A seating chart of the class roster.
The Fourth Grade at Springfield Elementary School consists of Bart Simpson and his classmates. It was originally taught by Mrs. Krabappel until her retirement in 2013 due to the death of her voice actress Marcia Wallace. It was temporarily taken over by Jack Lassen, who was fired for his bad actions. It was later taught by Caroline Berrera, who left to serve in Afghanistan. It was later taken over by Ned Flanders for a short time. As of "My Octopus and a Teacher", Rayshelle Peyton currently teaches the class. Most of the students are 10 years old. There is a total of 20 recurring students.
Former Students[]
- Samantha Stankey (Briefly)[1]
- Donny (Briefly)[2]
Other Students[]
- Milhouse's Friend (7G03)[3]
- Violet Bazaar (7G03)[4]
- Ezekiel (8F22)[5]
- Ishmael (8F22)[6]
- Arthur (9F03)[7]
- Warren (1F06)[8]
- Tommy (CABF09)[9]
- Dr. Hibbert's Second Son (LABF14) [10]
- Amy (HABF05)[11]
- Bashir bin Laden (KABF20)[12]
- Arthur (DABF17)[13]
- Todd Flanders
- Database (2F22)[14]
Substitute Teachers[]
- Clancy Wiggum (2F19)[15]
- Barney Gumble (2F19)[16]
- Lionel Hutz (2F19)[17]
- Gabe Kaplan (2F19)[18]
- Moe Szyslak (2F19)[19]
- Marge Simpson (2F19)[20]
- Jim Hope (BAFB07)[21]
- Zachary Vaughn (LABF17)[22]
- Jack Lassen (TABF01)[23]
- Carol Berrera (VABF04)[24]
- Ned Flanders (XABF12)[25]
- Mr. Somerset (Simpsons Comics #4—It's in the Cards)[26]
- In one episode there are only 16 seats in Ms. Krabappel's classroom. Two seats in the front row are taken by Ishmael and Ezekiel, while the other seat to Bart's right is reserved for the new student, Samantha Stankey[27].
- At one point, Jimbo Jones and Kearney Zzyzwicz are shown sitting in Ms. Krabappel's class[28]. However, they are sixth-grade students who frequently cut class and ditch school. It is possible that they were present in the classroom to redeem something they failed in the fourth grade, or for some other similar reason.
- Once, Janey Powell is shown sitting in Ms. Krabappel's class. However, she is a second grader in Elizabeth Hoover's class[29].
- One of Bart's classmates greatly resembles Levi Bernstein, one of Bart's distant cousins from the Bernstein family side of the Simpson family tree[30].
- Following Marcia Wallace's death (the actress who voiced Edna) and Krabappel's retirement, the classroom wasn’t seen in later episodes until Ned Flanders took over as the current teacher until he was fired for praying in his classroom and replace Rayshelle Peyton.
Appearances as a Whole Class[]
Episode – "Bart the Genius"
Episode – "Bart Gets an "F""
Episode – "Lisa's Substitute"
Episode – "Bart the Lover"
Episode – "Bart's Friend Falls in Love"
Episode – "Bart's Inner Child"
Episode – "The Last Temptation of Homer"
Episode – "Bart Gets Famous"
Episode – "The Boy Who Knew Too Much"
Episode – "The PTA Disbands"
Episode – "Who Shot Mr. Burns? (Part One)"
Episode – "Home Sweet Homediddly-Dum-Doodily"
Episode – "Summer of 4 Ft. 2"
Episode – "Grade School Confidential"
Episode – "The Secret War of Lisa Simpson"
Episode – "Brother's Little Helper"
Episode – "Hello Gutter, Hello Fadder"
Episode – "Grift of the Magi"
Episode – "Bart vs. Lisa vs. the Third Grade"
Episode – "The Debarted"
Episode – "Waverly Hills 9-0-2-1-D'oh"
Episode – "Bart Gets a "Z""
Episode – "Million Dollar Maybe"
Episode – "Postcards From the Wedge"
Episode – "Stealing First Base"
Episode – "How Munched Is That Birdie in the Window?"
Episode – "A Test Before Trying"
- ↑ Bart's Friend Falls in Love
- ↑ The Debarted
- ↑ Homer's Odyssey
- ↑ Homer's Odyssey
- ↑ Bart's Friend Falls in Love
- ↑ Bart's Friend Falls in Love
- ↑ Itchy & Scratchy: The Movie
- ↑ Boy-Scoutz 'n the Hood
- ↑ Hungry, Hungry Homer
- ↑ Bart Gets a "Z"
- ↑ My Fair Laddy
- ↑ Mypods and Boomsticks
- ↑ Poppa's Got a Brand New Badge
- ↑ Lemon of Troy
- ↑ The PTA Disbands
- ↑ The PTA Disbands
- ↑ The PTA Disbands
- ↑ The PTA Disbands
- ↑ The PTA Disbands
- ↑ The PTA Disbands
- ↑ Grift of the Magi
- ↑ Bart Gets a "Z"
- ↑ Blazed and Confused
- ↑ Teenage Mutant Milk-caused Hurdles
- ↑ Left Behind
- ↑ Simpsons Comics #4—It's in the Cards
- ↑ Bart's Friend Falls in Love
- ↑ Bart Gets a "Z"
- ↑ Postcards From the Wedge
- ↑ The Simpsons Uncensored Family Album