I'll write something not gay." was cut.
  • Homer wearing the shirt saying "Rich Bitch" was cut.
  • Homer saying that he looks up wang enhancers was cut.

Midnight Rx[]

  • Chief Wiggum feeding pills to Ralph from the evidence locker was cut to remove Ralph's pupils dilating and his line, "I'm cuckoo for contraband!"
  • Abe calling his nurse a "pill-hoarding hussy" was cut.
  • The Canadian Ned Flanders offering the American Ned Flanders a "reeferino" (and American Flanders refusing) was cut.
  • Ned's line about his coffee, "It's hotter than a FOX news weather skank!" was cut.
  • Apu burning his tongue on his drink was shortened, though not Flanders accidentally making Apu look like a Muslim by wrapping a towel around his head.

Mommie Beerest[]

  • Homer saying "Screw you!" was muted.
  • Moe saying "Screw it." was cut.
  • Moe saying "Know-it-all bitch." was edited to mute the word "bitch".

Homer and Ned's Hail Mary Pass[]

  • Dolph saying, "Now to send this spaz around the world!" was edited to cut the word "spaz".
  • Rod stabbing Todd in the film was shortened.
  • Judge Snyder stabbing a baby in the film was cut.

Pranksta Rap[]

  • Marge's line about rap encouraging punching, boastfulness, and rudeness to hos was cut to remove "hos".
  • One of the lines in the rap song ("Make the hos drop they clothes like they Lady Godiva") was cut.
  • Alcatraaaz saying, "It's idiomatic, biatch." was edited to cut the word "biatch".

There's Something About Marrying[]

Unlike Australia and American TV, the UK had no problem with the same-sex marriage theme of this episode and didn't give a higher-than-normal rating for this episode. However, the episode still aired edited for bad language and two scenes of violence and dangerous, imitable behavior:

  • When Homer calls FOX, the automated message, "If you're pitching a show where gold-digging skanks get what's coming to them, press one." was cut.
  • Patty throwing a cigarette in Homer's eye was cut.
  • Homer preparing to stab a fly on his hand was cut.

On a Clear Day I Can't See My Sister[]

  • Dr. Hibbert continuously injecting Bart with the anti-poking vaccine (and apologizing for being distracted because his housekeeper is suing him for sexual harassment) was cut.

Goo Goo Gai Pan[]

  • Robert Wagner saying that menopause can cause "private dryness" on the menopause video was cut.
  • Homer's heart being ripped out by a Shaolin Temple monk was cut.

Mobile Homer[]

  • Homer saying "Ow, my hemophilia!" was cut.
  • The captain saying, "It is a shame you dress like a Lebanese prostitute." was cut. Marge saying, "Well, if he thinks he’s having a corner piece, forget it!" was also cut for continuity reasons.
  • The scene where it's revealed that Marge's erratic behavior is from eating food tainted with hashish was cut.

The Seven-Beer Snitch[]

  • Mr. Burns saying "I haven't seen so many drugs in a wang since I ran a Chinese opium den!", followed by him listing all the drugs in Otto's urine sample and blaming it on Homer was cut.
  • Mr. Burns saying "Guards, remove this coked-out man-balloon from my sight!" was edited to cut "coked-out".


  • Bart and Lisa calling each other "gay for Moleman" (with Hans Moleman himself lamenting that no one is gay for him) was cut, but was later added back in.
  • Assistant Principal Kearney naming off the drugs he doesn't want to see at the prom was cut to remove "puff", though not Kearney mentioning booze, kick, doze, maxx, stim, or turb and saying that "Stim kills."
  • Principal Skinner saying that stim turned Superintendent Chalmers into a vegetable, followed by a shot of Chalmers in a spinning wheelchair only able to say "Skinner" repeatedly was cut.
  • Bart and Jenda passing by the hanged skeleton of Professor Frink as they explore the basement of his old house was cut.
  • Milhouse saying, "You're screwed!" when Lisa realizes that not going to Yale isn't the end of the world was cut.

The Heartbroke Kid[]

  • Willie saying, "What are ya looking at, ya bastards?" after falling down the stairs on Bart's skateboard was edited to cut "ya bastards?".
  • The imagine spot of Robot Marge shooting Homer was cropped so it happens off-screen and ends early so viewers don't see Homer's bullet-riddled body.
  • Krusty talking to Bart about smoking moon rocks to feel normal during Bart's junk food intervention was cut.

A Star is Torn[]

  • Homer strangling Squeaky-Voiced Teen was shortened.

Thank God It's Doomsday[]

  • Homer saying "So all you hippies out there might wanna (mimics smoking) for that one." was cut.
  • Homer saying, "Screw you, Dino! You've squandered your talent!" to Dean Martin was cut down to "You squandered your talent!"

Home Away from Homer[]

  • Vicki asking Katya if she thinks anyone is watching, and Katya saying, "If they are, they will see us explore our sexhood without restraint," was cut.
  • Vicky spanking Katya with a framed photo of Todd was cut.
  • Moe saying that nothing is sexier than still photos in a girlie magazine, and then noticing the sexy video was cut.

The Father, the Son and the Holy Guest Star[]

  • Groundskeeper Willie saying "What drunken call girl will have me now?" was cut.
  • St. Peter saying, "Sean, ya wanker, repent of your wicked ways or sod off." was edited to cut "ya wanker", though not "sod off".
  • Father Sean saying that a lot of church types started off as "rotten wee buggers" was shortened to cut "wee buggers".
  • Homer saying, "I've masturbated 8 million times and I have no plans to stop masturbating in the future." was cut.

Season 17[]

The Bonfire of the Manatees[]

  • All instances of Homer’s hands being hit with hammers were cut.
  • All references to the "adult film" being made at the Simpson house was changed to just a "film".
  • Lenny saying he always dreamed of working in an adult film and Carl saying he'll work in the sex scenes was cut.
  • Marge freaking out when she notices the "Gentleman's Relief Productions" van outside the house was cut.

The Girl Who Slept Too Little[]

  • Alexander Graham Bell saying, "Read the patent number, bitch!" was cut to remove "bitch".
  • Willie saying "Why don't ya fill it, ya lazy bastard?" was edited to cut off the word "bastard?"

Milhouse of Sand and Fog[]

  • Milhouse's daydream was edited to remove the part where Kirk tries to hang himself.

Treehouse of Horror XVI[]

On "B.I.: Bartificial Intelligence":

  • Homer strangling David and messing with his neck was cut.
  • A defunct robot saying, "What the F-prompt?" was changed to "What the..."
  • Another defunct robot saying, "That boy screwed us over!" was cut completely.

On "Survival of the Fattest":

  • The lightning flashes on the first sight of Mr. Burns' mansion were slowed down.
  • Comic Book Guy being shot by Mr. Burns was edited so it happens off-screen.
  • Mr. Burns saying, "I smell fear...mixed with curry." while hunting Apu was shortened to, "I smell fear."
  • Apu saying, "Save me Jesus!" after being reincarnated as a rabbit was cut.
  • Krusty's death was cut.
  • Barney's corpse being shot was shortened.
  • The part after Terry Bradshaw complains that the network will cut to commercial before Homer and Marge "begin the tender act of love" was cut.

Marge's Son Poisoning[]

  • Bart asking "But what will junkies do drugs under?" after hearing that Paradise Pier has shut down was left in in 6pm airings, but cut in others.
  • Bart saying "Die, die, die!" while covering an audience in fire extinguisher was left in in 6pm airings, but cut in others.

See Homer Run[]

  • Rainier Wolfcastle describing himself as "pot-smoking" during his election speech was cut (though not Wolfcastle describing himself as a woman-groper, a steroid abuser, or a son of a Nazi). The line accidentally aired uncut during a morning showing.
  • Homer asking about Lincoln, "Are you sure there wasn't a midget in his hat? I read an email saying there was." was cut, but is uncut in evening airings.

The Last of the Red Hat Mamas[]

  • Marge saying that Homer called out his bowling ball's name during sex was cut.
  • Milhouse mentioning his Uncle Bastardo was cut.

