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Bart vs. Itchy & Scratchy
Girl's in the Band
I'm Just a Girl Who Can't Say D'oh
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Dewey Largo: I'm gonna do something I've never done as a teacher: actually try!

Homer: Are you sure we're at the right school? I mean, they sound good.
Marge: (Takes out earplugs) Oh, my gosh, its bearable.

Homer: I could always switch to a second shift and work nights at the plant.
Marge: Isn't that bad for your health?
Homer: You think I'm in danger?! I am the danger: I'm the one who knocks!

Season 29 Season 30 Quotes Season 31
Bart's Not DeadHeartbreak HotelMy Way or the Highway to HeavenTreehouse of Horror XXIXBaby You Can't Drive My CarFrom Russia Without LoveWerking MomKrusty the ClownDaddicus Finch'Tis the 30th SeasonMad About the ToyThe Girl on the BusI'm Dancing as Fat as I CanThe Clown Stays in the Picture101 MitigationsI Want You (She's So Heavy)E My SportsBart vs. Itchy & ScratchyGirl's in the BandI'm Just a Girl Who Can't Say D'ohD'oh CanadaWoo-hoo Dunnit?Crystal Blue-Haired Persuasion