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Krusty the Clown (episode)
Daddicus Finch
'Tis the 30th Season
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Cultural References[]

  • The episode's title is a reference to Atticus Finch from To Kill a Mockingbird; both Atticus Finch and To Kill a Mockingbird are referenced during the episode.
  • The stores in the Springfield Mall are parodies of real-life stores, including:
    • Poverty Barn - parody of Pottery Barn
    • Wage Gap - parody of The Gap
    • Toys Were Us - parody of Toys R Us; name references Toys R Us going out of business until it was renewed as Geoffrey's Toy Box
    • Goodbye Kitty - parody of Hello Kitty
  • Homer references The Powerpuff Girls intro when saying "Sugar and spice and everything..." before saying "What the?!" in regards to Wee Madame's clothing selection.


  • The woman on TV next to the weather forecast was also in the party scene in Season 23's "The Spy Who Learned Me".
  • The banner outside the Springfield Mall reads "Rats Control Third Floor."
  • This episode was rated TV-14 while it was TV-PG on Disney+.


  • When the angry mob gathers outside the Simpsons' home, as they load their weapons, one of them puts a magazine in a revolver.
  • Willie is seen in the background when Shauna is reading, but the scene cuts immediately to the food table where he is standing.
  • At one point, when the angry mob is outside the Simpsons house, Chief Wiggum's belt was blue instead of black.


  • On the premiere on November, 10th, 2022 Channel 4 cut these two scenes.
    • Scratchy's brains being taken out by Itchy with a drill was cut.
    • Abe punching Bart in the face was cut.

Season 29 Season 30 References/Trivia Season 31
Bart's Not DeadHeartbreak HotelMy Way or the Highway to HeavenTreehouse of Horror XXIXBaby You Can't Drive My CarFrom Russia Without LoveWerking MomKrusty the ClownDaddicus Finch'Tis the 30th SeasonMad About the ToyThe Girl on the BusI'm Dancing as Fat as I CanThe Clown Stays in the Picture101 MitigationsI Want You (She's So Heavy)E My SportsBart vs. Itchy & ScratchyGirl's in the BandI'm Just a Girl Who Can't Say D'ohD'oh CanadaWoo-hoo Dunnit?Crystal Blue-Haired Persuasion