The Italian Bob[]

  • Homer and Bart's strangulation fight was shortened.
  • Homer watching a strange arthouse film of a little person feeding an obese woman in a tutu on his GPS (SatNav in the UK) was cut.
  • An Italian woman refusing to accept a mug that reads, "Kentucky" because "Kentucky" is (according to her) the Italian for "whore" was cut.

Simpsons Christmas Stories[]

  • Grampa saying, "I wish I tried reefer!" was cut, but is uncensored after watershed.
  • Grampa saying, "15? Whoah, that sounds like a lot of sex." and Cyrus replying, "I said 'wives', not 'girlfriends'." after Cyrus shows him his many wives was cut, but is uncensored after watershed.
  • The montage of Moe attempting suicide was cut, but is uncensored after watershed.

We're on the Road to D'oh-where[]

  • Moe showing the bar regulars his new suicide rope was cut, though not Moe saying that his old suicide rope broke and he won a cash settlement in a class-action lawsuit over it.

My Fair Laddy[]

  • Nelson's joke about "getting new wood in shop class" (in reference to the gym teacher, Mrs. Pommelhorst, getting a sex change operation and becoming the new wood shop teacher) was cut.
  • Coach Krupt saying, "Life's a bitch, son!" was cut.
  • Willie writing "Boink Slut" was cut.

The Seemingly Never-Ending Story[]

  • Mr. Burns saying, "Liberal midget!" upon seeing Lisa was cut, but is uncut in evening airings.
  • Mr. Burns saying, "Dream on, bitch." was cut to remove the word "bitch", but seemed to be uncut in a morning airing, probably by accident.

Homer Simpson, This is Your Wife[]

  • The Wise Guy saying the name of one of the reality shows, "Dwarf or Midget: America Decides", was cut, though its name is still seen through the door.
  • A cameraman saying that the cigarette he smoked in Bart's room was a joint was cut.
  • Charlie saying "He's a real man, not like me, a miserable toad under the thumb of the biggest bitch this side of the Westminster Kennel Club." was edited to cut "...under the thumb of the biggest bitch this side of the Westminster Kennel Club."
  • The Camera Man saying "But I got a great shot of him saying his son's a bastard." was cut.

Million-Dollar Abie[]

  • This episode airs regularly on Channel 4 post-watershed with a 15 rating due to references to bullying and harassment, assisted suicide, a bad taste joke about Down Syndrome (Lenny's line about having "Down's Syndrome" after Carl says he has Melt Mania, which actually was edited on Channel 4), and animal cruelty.

The Wettest Stories Ever Told[]

  • Sea Captain referring to the Journey of the Mayflower as the ship that brought prostitutes to America (with Lisa correcting him with "Protestants") was cut.
  • Ned whipping his back until it's bloody, and then pouring salt in it, was cut.
  • Homer strangling Bart was shortened.
  • Homer calling the ship "the Gayflower" was cut.
  • Marge's offended reply, "What did you call me?" after Homer says "Land, ho!" was cut.
  • Willie saying he had been smoking opium was cut.
  • The scene where Krusty is shown with his legs cut off from his body and dies was cut.
  • Skeleton Bart telling skeleton Kearney "At least I'm not gay for skeleton Kearney." and that their ribs getting tangled isn't gay was cut.

Girls Just Want to Have Sums[]

  • Nelson saying "The principal's a tranny!" was cut.
  • The captions translating Bart Junior's croak as "I thought he meant his penis!" was cut.
  • Marge's line to Lisa, "You're the perfect little he-she!" was cut.

Regarding Margie[]

  • Ned saying "Only ten dollars to paint my curb like a common whore?" was cut down to, "Only ten dollars to paint my curb?"
  • Homer saying, "Screw you!" was cut.
  • Marge saying "I don't want that judgmental bitch in my house!" was cut.
  • Homer strangling Bart was shortened.

The Monkey Suit[]

  • While the scene of Milhouse strapped to the torture device wasn't cut, the scene of Bart using it to extend Milhouse's arms and legs was cut, though Milhouse walking out of the museum with longer limbs was still shown.

Marge and Homer Turn a Couple Play[]

  • Lenny saying that he thinks a girl he knew called Kelly is now a prostitute was cut.
  • Homer saying that any man would fantasize about Tabitha's body even when making love to his own wife (or as he says, "his own Marge") was cut.
  • Homer rubbing Tabitha's shoulder was shortened.

Season 18[]

The Mook, the Chef, the Wife and Her Homer[]

  • Otto asking if he is on drugs after seeing Metallica was cut.
  • Michael being called "Chef Boy-ar-gay" was cut.
  • Homer giving Bart a knife and telling him to cut Flanders' Achilles tendon with it was cut.

Jazzy and the Pussycats[]

  • Homer asking Marge when and if she wants sex was cut.
  • Bart and his bandmates saying that they are not smoking reefer in the attic was cut.

Please Homer, Don't Hammer 'Em[]

  • Helen saying, "You provide food and sexual release for your handy husband." was cut.

Treehouse of Horror XVII[]

  • The hanged skeleton in the mansion was cut.
  • Homer eating Jeremy Freedman was shortened.
  • Homer biting off Ned's head was cut.
  • Bart looking at the car that Krusty's midgets drowned in was cut.
  • The Golem of Prague shooting many Jewish people and later more people in Krusty's show was cut.
  • Krusty saying "Oh I need a box full of blow to get through this show." was cut.
  • Edna handing cigarettes to children was cut.
  • A man in the recording studio holding up a sign saying "SCREW YOU" before leaving was cut.
  • Homer shooting Disco Stu in the back was cut.

G.I. D'oh[]

  • Lenny asking Moe if he was drawing a wang on Marmaduke, then Moe saying that he was drawing wangs on the Sudoku numbers, was cut.

Moe'N'a Lisa[]

  • Homer saying, "Whoa, Marge, who'd you piss off?" was cut completely. In contrast, Sky Showcase just cut the line down to "Whoa, Marge!"
  • Moe saying, "Screw you, snail trail!" was cut.

Ice Cream of Margie (with the Light Blue Hair)[]

  • Ralph calling himself a unitard was cut.
  • Homer saying, "This is the most fun I've ever had giving you wood." was cut.

The Haw-Hawed Couple[]

  • Milhouse saying "Trust me Bart. It's better to walk in on both of your parents than on just one of them." was cut.
  • Martin's line where he uses a gay-related slur to mean a bundle of sticks (and the word and definition actually shown onscreen) was cut.
  • Nelson saying "I hate milk! It comes from cow wangs!" was edited to remove "It comes from cow wangs!"

Kill Gil, Volumes I & II[]

  • Homer saying, "Give back that holiday cheer, you bastard!" was edited to cut "you bastard".
  • Homer asking, "What does a porn star have to do with this?" after Marge says Gil was kept at their house due to Christian charity was cut.
  • A green liquid coming out of the Grumple's eye after Homer hits him with a beer glass was cut.

The Wife Aquatic[]

  • The police officer hanging himself and being sent to hell in the silent movie was cut.
  • Moe saying "Even I ain't hopin' for porn." was cut.
  • The reference to the carousel horse having swastikas carved in its eyes was removed.
  • Nathaniel saying, "And a little meth money on the side!" was cut down to remove "meth".
  • Homer spouting gibberish when the hook touches his brain was cut.
  • Homer asking if he will be "Queer strange or queer gay?" as a fisherman, followed by the old fisherman saying "Oh, a touch of both." were cut.
  • Fausto playing with the pen knife was cut.

Revenge is a Dish Best Served Three Times[]

  • Marge saying that the kids are still drunk from school, followed by Bart and Lisa acting drunk was cut.
  • Mr Burns telling Homer "Also, because you slept, I violated you repeatedly." was cut.
  • Moe asking if the chair was "good for doing the wife" was cut.
  • Moe being burned alive by Homer in a frying pan was cut.
  • A sign with Hitler saying "Before I was a Nazi leader, I was a Nazi reader." was cut.
  • Willie talking to Milhouse and Milhouse having Willie's head cut off was cut.
  • The radio presenter saying that Bartman is knocking down bad guys like "Howard Hughes knocks up young starlets" was cut.
  • Bartman taking down a villain called The Toker (a marijuana-based version of The Joker) was cut.
  • Poison Lenny saying he is a transvestite and not a supervillain was cut.
  • Chief Wiggum repeatedly shooting Poison Lenny's corpse was cut.

