Futurama is an animated science-fiction comedy show, which was also created by Matt Groening. Numerous references to the show have been made throughout the run in The Simpsons and vice versa. Many people have compared the Futurama main characters with the main Simpsons characters such as Bender is Futurama's Homer. A running joke is that, on The Simpsons, Futurama is a fictional cartoon show. On Futurama, however, it is The Simpsons that is a fictional cartoon show. The show originally aired new episodes on Fox until cancellation, but moved to Comedy Central (as well as reruns) when it was un-cancelled. However, it was canceled again. It was revived once again on Hulu, where it still currently airs. You can watch repeats on Adult Swim, Comedy Central and FXX or watch all episodes on https://hulu.com or https://disneyplus.com or https://starplus.com (in other countries)[1]
Phillip J. Fry is the main protagonist of the series. He is an unsatisfied, poorly-paid pizza delivery boy, who fell into a cryogenic freezer at the turn of the 21st century, and was frozen for 1000 years, sending him to the year 3000. Fry now experiences culture shock in the new time period, and has been forced to get a new job as a regular delivery boy at Planet Express, an interplanetary package delivery company. Fry can honestly say he does not miss anyone from the present, as his boss was a jerk, his girlfriend dumped him, and his parents didn't care about him. Now he's much happier as a package delivery boy in the future, but he is still kind of a scrawny nerd, with a depressing lack of intelligence.
Turanga Leela is a one-eyed alien, and the last of her kind. She is the voice of reason to the group at Planet Express and primary the love interest of Fry. She is also a kick butt fighter, who has mastered hand-to-hand combat. She is often underestimated by villains, because she's a girl, but that doesn't stop her from kicking ass and proving a point. She also pilots the Planet Express ship.
Bender Bending Rodriquez is a dim-witted, selfish, greedy, slovenly alcoholic robot, and the best friend of Fry. He was constructed solely to be a "bender", which means he's a robot, with the job of bending metal objects. He rarely does this job, however, as he would much rather be a delivery boy at Planet Express, and even then, he's a slacker at his job.
Professor Farnsworth[]
Professor Hubert J. Farnsworth is the great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, nephew of Fry. He is a wacky, senile old professor, who works as the boss of Planet Express, as well as being a part-time inventor, of effective, but worthless inventions.
Hermes Conrad[]
Hermes Conrad is an accountant at Planet Express, and a bit of a neat freak. He is of Jamaican descent.
Dr. John A. Zoidberg is a decapodion medical doctor, who works for Planet Express. He is a bizarre, crustacean, cephalopod like alien, who can not, for the life of him, understand human anatomy.
Amy Wong[]
Amy Kroker (nee Wong) is an intern at Planet Express. She is a rich girl, born of aristocratic cowboys, Leo and Inez Wong. She is also rather trampy, much to the jealousy of Leela. She is of Asian descent, and although she is a human being, she was born and raised on Mars, before moving to Earth for her job.
Futurama references in The Simpsons[]
In "Treehouse of Horror IX", David X. Cohen's pseudonym is David "Watch Futurama" Cohen. | ||
In "Mayored to the Mob", Üter wears a Futurama T-shirt at the "Bi-Mon-Sci-Fi-Con". This episode aired three months before Futurama premiered. | ||
In "Missionary: Impossible", Bender appears taking calls for the FOX telethon. | ||
In "HOMЯ", in the couch gag, The Simpsons come out from tubes, like in Futurama, and a yellow Fry comes from one of them. | ||
In "Bart vs. Lisa vs. the Third Grade", Bender is one of the TV characters Bart hallucinates. | ||
In "Helter Shelter", A model of the Planet Express Ship and Bender can be seen in Comic Book Guy's shelf. | ||
In "I, (Annoyed Grunt)-Bot", Bender's name appears on a videotape fighting Killhammad Aieee. | ||
In "My Big Fat Geek Wedding", Matt Groening appears as himself at the Comic Book convention, billed as the creator of Futurama, by the amazed Lenny Leonard. Milhouse got Matt to autograph his Bender doll. | ||
In "Fraudcast News", Squeaky-Voiced Teen shouts: "Why did they cancel Futurama?!" before jumping off a mountain. | ||
In "Catch 'Em if You Can", There is a Futurama poster hanging on the video game store's wall. | ||
In "Future-Drama", Bender appears when Homer and Bart pass through the tunnel with John DiMaggio reprising his role. The episode's title is a reference to Futurama itself. | ||
In "That '90s Show", Homer says that Matt Groening created the then-new Futurama. | ||
In "Treehouse of Horror XIX", Bart, when looking for a present for Lisa, picks up a bottle with a crude picture of Fry hung on the side of it. | ||
