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Paper Chain Family
Christmas Ornament Family couch gag
Bulletin Board Family

The Christmas Ornament Family couch gag is the eighth couch gag of Season 18.


The Simpson family (in Christmas attire) runs in the room and sits on the couch as usual, but the camera pulls out to reveal that they are in a Christmas ornament, which is on the family's Christmas tree. Santa's Little Helper and Snowball V rest nearby as the last few notes of a Christmas carol play.

Character Appearances[]



  • "The Burns and the Bees" has the last few notes of a different Christmas carol playing when the camera finishes zooming out.

⇐ Season 17 Season 18 couch gags Season 19 ⇒
Musical Chairs couch gagKing Kong Homer couch gagVending Machine couch gagCar Wash couch gagDrag & Drop couch gagCockroach Family couch gagPaper Chain Family couch gagChristmas Ornament Family couch gagBulletin Board Family couch gagAging Family couch gagPaper Doll Family couch gagHomer's Evolution couch gagMultiple Simpson Families couch gag
⇐ Season 17 Re-used couch gags Season 19 ⇒
Cockroach Family couch gagVending Machine couch gagBonanza couch gagSpinning Newspaper couch gagMusical Chairs couch gagCar Wash couch gag