Little Big Girl[]

  • Bart making it look like the Lake Land Butter Indian maiden has boobs was shortened.
  • A person saying, "I'm two midgets in a costume!" was shortened to "I'm in a costume."

Springfield Up[]

  • Declan Desmond saying "But her interests soon expanded beyond shutterbuggery." was shortened in Channel 4 airings to remove "beyond shutterbuggery" (which is wordplay on "buggery", which is what the UK called male homosexuality back when it was illegal).
  • Moe saying, "All I got is this porn channel I'm too cheap to descramble." was changed to "All I got is this channel I'm too cheap to descramble."

Yokel Chords[]

  • Cletus having a raccoon hung was cut.


  • The scene with Homer and Marge reading a magazine featuring the headline "Mr Teeny's Cocaine Orgy" was cut.
  • Moe telling Homer "I was gonna use it to take secret photos in the ladies' toilet, but, uh, no dames ever come in this joint." was shortened to "I was gonna use it to take secret photos, but, uh..."
  • Two ladies coming into Moe's Tavern saying they are going to trade bras and panties in the ladies' toilet followed by Moe saying "Oh, you got to be kidding me!" and breaking his glass in a rage was cut.
  • Homer taking pictures of Drederick Tatum snorting Secretariat's ashes like cocaine and Mayor Quimby and Kent Brockman dressed in sexual costumes (Kent in S&M gear and Mayor Quimby as a baby) were cut.

Marge Gamer[]

  • Moe being ordered to wring blood from a pixie head was cut.
  • Bart saving Marge from Jimbo, Dolph and Kearney by chopping their heads off was shortened to remove the blood.
  • Edna stabbing the Shadow Knight was cut.
  • The other players in Earthland Realms celebrating killing the Shadow Knight by maypole dancing with his corpse was cut, though the song "Merry Month of May" is still listed in the credits.

The Boys of Bummer[]

  • Rev. Lovejoy saying that the bed could resurrect his sex life was cut.
  • Homer complaining about Rev. Lovejoy having the sex that he should be having was cut.
  • Chief Wiggum shouting "Jump!" through the megaphone was cut.
  • The end where Homer asks Marge if she wants to have "ghost sex" (and Marge saying that "ghost sex" is nothing) was cut.

Stop Or My Dog Will Shoot![]

  • The word "blow", referring to drugs, was cut from an exchange between Lou and Chief Wiggum.
  • Homer being choked out by Strangles was shortened to go from Marge asking "Homer, can you breathe?" to Homer saying "I'm okay."

24 Minutes[]

  • Marge finding a knife in Bart's shorts was cut.
  • Bart carving "Death Before Homework" on his arm with a knife was cut.
  • Moe drilling his teeth was shortened.
  • Martin giving himself a wedgie in a way that looks like he's going to hang himself was shortened.

You Kent Always Say What You Want[]

  • Bart telling Skinner to "lie perfectly still for 20 minutes" while putting a dental X-ray to his crotch was cut.
  • Krusty saying that the only two rules to follow when on live TV is to "don't swear and don't whip it out," was cut.
  • Lindsey Naegle asking Kent if the powder in his coffee is cocaine was cut.

Season 19[]

E. Pluribus Wiggum[]

Love, Springfieldian Style[]

  • This episode rarely airs on Channel 4, due to excessive gun violence (in the Bonnie and Clyde story) and depicting overeating candy as a drug addiction (in the Sid Vicious story). On the rare times Channel 4 airs this, the following scenes are cut:
    • Clyde saying that he and Bonnie robbed a bank due to a "sex thing" was cut.
    • Chief Wiggum shooting Bonnie and Clyde was shortened to only show him opening fire from the bushes.
    • The Goofy-esque character being put in a gas chamber, and later coming out and saying that being in a gas chamber at the pound is better than working for Disney was cut.
    • The montage of Nelson and Lisa overeating candy (which includes parallels to and preparation methods uses reserved for hard drug use, like cocaine and heroin) was shortened to cut Nelson splitting chocolate dust into lines with a blade (with it looking like they're going to snort the lines, before instead putting them in glasses of water), and Lisa melting chocolate in a spoon with a lighter, though the rest of the candy/drug montage wasn't edited.
    • Bart saying, "Slag off!" was cut.
    • The Sex Pistols musical number where Bart repeatedly sings the word "bollocks" was cut.

The Debarted[]

  • Homer telling Raphael on the phone to "enjoy the sounds of my wife and me making sweet, sweet love" was cut.

Dial "N" for Nerder[]

  • Marge saying, "I didn't use to mind it when he'd lock the bathroom door and snack off." was shortened to cut the word "off" from "snack off" (due to it sounding similar to "jack off").
  • Martin saying that a bone he found could be one of the major homos (as in "Homo sapiens") and Bart saying that Martin could be one of them (as in "homosexuals") were cut.
  • The Sneakers producer saying, "Yeah yeah, we're all whores, just get in there." was shortened to cut "we're all whores".
  • Homer lustfully eating a spit of gyros meat in the shower was shortened.

Smoke on the Daughter[]

  • This episode only airs post-watershed on Channel 4, due to its depiction of underage smoking and how the secondhand smoke makes Lisa dance better.

Papa Don't Leech[]

  • Homer's imagine spot of him suffocating Grampa was severely cut, only showing the beginning of the scene.
  • Bart saying that Marge once called Lurleen a "hee-haw ho" was cut.
  • Lurleen's dad trying to "heroin up" some orange juice was cut.

Any Given Sundance[]

  • Marge seeing a brief scene from the film "Candyland" (showing someone holding a needle in their mouth) was cut.

Mona Leaves-a[]

  • Marge saying that if they burn the purse Mona gave her (which is made of hemp), it will mellow out the guards was cut.
  • The guards talking while getting high from the hemp smoke was cut.

All About Lisa[]

  • Krusty saying that he once made out with a blow-up doll was cut.
  • Sideshow Mel telling Lisa that applause is as addictive as heroin or checking your email was cut to remove the heroin reference.

Season 20[]

Sex, Pies, and Idiot Scrapes[]

  • Bart saying, "Where's the IRA when you need them?" and then an Irish man talking to him was cut.
  • The screen fading to black when Homer almost gets shot by Snake was cut. Originally, the entire scene of Snake shooting Homer was cut, but was later added back in.
  • All the scenes of Homer suffocating people with plastic bags were cut.
  • The close-up on the box of "Day-Old Wangs" was cut.
  • The cake shop worker telling Marge, "It's his penis!" was cut.
  • The scene in the montage where Homer and Ned break into a gang of criminals apartment was edited airings to cut away before they point their guns at them.
  • Homer telling Bart to keep the bullets away from Lisa was cut.
  • Homer giving Lisa a meth kit was edited to remove all mentions of what it is.

Lost Verizon[]

  • Kearney saying, "Hey, spaz! While you were here spazzing yourself, you totally missed out!" was edited down to "You totally missed out!", but is uncut in evening airings.
  • Willie saying, "Now I won't have to pleasure a country club wife to get me steak dinner!" was cut, but is uncut in evening airings.
  • Bart saying he is going to put Viagra in Principal Skinner's coffee was cut, though not the following scene where Skinner thinks his coffee has been doctored.
  • Homer chewing a coca leaf, saying that his addiction was wearing off, was cut.

Treehouse of Horror XIX[]

Note: All of these scenes are uncut when shown after the 9pm watershed.

  • Bart picking up the Somber String was cut.
  • Abe passing out on the front lawn after breathing from his oxygen tank was cut.
  • Bestimus Muchos strangling the Malibu Stacy doll with her string was cut.
  • The appearance of the Sex Toy robot was cut.
  • Krusty being ground up inside the woodchipper was edited so he just bounces off the trampoline.
  • The montage of Homer killing celebrities was edited to remove Homer strangling and bashing Prince with his own guitar, resulting in a slight audio cut when the montage ends.
  • The dead celebrities coming down from Heaven and shooting everyone was shortened.
  • Edward G. Robinson shooting Chief Wiggum while Rip Taylor beats up Comic Book Guy was cut.
  • Krusty shooting Homer in the forehead was covered up with a white flash.
  • The Grand Pumpkin vomiting pumpkin seeds, chasing Millhouse, and eating Homer was cut.
  • Nelson threatening to carve a yellow pumpkin, the Grand Pumpkin not caring about it, Nelson accusing the Grand Pumpkin of being racist, and the Grand Pumpkin eating Nelson afterwards was cut.
  • The Grand Pumpkin scooping out Skinner's brain was cut.
  • Tom The Turkey blowing up The Grand Pumpkin with his cornucopia was edited so that it happens off-screen.

