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George Burns: [singing] Buh-buh-buh-buh. Oh the sunshine's bright on my old Kentucky home. Buh-buh-buh-buh.

[Ends singing] Trust me, it'll be funny when I'm an old man.

~ George Burns[src]

George Burns (1896 - 1996) was an American stand-up comedian, actor, writer, voice artist, and comedian. His parents were Clifford Burns and Daphne Burns, and his siblings were Charles, Cornelia, Zeph, and Cornelius.


When George's brother Monty left his natural family with a "loveless billionaire", his father said that at least they still had Monty's little brother George. George then came outside, sang and then said that he would be a funny man when he will be older. He was the father of Ironfist Burns, the camp counsellor of Camp Deadly and main antagonist of Bart Simpson's Escape from Camp Deadly.

Behind the Laughter[]

At the time "Rosebud" first aired George Burns was 93 years old so it was another gag on how extremely old Mr. Burns is that George Burns would be his younger brother. Although they share a last name "George Burns" was a stage name and he was born Nathan Birnbaum.

