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The Aquarium
Family Portrait
Bart's Hiccups
Homer: Okay, hold still. This is the last picture on the roll.
Bart: Praise the lord.
Homer: You watch your mouth, you little smart-ass.
Lisa: Yeah, Bart.
[Homer looks through the camera and sees Bart sticking his tongue out. When he looks at Bart without it, Bart sticks his tongue back in. Homer frowns.]
Homer: Nothing's gonna ruin this one. [sets the timer] The timer's-a tickin'! [gets in position]
[Bart makes a face.]
Lisa: Bart's making faces, Dad.
Homer: Bart! [Bart smiles along with the rest of the family] This one's gonna be the Simpsons at our finest. Smile, look cheerful. Here we go. [Bart makes a face] Here we go. Here we go. [notices Bart makes a face] Why you little! [strangles Bart, and as the camera clicks, it show the photo of Homer strangling Bart, Lisa and Maggie making a face and Marge falling asleep]

Shorts: Season 1 Shorts: Season 2 Quotes Shorts: Season 3
Making FacesThe FuneralMaggie's BrainFootballHouse of CardsBart and Dad Eat DinnerSpace PatrolBart's HaircutWorld War IIIThe Perfect CrimeScary StoriesGrandpa & the KidsGone Fishin'SkateboardingThe PagansThe ClosetThe AquariumFamily PortraitBart's HiccupsThe Money JarThe Art MuseumZoo Story