Dangerous Curves[]

  • Marge saying that the hitchhikers don't look like the "stabby kind", Lisa mentioning that Marge said all hitchhikers were drug-crazed thrill seekers, and Marge telling Lisa that she actually called them "thrill-crazed drug seekers" were cut.
  • Bart playing the Cereal Killer video game was cut.
  • Homer telling Ned that he missed Marge five times, with Ned calling it a "charming single entendre" was cut.
  • Ned telling Maude to lock onto Homer's wiener with the water gun was cut.

MyPods and Boomsticks[]

  • A reindeer prop being ground up was cut.
  • The Itchy & Scratchy cartoon "DiePod Slaylist" was shortened to cut the following parts:
    • Blood bursting out of Scratchy's ears and then his brain melting out of his head;
    • Scratchy putting the Einstein brain into his head;
    • Scratchy discovering that Einstein Scratchy's body has been replaced with an A-bomb (with blood being visible around his neck and feet).
  • Homer watching a scene from 24, where a Muslim is being interrogated by Jack Bauer, which leads to Homer becoming Islamophobic, was cut.

The Burns and the Bees[]

  • Rich Texan telling Mr. Burns that if the basketball players are acting sluggish, he should slip some steroids into their cocaine was cut.
  • Homer calling flowers "the painted whores of the plant world" was cut.
  • The man in the gorilla suit lying unconscious and bleeding on the basketball floor was cut.
  • Homer saying, "And she's ready for a night of anonymous sex with multiple partners." was shortened to "And she's ready."
  • The bees taking Chief Wiggum's gun and shooting him with it was cut.

Lisa the Drama Queen[]

  • Kearney getting beat up by Jimbo and Dolph was shortened.

Take My Life, Please[]

  • Mr. Burns calling Sector 7G (Homer's workplace) a "testicle-shriveling torture chamber" was shortened to just a "torture chamber".

How the Test Was Won[]

  • The montage of Homer's injuries was shortened to remove all the clips between "Bart Gets an Elephant" (where he's attacked by the cleaning mascots) and "Trilogy of Error" (where Marge accidentally cuts his thumb off thanks to Homer annoying her over getting a brownie square).
  • Homer writing on his insurance check, "What do you mean, 'too bad'? Screw you! Heh heh." was cut.
  • Everyone being killed (apart from Marge and Lindsey Naegle) and Marge going around saying "Oh my God, oh my God, we're totally liable!" inside Homer's mind was cut, though not Marge and Lindsey Naegle randomly making out in Homer's mind.
  • Homer going outside and trying to stop the blood from Mr. Burns' head after he gets stabbed there was cut.
  • Jimbo saying that Skinner's spazzing out, and Skinner saying that he isn't was cut.

No Loan Again, Naturally[]

  • Homer putting a noose around his neck, tearfully saying goodbye to Lisa and Bart, and the tree breaking from Homer's weight when he hangs himself was cut. Evening airings end the scene on the part with Homer crying while looking at the noose, while other airings end the scene just before Bart points to Homer preparing to kill himself outside after Lisa says that she always thought Marge was the strong one when it comes to family crises.
  • Homer strangling Bart was shortened.

Gone Maggie Gone[]

  • Kent saying, "Where's the end of the frigging tape?" was shortened to cut the word "frigging".
  • The wolf in the cartoon being shown with his popped eyes after they explode was cut, and the actual explosion was edited to darken the screen.
  • Benjamin Franklin decapitating a snake was cut.

In the Name of the Grandfather[]

  • Carl saying that he's getting a back rub from an orgasm in the hot tub was cut.
  • Homer being shown with a dart in his head, having another dart thrown in his head and then taking them both out were cut.
  • Chief Wiggum electrocuting himself with a taser was shortened.

Wedding for Disaster[]

  • Bart asking "Does this mean I'm a bastard?" when he learns that Homer and Marge aren't legally married, and Lisa explaining to him that he is not because he was born while they were married, but he is in the sense that someone calls you one when they are angry, and later Homer strangling Bart and saying "Why you little bastard!" with Lisa saying, "That's the angry one." was cut.
  • Sideshow Bob stabbing a clay bust of Krusty was cut.

Eeny Teeny Maya, Moe[]

  • The hockey fight Homer watches was shortened for violence.
  • Moe saying that his heart wants to do Maya was cut.
  • Moe imagining Lenny, Carl and Barney putting Maya in a bucket and throwing her around in it with mops was cut.
  • The large baby whacking a seesaw on Homer's head, then shovelling sand into his mouth was cut.

The Good, the Sad and the Drugly[]

  • Lisa finding a news headline online that reads, "Last Polar Bear Hangs Self in Prison" was cut.

Father Knows Worst[]

  • Homer breathing fire on Bart while strangling him (though not Bart tricking Homer into drinking flammable liquid, which leads to his breathing fire on Bart) was cut.

Waverly Hills, 9-0-2-1-D'oh[]

  • The word "drugs" in Chief Wiggum's conversation with Fat Tony's mob was cut.
  • A shot of the police aiming their guns at Bart during the chase was cut.

Four Great Women and a Manicure[]

In the "Queen Elizabeth" story:

  • Selma saying, "If I ever have sex, this'll be great afterwards." was cut.

In the "Snow White" story:

  • The lightning flash during the transition to Snow White's house was darkened.
  • A turtle dying in a pot of hot water was cut.
  • The dwarves singing about getting high was cut.
  • Lenny suggesting to put a pickaxe in the brain of the person in the dwarves' house was cut.
  • The witch being killed by animals was shortened.

In the "Lady Macbeth" story:

  • Homer killing Sideshow Mel with his bone, leading to his blood splattering on the wall was cut.
  • Homer killing Barney, Duffman, Lenny, Eddie and Lou at a cast party was cut.

Coming to Homerica[]

  • Krusty referring to trans fats as "unhealthy he-she sounding things" was cut, except during evening hours.
  • Homer mistaking a gun for a bottle of beer and nearly shooting himself in the mouth was cut.

Season 21[]

The Devil Wears Nada[]

  • The man hanging himself with the engine string on his boat before dropping in it the water inside Homer's mind was cut.

Rednecks and Broomsticks[]

  • Cletus complaining about a hillbilly having a "way" with a fat guy was cut.

O Brother, Where Bart Thou?[]

American History X-cellent[]

  • Mr. Burns saying, "It quickly multiplied, and now I'm a bigger bastard than ever." was cut.

The Squirt and the Whale[]

  • Homer saying, “You greedy bastards have gouged Homer Simpson for the last time!” was shortened to "You've gouged Homer Simpson for the last time!"

To Surveil With Love[]

  • Nelson calling Millhouse a "spaz" was cut.
  • The cops beating the flower saleswomen with clubs was cut.
  • The debate about having sex with animals was cut.
  • Brandine drinking moonshine while pregnant was cut.

The Bob Next Door[]

  • Bart giggling over the word "De-boner" was cut.
  • Mr. Burns's Cellmate saying "Nothing is holding up the dress; only her melons!" was cut.
  • The entire scene of Sideshow Bob surgically removing Walt's face and sewing it onto himself was cut, as was the later scene of the diner worker flirting with him, Sideshow Bob pulling his newly stitched face off, and doing the same to Walt.
  • The doll of Bart with a knife in his chest while hanged was cut.

Season 22[]

Elementary School Musical[]

  • Krusty being hit by a lighting rig was cut.
  • Krusty asking where he can find some "victory weed" was cut.

Loan-a Lisa[]

  • Chris Hansen saying, "I'm Chris Hansen from 'To Catch a Credit Whore.'" was cut down to just, "I'm Chris Hansen."

