General |
“ | Who are those people? | „ |
~ Gareth referring to the Simpsons[src] |
“ | You got greedy, Martin. | „ |
~ Gareth[src] |
“ | Step away from those bad kids, Martin. | „ |
~ Gareth referring to Bart, Nelson and Dolph[src] |
Gareth Prince is Martin's father and Gloria's husband.
Gareth Prince is the father of Martin Prince, and he is the husband of Gloria Prince. He is a stockbroker in Springfield and was shown bringing his son to work on "Bring Your Child to Work Day", where Martin made over $1 million trading soy futures (and subsequently lost all but $600).[1] He appears to be a nerd much like his son, seeing as he has somewhat of a lisp. Gareth was also one of the fathers that went in Ned Flanders's RV, to find their sons in Shelbyville.[2] In another episode, when he and Gloria send Martin off to Kamp Krusty, he sugarcoats by calling where his son will be going an "image enhancement camp", but Martin sees through this and knows better for a fact that it's a fat camp.[3]
When Martin's party guests get food poisoning from eating diseased oysters, he had thought that this would happen, he knew that it was a bad idea, as he tells his wife they should've served cake instead of oysters implying he tried to convince her to serve cake instead but she refused to listen. Later in the same episode, they're seen outside the school with other parents and residents when the building is put on lock down.[4]
- He took a real estate license exam along with Luann Van Houten, Sea Captain and Marge Simpson.
- In The Simpsons Game, he can be seen walking around the hub. He can be heard saying that he is surprised that his tooth fillings pick up not only radio, but specifically Mexican radio.
Behind the Laughter[]
The script for "Kamp Krusty" calls him "Martin Prince, Sr." However, his name is never said in any episode. His name is revealed to be Gareth Prince.[5]
Note: Many of his appearances are brief background roles. Episodes in which he has an actual role are in bold.
Episode – "Bart the Genius"
Episode – "Bart's Dog Gets an F"
Episode – "When Flanders Failed"
Episode – "Lisa's Pony"
Episode – "Kamp Krusty"
Episode – "Lisa the Beauty Queen"
Episode – "Itchy & Scratchy: The Movie"
Episode – "Marge vs. the Monorail" (Riding the monorail with his wife)
Episode – "Homer Goes to College"
Episode – "Rosebud" (with dark skin & hair)
Episode – "Marge on the Lam"
Episode – "$pringfield (Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Legalized Gambling)" (Running out of the town hall)
Episode – "Homer the Vigilante"
Episode – "The PTA Disbands"
Episode – "Lemon of Troy" (Accompanying Homer, Kirk, Ned and Database's dad to Shelbyville to reclaim the lemon tree)
THOH – "Treehouse of Horror VI" (At the PTA meeting)
Episode – "Bart on the Road"
Episode – "Bart After Dark" (At the town hall meeting)
Episode – "Hurricane Neddy" (In the Kwik-E-Mart and among the crowd outside the Flanders' rebuilt home)
Episode – "Brother from Another Series" (Among the crowd of protesters outside the jail)
Episode – "Homer vs. the Eighteenth Amendment" (Among the crowd at the St. Patrick's Day parade)
Episode – "Grade School Confidential"
Episode – "Homer's Enemy" (At an auction held in the tax seizures room at the town hall)
Episode – "The Principal and the Pauper" (In the auditorium and among the crowd outside the train station)
Episode – "Bart Star" (Among the spectators at the peewee football game)
Episode – "Bart Carny" (At the carnival with his son)
Episode – "The Joy of Sect" (In the cult)
Episode – "Lisa Gets an "A"" (In church)
Episode – "Wild Barts Can't Be Broken" (Among the adults confronting the kids at the billboard)
Episode – "Marge Simpson in: "Screaming Yellow Honkers"" (In the auditorium)
Episode – "The Old Man and the "C" Student" (Among the crowd watching the IOC leave)
Episode – "They Saved Lisa's Brain" (In the contest's audience)
Episode – "Thirty Minutes Over Tokyo" (In the audience at the seminar)
Episode – "Guess Who's Coming to Criticize Dinner?" (Dining at a restaurant)
Episode – "Faith Off" (At the religious revival)
Episode – "Last Tap Dance in Springfield" (In the audience at the dance recital)
Episode – "Lisa the Tree Hugger" (Among the crowd gathered in the forest)
Episode – "Homer vs. Dignity" (At the zoo)
