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Bart of the Jungle
Family Therapy
Maggie in Peril: Chapter One
Bart: Family therapy? What the hell is this?
Lisa: You said we're going out for frosty chocolate milkshakes!
Homer: Well, I lied.
Sherwood: Uh, Simpsons? Welcome. So what brings you to family therapy?
Homer: Well doc, it's like this... they're all drivin' me crazy; I don't know what to do.
Bart: Not my fault.
Lisa: I wish I was an orphan.
Homer: Lisa!
Bart: Oh boy, mints!
Sherwood: Go ahead, take one.
(Bart starts eating mints)
Homer: We never laugh anymore, doc.
Lisa: You can say that again.
Bart: (mouthful) When Homer's right, he's right.
Lisa: For once, the old man's correctarooni.
Homer: Shut up!
Sherwood: I'm sensing some deep seated hostility here. Why don't we all take a deep cleansing breath?
(Simpsons take deep breath)
(Bart continues to eat mints)
Sherwood: Don't you think you've had enough mints, son?
Bart: (mouthful) I ain't leavin' till that bowl's empty.
Homer: Put those mints back, boy.
(Bart spits it out)
Lisa: Eeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwww!
Sherwood: Good lord, you little slob! You've ruined the whole bowl!
Lisa: Don't talk to my brother like that, you big oaf!
(Lisa kicks Sherwood in the shin)
Sherwood: D'ohh! Why you little borderline psychotic...!
Homer: No one talks to my daughter like that!
Sherwood: Oh yeah? Now you're gonna bully me like you bully your kids?!
Bart: We don't like you, sir.
(Bart shoots Sherwood with a suction cup dart gun)
(Lisa cuts off his tie and Marge gasps)
Sherwood: (as he removes cup darts) Leave this office, please!
(Sherwood slams door)
(Simpsons went out and then they laugh)

Shorts: Season 2 Shorts: Season 3 Quotes Season 1
Shut Up SimpsonsThe Shell GameThe Bart Simpson ShowPunching BagSimpson XmasThe Krusty the Clown ShowBart the HeroBart's Little FantasyScary MovieHome HypnotismShopliftingEcho CanyonBathtimeBart's NightmareBart of the JungleFamily TherapyMaggie in Peril: Chapter OneMaggie in Peril: The Thrilling ConclusionTV Simpsons