Treehouse of Horror XXI[]

  • Bart attacking Homer with a lawnmower and Homer beating Bart with a tombstone was cut.
  • The Uncle Pennybag Parody saying he's spending his money on "Oriental Avenue prostitutes" was changed to just "Oriental Avenue".
  • Bart and Milhouse being hanged at the end of "War and Pieces" was cut.
  • Homer's POV shot of Roger allegedly twisting Marge's nipples on "Master and Cadaver" was cut.
  • Homer shooting a man with a flare gun, leading to a hole appearing in his chest was edited so that it happens off-screen.
  • Homer killing two men with an anchor was shortened.
  • Homer tearing off Ned's leg was cut.

The Fool Monty[]

  • Chazz Busby saying, "Dance, you sons of bitches!" was cut.
  • Otto using Mr. Burns as a bong was cut. Sky Showcase did a similar cut, but only edited Otto sucking on Mr. Burns' head.

How Munched Is That Birdie in the Window?[]

  • The dog being hanged in the Itchy & Scratchy cartoon was cut.

The Fight Before Christmas[]

  • Otto shoveling weed into the train was cut.
  • In Bart's dream, the song was shortened so that the scene where drugs fall down onto the models of soldiers was cut.
  • Patty saying, "Bastard." was cut.
  • Katy Perry saying, "But I didn’t say stop." after telling the Moe puppet that he's not kissing her belly button was cut.

Donnie Fatso[]

  • The FBI agent saying, "Homer, of all the rat bastards that have been working for us, you were the snitchiest." was edited to remove the word "bastard".

Moms I'd Like to Forget[]

  • Moe saying "Actually, that wasn't the WiFi. It was my Bell's palsy acting up." and then trying to continue talking as it continues to act up was cut.

Flaming Moe[]

  • Mr. Burns being asked about a "lemon party" at a gay bar was cut.

Homer the Father[]

  • The bleeped swear words from the program Homer was watching were edited to shorten or remove some of the bleeps.

The Blue and the Gray[]

  • The European female Moe preparing to hang herself was cut.

Angry Dad: The Movie[]

  • The name of the cartoon "Space Penis" was cut.

The Scorpion's Tale[]

  • Nelson calling the French postcards "fool's porn" and then looking at them behind a cactus was cut.
  • Abe saying he's feeling an erection, then a derection when he is tested was cut.
  • Otto buying drugs was cut.
  • Mr. Hotenhoffer putting a gun to his head thinking there's an angry mob outside, but him putting it down when he finds out it's a cheerful mob was cut.

A Midsummer's Nice Dream[]

  • This episode is only shown post-watershed due to frequent, often glamorized references to marijuana and stoner culture.

Love is a Many Strangled Thing[]

  • This episode is only shown post-watershed due to scenes of child abuse, repeated scenes of strangling, and a hanging scene.

The Great Simpsina[]

  • Marge saying, "Screw it!" was cut.
  • Homer describing masseuses as "the half-doctors/half-hookers who solve everything" was cut.
  • Raymondo saying that he is alone with medical marijuana was cut.
  • Cregg Demon saying "I'm gonna descend into hell and pull up a skank." was edited to remove the "...pull up a skank" line.
  • The close-up shot of the "Hell-Skank" tattoo on Cregg Demon's butt was cut.

The Real Housewives of Fat Tony[]

  • Fat Tony saying that he doesn’t know whether to "knock Selma on the kisser or kiss her on the knockers", and Selma saying she doesn’t know whether to "peck him on the kisser or kiss him on the…" before being cut off was cut.
  • Homer trying to look at Selma's boobs in the jacuzzi was cut.
  • Fat Tony's wife calling Selma a "brutta puttana" (which is Italian for "ugly whore") was cut.

500 Keys[]

  • Dr. Hibbert saying "You’ll miss all the sex!" followed by Kirk saying that a key unlocks to a parrot cage was cut.
  • Duffman's line, "I heard drowning makes you feel like you're drunk." was cut, though Duffman actually drowning himself wasn't cut.

The Ned-liest Catch[]

  • Edna's line, "I'm a teacher in a bathroom with a student. That's why most of them are in here in the first place" was cut.
  • Ned imagining Joey Kramer's face on Edna and his line, "We made love in so many elevators." was cut.

Season 23[]

The Falcon and the D'ohman[]

  • Wayne Slater hitting Snake with a bar stool after putting a pickled egg jar on his face was cut.

Bart Stops to Smell the Roosevelts[]

  • The John Kricfalusi couch gag was edited to shorten Homer staring at Marge's butt while she gets him a beer, as well as ending before Homer strangles Bart, leading to Bart fainting and Homer's brain popping out and falling into his beer.
  • Moe's head turning into a skull that gets eaten by Theodore Roosevelt was cut.
  • Bart's line, "Man, Teddy Roosevelt killed more Spaniards in one day than most people do in their whole lives." was cut.
  • Jimbo's line, "You're in my coal mine now, bitches!" was shortened to "You're in my coal mine now!"
  • State Comptroller Atkins being shown with a bloody leg was shortened.

Treehouse of Horror XXII[]

  • In the intro, Homer biting off his arm and saying he's "getting the hang of it" was cut.

In "Dial D For Diddily":

  • The scene with Mrs. Muntz as a prostitute was cut.
  • Ned cutting Mr. Burns' body into pieces was cut.
  • God strangling Homer was shortened.

In "In the Na'vi":

  • A Rigellian taxi driver telling Rigellian Bart, "Suit yourself, you one-eyed bastard." followed by Rigellian Bart giving him the finger was cut.
  • Kamala telling Bart that they will "touch testicles and mate for life" and Bart asking her if she meant "tentacles" was cut.
  • Bart asking Kamala if it was okay (referring to them having sex), and Kamala saying it was serviceable was cut.
  • Bart saying that Kamala said she was using birth control, and Kamala saying it only keeps her from giving birth during sex was cut.

Replaceable You[]

  • Bart saying he tried to hit Martin's "left testie", and Martin correcting him with "testis" was cut.
  • Grampa and Old Jewish Man asking the kids about heroin was cut.
  • Howard, Jr. saying, "If we don't have a frickin' funeral soon, people…" was shortened to cut "frickin'".
  • Frink's group being called the "North American Man-Bot Love Association" was cut due to being a pun on the pro-pedophilia group, "The North American Man/Boy Love Association".

The Food Wife[]

  • Homer attempting to drink crystal meth was cut.
  • The Spuckler family being disappointed that the meth lab had been raided, and Cletus saying he prefers Brandine's home-cooked meth was cut.

The Book Job[]

  • Moe showing Bart and Homer his book, "There's A Rainbow in My Basement" was cut.
  • All the scenes of Moe threatening Neil Gaiman's life (threatening to slit his throat, his line about wanting to melt Gaiman in an acid bath, and threatening him with a needle) were cut.

The Man in the Blue Flannel Pants[]

  • The zombie bride in Bart's dream eating his brains was cut.
  • Krusty's line, "Bill Maher doesn't put dangerous things near his crotch, except when he's off work." was cut.
  • Krusty drinking vodka was cut.
  • Marlowe saying, "In two weeks, the only tie I'll be wearing is for autoerotic pleasure." was cut.
  • Homer getting drunk off bourbon was shortened.
  • The imagine spot of Homer running over Smithers' leg was edited so that no blood comes out of it.
  • Homer saying that despair is his "sex buddy" was cut.
  • Marlowe saying he bends women beyond his sexual will was cut to remove "sexual".
  • Kirk van Houten wearing a sexual fetish costume was cut.
  • Bart watching "Drunk Girls Who Signed Waivers", featuring a topless lady was mostly cut.
  • Homer saying that his family gives him love and sex was shortened to remove mention of sex.