Episode – "Tennis the Menace" (Among the spectators at the tennis match)
Episode – "Children of a Lesser Clod" (In the audience at the Good Guy Awards)
Episode – "She of Little Faith" (In church)
Episode – "Large Marge" (Among the protesters outside Krusty's house)
Episode – "The Strong Arms of the Ma" (In church)
Episode – "Pray Anything" (In church)
Episode – "I'm Spelling as Fast as I Can" (Among the spectators at the Spellympics)
THOH – "Treehouse of Horror XIV" (Among the spectators at the baseball game)
Episode – "All's Fair in Oven War" (seen at church pot luck)
Episode – "Fat Man and Little Boy" (Among the customers at Bart's T-shirt stand and in church)
– The Simpsons Movie
Episode – "I Don't Wanna Know Why the Caged Bird Sings"
THOH – "Treehouse of Horror XX" (Among the zombies coming out of the Simpsons' fireplace)
Episode – "Father Knows Worst" (Among the fathers peering through the door's window to Bart's class)
Episode – "The Great Wife Hope" (At the PTA meeting)
Episode – "Judge Me Tender" (In the audience at the Ugliest Dog In Springfield contest)
Episode – "The Fool Monty" (Waiting in line outside Springfield General Hospital for a vaccination)
Episode – "A Midsummer's Nice Dream" (In the audience at Cheech and Chong's show)
Episode – "The D'oh-cial Network" (In Springfield's courthouse)
Episode – "At Long Last Leave" (At the town hall meeting)
Episode – "The Spy Who Learned Me" (Among the patrons at Krusty Burger featured in a documentary)
Episode – "Lisa Goes Gaga"
Episode – "A Test Before Trying" (Seen at the nuclear plant)
Episode – "Pulpit Friction" Seen at town square and at church)
Episode – "The Saga of Carl" (Seen at The Science of Ki-Ya Karate Monsters)
Episode – "Four Regrettings and a Funeral" (Seen at church and at town square)
Episode – "Yolo" (Seen at the PTA meeting)
Episode – "The Kid is All Right" (Seen at the auditorium)
Episode – "Married to the Blob" (Seen outside of The Android's Dungeon & Baseball Card Shop)
Episode – "The Wreck of the Relationship" (Church)
Episode – "Opposites A-Frack"
Episode – "Simpsorama" (Town Square)
Episode – "Covercraft" (The Springfield Cabbage Festival)
Episode – "Walking Big & Tall" (School auditorium)
Episode – "Let's Go Fly a Coot" (Two birthday parties)
Episode – "Gal of Constant Sorrow"
Episode – "The Burns Cage"
Episode – "Simprovised"
Episode – "Orange is the New Yellow"
Episode – "Monty Burns' Fleeing Circus" (Lard Lad statue)
Episode – "The Fat Blue Line" (seen at San Castellaneta festival)
Episode – "Marge the Lumberjill" (seen during school play)
Episode – "Todd, Todd, Why Hast Thou Forsaken Me?" (seen in church)
Episode – "Warrin' Priests (Part Two)" (seen in church)
Episode – "The Way of the Dog"
Episode – "The Dad-Feelings Limited"
Episode – "Portrait of a Lackey on Fire"
Episode – "A Made Maggie" (seen in church)
Episode – "Boyz N the Highlands"
Episode – "You Won't Believe What This Episode is About - Act Three Will Shock You!" (seen in video)
Episode – "My Octopus and a Teacher" (seen at Lisa's video premiere)
Episode – "Habeas Tortoise"
Episode – "Hostile Kirk Place"
Episode – "Pin Gal"
Episode – "Homer's Crossing"
Episode – "A Mid-Childhood Night's Dream"
THOH – "Treehouse of Horror XXXIV" (Lout Break)
Episode – "Iron Marge"
Episode – "It's a Blunderful Life"
Episode – "Murder, She Boat"
Episode – "Lisa Gets an F1"
Episode – "The Man Who Flew Too Much"
Music video – "Do the Bartman"
Comic book – Bart Simpson 21 "Batter-Up Bart"
The Simpsons: Season One | ||||
"Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire": | "Bart the Genius": | "Homer's Odyssey": | "There's No Disgrace Like Home": | "Bart the General": |
Absent | Minor | Absent | Absent | Absent |
"Moaning Lisa": | "The Call of the Simpsons": | "The Telltale Head": | "Life on the Fast Lane": | "Homer's Night Out": |
Absent | Absent | Absent | Absent | Absent |
"The Crepes of Wrath": | "Krusty Gets Busted": | "Some Enchanted Evening": | ||
Absent | Absent | Absent |
The Simpsons: Season Five | ||||
"Homer's Barbershop Quartet": | "Cape Feare": | "Homer Goes to College": | "Rosebud": | "Treehouse of Horror IV": |
Absent | Absent | Cameo | Cameo | Absent |
"Marge on the Lam": | "Bart's Inner Child": | "Boy-Scoutz 'n the Hood": | "The Last Temptation of Homer": | "$pringfield (Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Legalized Gambling)": |
