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Simpsons Wiki
Homer Looking at Map (Artwork) This article is about Donuts (shop).

Are you looking for Donuts?

Donuts is a shop in Downtown Springfield. It has a big brown Donut similar to the look of the colossal Donut from Treehouse of Horror VI.


When the Springfield Monorail was rapidly speeding through Springfield at an alarming dangerous rate. Homer Simpson (who was the monorail conductor) had to stop the monorail but all he had was an anchor. Then he saw the donut shop and attached the anchor through the hole of the donut which stopped the Monorail from destroying the town.


  • Eddie and Lou eat there.
  • The donut shop is a possible prototype of Lard Lad Donuts which first appeared three years after this episode premiered. The colossal donut which is sold at Lard Lad looks identical to the fake one on top of the shop.


Simp Episode – "Marge vs. the Monorail"