The Ten-Per-Cent Solution[]

  • Some of the violence from the first Itchy & Scratchy cartoon was cut, but is uncut in evening airings.
  • Maggie saluting Hitler and Lisa stopping her was cut.
  • The scene with an unknown person watching The Simpsons on Hulu was cut.
  • Homer mentioning his tattoo of Donald Duck smoking a doobie was edited to just a mention of Donald Duck. The line, "That was for Marge's eyes only!" is uncut in evening airings, but is cut in other airings.
  • Krusty saying "Also better get back on those anti-psychotic meds." was cut.
  • Annie saying, "Today's kids are less sensitive than an Army condom." was cut, but is uncut in evening airings.
  • Krusty saying "I always tell the truth after sex, but I thought it during sex." was cut.
  • Anne saying "I didn't have sex with a clown for a month." and Homer asking "What about mimes?" was cut.
  • Krusty saying "They're gonna want F-bombs and all I can give 'em is 'ca-ca' and 'ta-tas'" was cut.
  • Krusty talking about cocaine for his horses was cut.
  • Mentions of soft porno were cut.
  • Krusty saying that if a woman chases after someone in a golf cart she's a bitch was cut.
  • Annie saying, "Wow, Krusty, adjusting for age, that was amazing!" and the line containing the show name "Sex Over Sixty" was intact in evening airings, but cut in other airings.
  • Krusty and Annie having sex under their blankets was cut.

Holidays of Future Passed[]

  • Bart watching Itchy & Scratchy on a hologram was shortened to remove the violence, but is uncut in evening airings.
  • Homer talking to Marge about "future sex" was cut.
  • Maude's ghost saying that there is no God was cut, but is uncut in evening airings.
  • A flying man asking for a head pillow and then being shot was cut, but is uncut in evening airings.
  • A flight attendant offering suicide pills was cut, but is uncut in evening airings.
  • Lisa mentioning Hitler, and Homer saying that Prince Harry brought back beheading in a big way was cut, but is uncut in evening airings.
  • Ralph shooting himself in the head was cut. In evening airings, the animation is shown as normal in the part where Ralph says, "I got cloneded!" with him putting the gun to his head, but other airings replace it with animation from a bit later on from when another Ralph says, "Alright, buddy, what's the hurry?"
  • One of the Ralphs crashing into a building setting the truck on fire with multiple Ralph clones (who are also on fire) exiting the truck was cut, but is uncut in evening airings.
  • Zia talking about her flashing her boobs on a website called was cut.

Politically Inept, with Homer Simpson[]

  • A person on the plane sipping from a dead animal's eye was cut.
  • Homer being gagged by the airport security guards was edited so it happens off-screen.
  • In the Gut Check intro, the stars of the American flag impaling a panda, an alien and a Canadian Mountie was cut, but is uncut in certain airings.
  • Homer telling his viewers to hoard their toilet paper and shoot the mailman was cut, but is uncut in certain airings.
  • Homer saying he made love on his honeymoon to Ted Nugent's music was cut, but is uncut in certain airings.
  • Ted Nugent cutting an elk open and shooting Ned with his bow and arrow was cut, while certain airings leave in Ted cutting the elk open, but still cut Ned being shot with the bow and arrow.
  • Ted Nugent hanging Martin by his foot from a tree was cut, but is uncut in certain airings.
  • Homer's line, "What is this, some kind of bicentennial lemon party?" was cut, similar to Mr. Burns' line about the gay bar having a "lemon party" on "Flaming Moe", while certain airings edit the line only to cut the word "lemon".
  • Homer strangling Bart (with Marge telling him "no strangling on school days") was cut, while certain airings just shorten the strangulation.

The D'oh-cial Network[]

  • A shop with the name "Nouveau Bitch" was digitally edited to remove the word "bitch".
  • Jimbo beating up Bart while he's hanging from a tree was cut.
  • Brandine preparing to smoke from a bong was cut, though a frame showing part of the bong was left in.
  • Both instances of a head-cleaver being used in the video game being played in the school computer lab were cut.
  • In the "Show's Too Short" story, Bart setting Homer's hair on fire was cut.

Moe Goes from Rags to Riches[]

  • Various sheep being shown dead with blood was cut, though not Mr. Burns actually killing the sheep.
  • The townsfolk beating up Mr. Burns' hanged corpse was cut, though not Mr. Burns accidentally getting hanged in the first place.
  • Chief Wiggum mentioning that there was half a kilo of heroin in his car was cut.

The Daughter Also Rises[]

  • A man in a car saying to Homer, “Lucky bastard.” then telling a woman that he was talking to himself was cut.
  • Lisa calling Nick the "crack head" was cut, despite it referring to Nick as the person she met through the cracked booth and not drugs, and it is uncut in evening airings.
  • Nelson using candy cigarettes was cut, but is uncut in evening airings.
  • Homer decapitating Ned in the dream and then kicking his decapitated head was cut, while evening airings leave in the decapitation, only cutting Homer kicking his head.
  • Nelson using a Twix candy bar like a cigar was cut, but is uncut in evening airings.
  • The Spanish Maury Povich show mentioning a "crack baby" was cut, but is uncut in evening airings.

At Long Last Leave[]

  • The couch gag showing all the couch gags from the first 499 episodes all at once was edited to remove the one from "Treehouse of Horror VI" that shows the Simpsons hanging from nooses and cuts the end of the couch gag where the mosaic of couch gag stills falls away and reveals Homer and Bart strangling each other while wearing tuxedos. In certain airings (evening/early morning), the intro is only edited to shorten Bart being strangled.
  • Lisa saying, "I could see a planetarium show without the secondhand marijuana!" was cut to remove "...without the secondhand marijuana!"
  • Bart asking Homer how they can get fuel, and Homer saying they can get it from private plane crashes was cut, but is uncut in certain airings.
  • Julian Assange talking to the Simpsons was cut, but is uncut in certain airings.
  • Homer saying, "Eh, there's no sex like fugitive sex." was cut.
  • Chief Wiggum asking Mayor Quimby if he can spray Jerk Off on him was cut.
  • Homer telling Carl to let Maggie slice the tip of his ear off so that she falls asleep was cut.
  • The shot of a plane with the banner "MOVE TO THE OUTLANDS - A GREAT PLACE TO TAKE DRUGS AND SHOOT THINGS" was cut, but is uncut in certain airings.

Exit Through the Kwik-E-Mart[]

  • Sideshow Mel saying that Apu keeps his ice cream next to the motor oil and Nelson saying that he gives cigarettes to kids was cut.
  • Homer saying "Oh my God! A Marge birthday where I have sex!" was cut.
  • Paula saying "Screw you, Marge Simpson!" was cut.

How I Wet Your Mother[]

  • The shot of Homer's angry texts from work was edited to replace "SCRU U 4EVER" with another "U R A F@WAD", though the original text can still be seen in the earlier wide shot.
  • Homer saying, “Karma’s a bitch, karma!” was cut.
  • Homer and Marge trying to have sex with Homer wearing a diaper was cut. Evening airings edit the scene to only cut Homer telling Marge "It's not the diaper. It's what's inside.", but other airings cut the whole scene.
  • Homer strangling Bart in the therapist's room was shortened, though not Bart being strangled by a chair in another dream.
  • Ned getting crushed by a tractor in Homer’s fantasy was cut, but is uncut in evening airings.

Them, Robot[]

  • Lenny and Carl dropping paper clips down Homer’s throat was cut.
  • Mr. Burns saying that anyone who tests positive for narcotics will be terminated, followed by Homer, Lenny and Carl saying goodbye to Lang-Soo, who is smoking opium, was cut.
  • Homer taking antidepressants was cut.
  • Lenny licking a toad was cut.
  • Moe trying to shoot himself was cut.
  • Barney doing his stripper three-card monte routine was shortened to cut him saying "Where's the wiener?", though Barney saying that he's become a stripper due to economic difficulties (much like the men in the movie The Full Monty) wasn't cut.
  • The robots sawing part of Homer's head off was cut.

Beware My Cheating Bart[]

  • Shawna bringing Bart to an abandoned shop and showing him her hot boobs was cut.
  • Millhouse getting run over by a taxi driver was cut.
  • Bart Simpson saying "And show him every boob you've got!" was cut.

A Totally Fun Thing Bart Will Never Do Again[]

  • Bart saying "Oh, Snowball II!" while holding a knife was cut.
  • Marge and Homer having sex on the cruise was cut.
  • A passenger on the cruise saying that he cannibalized someone was cut in Channel 4 airings.

