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Bart to the Future
Days of Wine and D'oh'ses
Kill the Alligator and Run
Barney: When I think back to all the time I wasted at Moe's...
Homer: Wasted!? What about our staring contests? And the way we always knew what football coaches should have done? Remember the time we jumped that census guy and stole his clicker?"

Cletus: Looky here! Cardy-board tubes!
Brandine: Now we can have indoor plumbing, just like they's got at the womens' lockup.
Cletus: They spoilt you, Brandine. Sometimes I don't even know who you are anymore.

(Homer and Bart look through the trash)
Homer: This muscle shirt is a pretty good find.
Bart: Dad, that's a sports bra.
Homer: All I know is, I'm finally getting the support I need.

Lisa: Oh, we'll never get a good picture.
Bart: Hey, let's dump spaghetti on Maggie's head.
Lisa: That picture's a cliche.
Bart: Picture?

Season 10 Season 11 Quotes Season 12
Beyond BlunderdomeBrother's Little HelperGuess Who's Coming to Criticize Dinner?Treehouse of Horror XE-I-E-I-D'ohHello Gutter, Hello FadderEight Misbehavin'Take My Wife, SleazeGrift of the MagiLittle Big MomFaith OffThe Mansion FamilySaddlesore GalacticaAlone Again, Natura-DiddilyMissionary: ImpossiblePygmoelianBart to the FutureDays of Wine and D'oh'sesKill the Alligator and RunLast Tap Dance in SpringfieldIt's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad MargeBehind the Laughter