In "Love is a Many Strangled Thing", The Planet Express appears in the title screen gag with the theme song of the series. | ||
In "Replaceable You", When Bart and Martin are creating a robo-pet, Bender appears smoking on the front cover of Popular Robotics magazine. | ||
In "Holidays of Future Passed", When Maggie were about to transport in Heathrow Teleport Departures, you can see the title says New New York. The next one when Lisa inside the Ultranet, it's similar to itself. | ||
In "Beware My Cheating Bart", In the end, it zooms out from Springfield and, in outer space sitting on an asteroid, you can see Leela and Fry. | ||
In "Treehouse of Horror XXIV", The special intro ends with the Hypno-Toad having Lisa under its control. | ||
At the end of "The Kid is All Right", the Hypno-Toad is in the audience of the 2056 presidential election between Lisa and Isabell. | ||
In "Simpsorama", The Simpsons and Futurama had a full-fledged crossover episode. | ||
In "Cue Detective", Marge grabs a bag full of money from Bender's deactivated body. Also a reference to Simpsorama, where Bender earns the money by betting on horse races. | ||
In "Simprovised": During the Live broadcast, Bender walks past the screen holding a sign that reads "Bring back Futurama (again)". | ||
In "Treehouse of Horror XXVII": As the song "600" is performed by Judith Owen, the viewers are shown the names of Fox's cancelled shows, with Futurama being one of them. | ||
In "Friends_and_Family": When Mr Burns is using the virtual reality headset to change Bart, Maggie and Lisa heads as part of his virtual family, he changes all their head to Dr Zoidberg. | ||
In "Treehouse of Horror XXIX": Fry's spaceship has the banner "Bring Back Futurama" during the scene where the spores are headed to Earth. The ship is promptly blown up by the Orville shortly thereafter. | ||
In "One Angry Lisa": one of the bike teachers screens is Fry and Leela in the Planet Express ship. | ||
At the end of the third "Treehouse of Horror XXXIII" segment, Futurama was listed as the one of the AI worlds. |
The Simpsons references in Futurama[]
In "Space Pilot 3000", Fry passes through an underwater tube, and Blinky briefly appears (albeit differently colored) in the water below him. Also, in an early storyboard of this episode, Fry is watching The Simpsons. | |
In "My Three Suns", is one of Bender's badges at the bottom of his sash has a profile of Homer. | |
In "A Big Piece of Garbage", on the trash asteroid, a pile of Bart Simpson dolls can be seen. Bender picks up one and hears Bart say his catchprase, "Eat my shorts". Bender complies and eat them and mimics Homer in saying "Mmm... shorts". Nancy Cartwright voiced the Bart Simpson doll. | |
In "Hell Is Other Robots", when Fry and Leela open the door to the Robot Hell, a heart with an arrow through reads "H.S. 4 M.B.". This means "Homer Simpson for Marge Bouvier" (later Simpson). | |
In "Mars University", Homer and Bart toys appear as prizes at the "Coney Island College". | |
In "Fry and the Slurm Factory", Bart, Lisa, and Maggie appear in the opening sequence on the TV screen in Tracey Ullman Shorts "Making Faces". | |
In "Why Must I Be a Crustacean in Love?", the opening subtitle is "From the network that brought you 'The Simpsons'." | |
In "Anthology of Interest II", the clothes Bender wears as a human resemble Homer's. | |
In "The Luck of the Fryrish", Bart's head appears on the shelf. | |
In "Leela's Homeworld", Bart's face appears as part of the hot air balloon the main characters use to escape the sewers. | |
In "Jurassic Bark", the hole of the miniature windmill is closed until further notice due to someone being inconsiderate and creating an unsanitary condition. This is a reference to "Natural Born Kissers" in which Homer and Marge have sex at a minigolf windmill. | |
In "Lrrreconcilable Ndndifferences", Matt Groening's head was taking questions from fans unless they were questions about The Simpsons. Bender asked him when they'd make a second Simpsons movie, which got him blown up with a laser, causing him to shout "D'oh!". | |
In "Simpsorama", the episode was a crossover with The Simpsons. | |
In "The Impossible Stream", while Fry was looking through the TV listings, a show called "The Sim Sons" can be seen. |
- In an issue of the "Bart Simpsons comics", Bart has taken over Comic Book Guy's stall at the comic book convention. Suddenly the doors open and thousands of kids rush towards Bart's booth, asking him to trade their comics with him (since the stall was a kinda Comic trade center). One of them being a kid who wants to trade his Futurama, comic which his cat "peed on".
- In The Simpsons Wrestling, Leela and Bender are among the public in Kang and Kodos' spaceship.
- In The Simpsons Game, Bender and Zoidberg appear as enemies in the level "Five Characters in Search of an Author". When the player goes in Krusty Burger, the Squeaky-Voiced Teen mentions when he tried to commit suicide in Fraudcast News, because of Futurama's cancellation.