The Spy Who Learned Me[]

  • Stradivarius Cain snapping someone's neck was cut.
  • Stradivarius Cain shooting someone had the scene cropped to get rid of blood around the dead body.
  • Stradivarius Cain tossing someone off a building and the victim being impaled was cut, but is uncut in evening airings, although an evening airing from 2018 showed it cut.
  • Homer thinking, "Marge is pissed!" was cut, but is uncut in evening airings, although an evening airing from 2018 showed it cut.
  • Huffnpuffalus being shot by Stradivarius Cain was cut.
  • Lewis firing a gun in class was cut.
  • The sound effects of Homer getting pistol-whipped by the blue-eyed man, and later the blue-eyed woman knocking out the blue-eyed man with her high heel were muted.
  • Nelson beating up the students in Springfield Elementary School was shortened. In evening airings, only Nelson bashing Wendell's and Database's heads together was cut. In other time slots, all violence except Nelson punching Martin first was cut. However, an evening airing from 2018 showed the more edited version.

Ned 'N Edna's Blend Agenda[]

  • The film producer saying that he blew his money on coke was cut.
  • Ned's parents talking about how they got high off "reeferino" was cut.

Lisa Goes Gaga[]

  • Ned saying "Unless you're gonna slap some wieners on those, turn 'em off!" was edited to remove the part about wieners.
  • Lady Gaga saying "Bastards!" was cut.

Season 24[]

Treehouse of Horror XXIII[]

  • Moe saying that if Homer sees his beating heart he should act surprised was cut.
  • Marge talking about having sex with Moe was cut and most of Moe's lines were also cut.
  • Moe's head being kicked around like a football and then being impaled by a spike was cut.
  • The Mayans crushing Homer underfoot was cut.
  • The end of the "Paranormal Activity" spoof where Homer offers to have a three-way with two demons to save Maggie's life was cut.

Adventures in Baby-Getting[]

  • Carl saying he wraps his penis in tin-foil was cut.

A Tree Grows in Springfield[]

  • Duffman saying, "Screw it!" was cut.

The Day the Earth Stood Cool[]

  • The scene of the HR representative at the sexual harassment seminar explaining that there’s no workplace-appropriate use for the word 'bazooms' and Carl asking if "thunderbags" is an acceptable substitute was cut. The callback to this scene was also cut.

To Cur, with Love[]

  • Homer adding a brothel to his game was cut.
  • Homer drinking cheese-scented window cleaner was cut.

Homer Goes to Prep School[]

  • Homer saying he'd slash his wrists, but he didn't know how without an electric knife was cut.
  • Disco Stu putting a gun up to his head after his disco music stops was cut.

A Test Before Trying[]

  • Bart imagining a destroyed Springfield Elementary School with Skinner being hanged from a noose was cut.

Changing of the Guardian[]

  • Homer using a donut like a drug was cut.

Love is a Many-Splintered Thing[]

  • Bart saying he thought he was calling the Suicide Not-line was cut.

Hardly Kirk-ing[]

  • The couch gag was edited so that Homer's throat being slashed happened offscreen.
  • Milhouse saying, "It says those are for her pleasure." was cut.

Gorgeous Grampa[]

  • Homer looking through channels on TV was edited to remove "Porn Hoarders", "Skunk People", "Meth Boss" and "Porn Hoarders: Texas".
  • The "High to be Loathed" song was edited to remove a line, "Never was keen on booze, don’t take cocaine or Mary Jane."
  • Rich Texan saying, "That cocaine I ordered is taking forever!" was cut.
  • Mr. Burns describing Glamorous Godfrey as "America’s original vainglorious bastard" was cut.

Black-Eyed, Please[]

  • Homer doing drugs with Ned's parents was cut.
  • The words "semen" and "whoremonger" in the Bible were cut.

Dark Knight Court[]

  • Otto smoking Easter grass like a drug was cut.

What Animated Women Want[]

  • This episode is only shown post-watershed, due to strong sexual content (Homer trying to put the spice back in his marriage to Marge by buying sex toys and creating a "snuggle dungeon").

Whiskey Business[]

  • This episode only airs after watershed hours, due to frequent scenes and verbal references to Moe attempting suicide.

The Fabulous Faker Boy[]

  • Rich Texan saying that a cowboy hat means he's ashamed of his small penis was cut.

Dangers on a Train[]

  • A reference to a medical marijuana stand being placed instead of the train was cut.

Season 25[]


  • Annie Crawford saying, "I can give you incredible sex." was cut.
  • Homer saying that the eco-friendly activists wanted gas, grass, or ass, and that he had the ass was cut.

Treehouse of Horror XXIV[]

  • The special Guillermo del Toro intro showcasing sci-fi, fantasy, and horror references edited the following:
    • The people with guns shooting zombies' brains out and one of them being eaten was cut.
    • The sound effects of thunder when a psychotic-looking Stephen King turns around after scrawling "All Work and No Play Makes Jack a Dull Boy" all over the classroom walls, and Bart gasping in fear were muted.
    • Lenny being decapitated (and pouring coffee down the hole in his neck) after Carl throws on his Blade disguise and goes after Homer was cut.
  • On "Oh, The Places You'll D'oh!":
    • Homer/The Fat in the Hat's line, "Your peanuts are pawed through, your beer smells like skunk, and you just pissed off the wrong fat, furry drunk!" was cut.
  • On "Dead and Shoulders":
    • Bart trying and failing to decapitate Lisa with Skinner's car was cut.
  • On "Freaks No Geeks":
    • Mr. Burns being shown dead on a noose was cut.

Four Regrettings and a Funeral[]


  • Eduardo watching Homer and Marge jump on the bed outside their house, Flanders coming to him and asking him what he was doing, with Eduardo saying he was "watching my friend and his wife innocently pleasure themselves in bed" was cut.

Labor Pains[]

  • Homer saying, "This simulation has been brought to you by your brain, a subsidiary of your penis." was shortened to "This simulation has been brought to you by your brain."
  • Lisa showing the cheerleaders that a webcam hidden in the grass on the field has been taking upskirt photos of them was cut.

The Kid is All Right[]

  • Homer strangling Bart was shortened, and the part where Bart becomes unconscious due to Homer's strangling was cut.

Season 26[]

Treehouse of Horror XXV[]

  • This episode only airs post-watershed, due to graphic violence and the scene of Marge committing suicide by sticking her head in a gas oven. In contrast, Sky Showcase aired this episode before watershed, but cut Marge's suicide scene.


Blazed and Confused[]

  • Mr. Lassen cutting his cheek after Principal Skinner asks him about the scar on his face was cut, going from Lassen's line about how he was kicked out of a Shelbyville private school for duct-taping kids to the wall to Skinner immediately hiring him. Contrast with Sky Showcase, which actually aired an alternate version of that scene from the original American version, where Mr. Lassen has a bandage on his face and peels it off to show Skinner the scar.

Season 27[]

Halloween of Horror[]

  • Dickie saying "Cuz I'm still coming down from huffin' all that glow stick juice, man!" was cut.
  • Dickie and his friends inhaling the fog machine was cut.
  • One line in NC-17 Halloween referring to "bondage Frankenstein" and a "steampunk orgy" (with Chief Wiggum and Sarah Wiggum as Frankensteins and Ms. Hoover trying to hit on Professor Frink) was cut.
  • The cops coming back from the party wearing sexual costumes was cut.

Treehouse of Horror XXVI[]

  • This episode only airs post-watershed, due to graphic violence.

Paths of Glory[]

  • The steam-powered barber chair decapitating the person inside was cut.
  • Jimbo's answer to Shauna saying "What doesn't make you hot." ("Alcoholic step-dads.") was cut.
  • Bart shoving the choking device inside his mouth while in a pirate outfit was cut.

Season 28[]

Friends and Family[]

  • Smithers telling Mr. Burns that the Internet has a lot of pornography on it was cut.
  • Mr. Burns watching "dragon porn" was cut.
  • Mr. Burns imagining a naked Marge with her breasts and crotch blacked out was cut.

The Town[]

  • Jay saying, "Frigging doorknobs!" was cut.