Absent | Absent | Absent | Absent | Cameo |
"Homer the Vigilante": | "Bart Gets Famous": | "Homer and Apu": | "Lisa vs. Malibu Stacy": | "Deep Space Homer": |
Cameo | Absent | Absent | Absent | Absent |
"Homer Loves Flanders": | "Bart Gets an Elephant": | "Burns' Heir": | "Sweet Seymour Skinner's Baadasssss Song": | "The Boy Who Knew Too Much": |
Absent | Absent | Cameo | Absent | Absent |
"Lady Bouvier's Lover": | "Secrets of a Successful Marriage": | |||
Cameo | Absent |
The Simpsons: Season Six | ||||
"Bart of Darkness": | "Lisa's Rival": | "Another Simpsons Clip Show": | "Itchy & Scratchy Land": | "Sideshow Bob Roberts": |
Absent | Absent | Absent | Absent | Absent |
"Treehouse of Horror V": | "Bart's Girlfriend": | "Lisa on Ice": | "Homer Badman": | "Grampa vs. Sexual Inadequacy": |
Absent | Cameo | Absent | Absent | Absent |
"Fear of Flying": | "Homer the Great": | "And Maggie Makes Three": | "Bart's Comet": | "Homie the Clown": |
Absent | Cameo | Absent | Absent | Absent |
"Bart vs. Australia": | "Homer vs. Patty and Selma": | "A Star is Burns": | "Lisa's Wedding": | "Two Dozen and One Greyhounds": |
Absent | Absent | Absent | Absent | Absent |
"The PTA Disbands": | "'Round Springfield": | "The Springfield Connection": | "Lemon of Troy": | "Who Shot Mr. Burns? (Part One)": |
Cameo | Absent | Absent | Minor | Cameo |
The Simpsons: Season Seven | ||||
"Who Shot Mr. Burns? (Part Two)": | "Radioactive Man": | "Home Sweet Homediddly-Dum-Doodily": | "Bart Sells His Soul": | "Lisa the Vegetarian": |
Absent | Cameo | Absent | Cameo | Absent |
"Treehouse of Horror VI": | "King-Size Homer": | "Mother Simpson": | "Sideshow Bob's Last Gleaming": | "The Simpsons 138th Episode Spectacular": |
Cameo | Absent | Absent | Absent | Absent |
"Marge Be Not Proud": | "Team Homer": | "Two Bad Neighbors": | "Scenes from the Class Struggle in Springfield": | "Bart the Fink": |
Absent | Absent | Cameo | Absent | Absent |
"Lisa The Iconoclast": | "Homer The Smithers": | "The Day The Violence Died": | "A Fish Called Selma": | "Bart on the Road": |
Absent | Absent | Absent | Absent | Minor |
"22 Short Films About Springfield": | "Raging Abe Simpson and His Grumbling Grandson in "The Curse of the Flying Hellfish"": | "Much Apu About Nothing": | "Homerpalooza": | "Summer of 4 Ft. 2": |
Absent | Absent | Cameo | Absent | Absent |
The Simpsons: Season Eight | ||||
"Treehouse of Horror VII": | "You Only Move Twice": | "The Homer They Fall": | "Burns, Baby Burns": | "Bart After Dark": |
Absent | Absent | Absent | Absent | Cameo |
"A Milhouse Divided": | "Lisa's Date with Density": | "Hurricane Neddy": | "El Viaje Misterioso de Nuestro Jomer (The Mysterious Voyage of Homer)": | "The Springfield Files": |
Absent | Absent | Cameo | Absent | Absent |
"The Twisted World of Marge Simpson": | "Mountain of Madness": | "Simpsoncalifragilisticexpiala(Annoyed Grunt)cious": | "The Itchy & Scratchy & Poochie Show": | "Homer's Phobia": |
Absent | Absent | Absent | Absent | Absent |
"Brother from Another Series": | "My Sister, My Sitter": | "Homer vs. the Eighteenth Amendment": | "Grade School Confidential": | "The Canine Mutiny": |
Cameo | Cameo | Cameo | Minor | Absent |
"The Old Man and the Lisa": | "In Marge We Trust": | "Homer's Enemy": | "The Simpsons Spin-Off Showcase": | "The Secret War of Lisa Simpson": |
Absent | Cameo | Cameo | Absent | Absent |
The Simpsons: Season Nine | ||||
"The City of New York vs. Homer Simpson": | "The Principal and the Pauper": | "Lisa's Sax": | "Treehouse of Horror VIII": | "The Cartridge Family": |
Absent | Cameo | Absent | Absent | Absent |
"Bart Star": | "The Two Mrs. Nahasapeemapetilons": | "Lisa the Skeptic": | "Realty Bites": | "Miracle on Evergreen Terrace": |
Cameo | Absent | Cameo | Cameo | Absent |
"All Singing, All Dancing": | "Bart Carny": | "The Joy of Sect": | "Das Bus": | "The Last Temptation of Krust": |
Absent | Cameo | Cameo | Cameo | Cameo |
"Dumbbell Indemnity": | "Lisa the Simpson": | "This Little Wiggy": | "Simpson Tide": | "The Trouble with Trillions": |
Absent | Absent | Absent | Absent | Absent |
"Girly Edition": | "Trash of the Titans": | "King of the Hill": | "Lost Our Lisa": | "Natural Born Kissers": |
Absent | Absent | Absent | Absent | Absent |