The Crop Field Family couch gag is the eleventh couch gag of Season 21.
A rain cloud moves over a crop field that is located in the Simpson backyard. After it rains all over it, the rain cloud goes away, and a few squashes and eggplants grow in the field. The Simpson family (except Homer) arrive to the crop field as bugs. Marge is a ladybug, Lisa is a bumblebee, Maggie is a butterfly, and Bart is a caterpillar. They then sit on a large eggplant (which is like their couch), where Homer, as a grub, unexpectedly emerges from it, finishes his snack, and joins the rest of the family to watch a few purple roses grow (which is like their TV).
Character Appearances[]
Episode – "Stealing First Base"
Episode – "At Long Last Leave" (Snapshot montage with other episode's gags)