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Game of Thrones couch gag
Sushi Rolls

The Game of Thrones couch gag is the eighth couch gag of Season 23.


In a parody of the opening to "Game of Thrones", while the GoT theme song plays, various structures rise from the ground via rolling gears, including 742 Evergreen Terrace, 744 Evergreen Terrace, and Bart's treehouse. The Simpson family and a couple of others are seen in GoT-style clothing, with Grampa's face carved into the tree that Bart's treehouse is on.

Then, the Springfield Monorail is seen passing through various locations, including the Springfield Gorge, the Statue of Jebediah Springfield, Springfield Town Hall, Moe's Tavern, the First Church of Springfield, Lard Lad Donuts, and the Kwik-E-Mart. Hans Moleman gets bowled over by Lard Lad's donut, which then rolls past by Burns Manor. Behind it, the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant forms, with several three-eyed crows flying out of the cooling towers and passing by the largest object outside of town; the couch, which remains unoccupied.

The GoT theme song ends before the GoT-esque transition transitions to the TV credits.

Character Appearances[]



  • This is the 1st couch gag to never be shown in any way at all in the 500th couch gag, which was the previous couch gag.

⇐ Season 22 Season 23 couch gags Season 24 ⇒
John Kricfalusi Couch GagSword in the Stone couch gagSimpson Cookies couch gagVictorian Whodunnit couch gagDavid Letterman Show couch gag II500th Episode Celebration couch gag500th couch gagGame of Thrones couch gagSushi Rolls couch gag1989 - 2012 couch gagFirst Bill Plympton couch gagStadium couch gagZii couch gag
⇐ Season 22 Re-used couch gags Season 30 ⇒
Smithsonian Museum Robbery couch gagSitcom Parodies couch gagWords couch gagAvatar couch gag