Treehouse of Horror XXVII[]

  • This episode only airs post-watershed, due to extreme cartoon violence with children either committing violence or being the victim of it.

Trust But Clarify[]

  • Kent saying he's thinking dark and suicidal thoughts was cut.
  • One of the former anchors attempting to hang himself with his mic was cut.

There Will Be Buds[]

  • Kirk asking Homer where the craziest place was that he and Marge ever "did it" was cut.
  • The appearances of the Not Hookers, Pole Cats, and Juicy Wang strip clubs were cut.
  • Homer saying, "Okay, all I got to do is go in, get the pervert, and bring him back to a park full of children." was cut.
  • Kirk getting off his chair, which peels off to leave his body shape in the chair, was cut.

Havana Wild Weekend[]

  • Grampa's pleasured reaction after seeing his younger self in the car mirror, then the driver telling him that he had a "Cuba-gasm" was cut.
  • A golfer saying, "Screw you!" was muted.

Dad Behavior[]

  • Grampa saying, "Everyone's making whoopee and hanky-panky. A few are even having sex." was cut.
  • The violent zombie game was shortened.

The Last Traction Hero[]

  • In Homer's fantasy, a German woman saying, "If you need me, I'll be in your schpankenbank." was cut.
  • Homer saying, "And now she needs me for nothing but sex. I'm the luckiest husband in the world!" was cut.

Pork and Burns[]

  • Homer and Plopper getting in a van with a guy wearing a sexual costume, followed by the van driving off as Homer and Plopper start screaming was cut.
  • Dr. Nick taking opioids was cut.

The Great Phatsby[]

Part 1[]
  • The scene that shows some of the characters onboard Hamptons Hackney was cut.
  • Skinner voicing his confusion about the toilet payment system at Mr. Burns' party, and Burns saying he has to bring the chit from the applicable restroom to the purser was cut.
  • Bart saying, "Boom!" after Lisa walks out of the ice cream shop was cut.
  • The appearance of Jay G's plane covered in weed logos, bongs and pipes was cut.
  • Mr. Burns trying to sign his credit card with a felt-tip pen, then Burns and Jay G blowing on it to dry the ink was cut.
  • Jay G saying, "Biatch!" in his song was cut.
Part 2[]
  • Mr. Burns telling Jazzy James to rap like his world is ending was cut.

The Cad and the Hat[]

  • Nelson taking the bunny and the hammer home for dinner was cut.
  • Moe saying that he was just checking in on an alt-suicide subreddit was cut.

Kamp Krustier[]

  • This episode only airs post-watershed, due to strong sex references and scenes of childhood trauma.

22 For 30[]

  • Nelson saying, "Nothing but net! Which is what my mom wears in the strip club." was cut.

A Father's Watch[]

  • Bart making the dead frog's body dance while speaking in an Jamaican accent was cut.
  • Homer leaving the pawn shop while maniacally laughing was cut due to the person behind the counter smoking in the background.

The Caper Chase[]

  • Carl saying that Homer's not cut out to be a pedagogue, and Moe mistaking it for "pedophile" ("That's easy. You just got to register, stay away from playgrounds... oh, you said peda*gogue*.") was cut.

Looking for Mr. Goodbart[]

  • The Itchy & Scratchy cartoon was cut to remove Itchy smashing a bottle over the head of one cat chef, Itchy stabbing another cat chef in the throat with it, and the part where a human chef shoots himself in the head. After the throat stab, the shot of the two injured cat chefs was zoomed in to remove the blood.
  • The scene of Bart being confused about the British phrase "taking the piss" was cut.


  • The drawing of Gil hanging himself was cut.
  • Anger Watkins saying, "I tried to inhale nitrous oxide to get fast. I ended up naked behind an appliance store!" was cut.

Season 29[]

The Serfsons[]

  • The Serfsons looking at the pike with Ned's head on it was cut.
  • The scenes with "genital snerfs" were cut.

Springfield Splendor[]

  • Guthrie saying "Oh, those sons of Bs!" was cut.

Whistler's Father[]

  • Quimby sheepishly asking Marge if she's a prostitute was cut.
  • Mrs. Muntz appearing with a group of prostitutes and saying she "loves the new whorehouse smell" was cut.

Treehouse of Horror XXVIII[]

"The Exor-Sis" had the following scenes edited:

  • A toy cowboy shooting himself in the head during Homer's Pazuzu lullaby.
  • Helen Lovejoy being impaled in the head by Maggie with a fire poker was edited to mute the sound effect.
  • The priest's line "If you can't trust a Catholic priest with a child, who can you trust?"

"MMM...Homer" had the following scenes edited:

  • Homer asking Ned "Do you have any spaghetti with my balls… uh, meatballs?"
  • Ned asking Homer if he's eating forbidden fruit.
  • Two parts of Homer's auto-cannibalism montage (Homer cutting off his toes with a kitchen knife and pulling his brains out of his head).

Grampy Can Ya Hear Me[]

  • Grampa saying, "A call girl that kills me after?" was cut.
  • The choir voices in Skinner's head saying, "You poor bastard!" was edited to replace "bastard" with another "loser".

The Old Blue Mayor She Ain't What She Used to Be[]

  • The talking trash can saying, "Thank you for the used porn." was edited so that way it just says, "Thank you."

Mr. Lisa's Opus[]

  • The Simpsons and Leon Kompowsky (the mental patient who thinks he's Michael Jackson from the now-banned season three episode "Stark Raving Dad") going inside Lisa's room on her 14th birthday was cut. Despite this, a still of the scene was used as the thumbnail for the episode, and Kipp Lennon (who was the singing voice of Leon Kompowsky on "Stark Raving Dad" while the real Michael Jackson was the speaking voice of Leon Kompowsky, but, with the real Michael Jackson dead, Kipp Lennon now voices Kompowsky's singing and speaking voices) is still listed in the credits.
  • Bart saying "Yeah, these girls want me to piss off their parents before they head home." was cut.

Gone Boy[]

  • Otto using a candy cane like a drug in the intro was cut.
  • Sideshow Bob being hung from a noose inside his dream was cut.

Haw-Haw Land[]

  • Otto appearing at the conference with drugs was cut.
  • Lisa's eyes showing a cupid being hanged was cut.
  • Kearney saying "Bastard!" was cut.
  • Homer talking on the phone with Cletus about meth was cut.
  • The Norwegian soldiers being attacked by the Scottish soldiers in Willie's story (including their heads being chopped off) was cut.

Homer Is Where the Art Isn't[]

  • Megan saying "You smug son of a bitch!" was edited to remove the word "bitch!"

3 Scenes Plus a Tag from a Marriage[]

  • Miles appearing with a tray full of drugs was cut.
  • Homer saying "And baby Bart was the worst son of a bitch you could imagine." was changed to "And baby Bart was the worst you could imagine."
  • In the "Problem Child" film, Jane slicing a mailman's neck with an envelope was cut.
  • Homer and Marge discussing where to have sex and eventually doing it on the fire escape was cut.

Fears of a Clown[]

  • Bart and Willie using the chalk to write out, "Skinner is a wanker, a twit, and a tosspot!" was cut.

No Good Read Goes Unpunished[]

  • This episode has yet to air, because of the subplot where Marge discovers that her favorite childhood books are considered culturally offensive by today's standards.

King Leer[]

  • Moe saying, "I buried this dream so deep, no amount of self-harm could ever carve it out." was cut.

Lisa Gets the Blues[]

  • Louis Armstrong talking to Lisa about drugs was cut.

Left Behind[]

  • Moe inhaling from the canister of nitrous oxide, causing his face to momentarily turn blue was cut, though not Moe actually admitting he was using it.
  • Marge saying "I want you! I want you!" and Homer stopping her and saying, "I want you! Only you!" while making out was cut.

Flanders' Ladder[]

  • Grampa staring at his myPad making confused noises translated as "MY PORN!" was cut.
  • Milhouse's therapist explaining to Bart that he killed himself was cut. In the same scene, a bottle of "RAT POISON" had the writing digitally removed.
  • The scene with a ghost of a hobo was cut.
  • Homer saying, "That bastard!" was cut.
  • The several officers trying to gun down Homer was edited so that they just point their guns at him.

External Links[]
