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Dead Putting Society |
- This is the first episode to feature the Flanders family prominently.
- This is also the first appearance of Maude Flanders, Ned's wife who would appear often with Ned until her tragic death in "Alone Again, Natura-Diddily".
- The blackboard text is a reference to Bart's voice actor, Nancy Cartwright, who was 32 when the episode was produced, and recently turned 33 when it aired.
- Krusty is seen in the pool hall with no clown make up and wearing his prison uniform from "Krusty Gets Busted".
Krusty's brief cameo
- Ned's phone call to Reverend Lovejoy in this episode, as well as Lovejoy's statement that Ned will make such a phone call if he "stepped on a worm," marks the first time his staunchly Christian views are introduced. Like Marge, Maude Flanders has a Sunday Dress, which gives away that the family attends church every Sunday. This is in contrast to weekly church-going, but greatly non-practicing, Christian members of the Simpson family. Ned's phone call shows he is clearly a staunch God-fearing Christian who seeks spiritual advice even outside of Sunday church services. The Flanders family even goes as far as to keep the head pastor of the church they attend on their home phone's speed dial. Like Marge, Ned's prior appearances gave no hint of his or his family's religious views.
- Despite not being a Buddhist yet, the episode shows Lisa as having an interest in meditation and Zen methods of mind clearing.
- Ned is supposed to be left-handed, but he was writing with his right hand in this episode. He may be ambidextrous.
- When Bart and Todd are exclaiming over the $50 1st prize, the other rewards are as follows: 2nd prize, $10; 3rd prize, $5; and 4th prize; half price snow cone. Also, a free balloon is awarded to all who enter.
- Homer says the club is to the golfer what the violin is to the 'violin guy'. In "Lisa the Greek", Homer calls a violinist 'violin guy'.
- Some of the names that were shown to be competing in the tournament were Simpson (Bart), Flanders (Todd), Wiggum (Ralph), Monroe, and Prince (Martin).
- This is the second appearance of Dolph and Kearney - when Bart is practicing golf in the pool hall they are playing Pool with Jimbo Jones. However this is Jimbo's third appearance - he had a cameo during the snow day in "Bart Gets An F".
- Lisa's line "Embrace nothingness" appears in her bio in The Simpsons Arcade Game.
- Homer asks Bart if he wants to take him out for frosty chocolate milkshakes, which is a callback to the earlier late 80s shorts that aired on The Tracey Ullman Show.

Bart and Lisa with only three toes
- In the scene where Bart and Lisa meditate barefoot, they both have only three toes instead of four and they only have three fingers.
- In real life, the highly devout Flanders wouldn't wear his wife's dress as it is cross dressing, which is forbidden in the Bible. On the other hand it's only truly forbidden if it is done to deceive someone into thinking he is actually a woman or to live as a woman, NOT as a harmless joke after losing a harmless wager. Although the devout would not think so.
- Ned is offering some beer and sandwiches in his rumpus room to Homer, but in the Season 8 episode, "Hurricane Neddy", Ned mentions that he doesn't drink, dance, or swear, so why would he install a beer tap? Either his beliefs may have changed between the two episodes, or he maybe installed it in case other people want to drink at his house when they visit, like Homer in this episode.
Cultural References[]
- The title of the episode is a reference to the film Dead Poets Society.
- When Homer says, "That shot is impossible! Jack Nicholson himself couldn't make it!", he is thinking of Jack Nicklaus. However Jack Nicholson does play golf for fun and once got in trouble for striking a driver's car with a golf club (four years after this episode aired).
- In the movie Full Metal Jacket, Marines in basic training are ordered to give their rifles female names. A principal character names his "Charlene".
- The scene in which Homer instructs Bart to stare at a picture of Todd each day, concentrating on how much he hates him, could be a reference to the "Two Minutes Hate" in George Orwell's novel Nineteen Eighty-Four.
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Bart Gets an "F" • Simpson and Delilah • Treehouse of Horror (aka "The Simpsons Halloween Special") • Two Cars in Every Garage and Three Eyes on Every Fish • Dancin' Homer • Dead Putting Society • Bart vs. Thanksgiving • Bart the Daredevil • Itchy & Scratchy & Marge • Bart Gets Hit by a Car • One Fish, Two Fish, Blowfish, Blue Fish • The Way We Was • Homer vs. Lisa and the 8th Commandment • Principal Charming • Oh Brother, Where Art Thou? • Bart's Dog Gets an F • Old Money • Brush with Greatness • Lisa's Substitute • The War of the Simpsons • Three Men and a Comic Book • Blood Feud |