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The Wettest Stories Ever Told
Girls Just Want to Have Sums
Regarding Margie


  • In the promos for this episode, the gag where Bart says he can walk around with Bart Jr. hanging out, then pulls out his frog, the frog's subtitled line "I thought he meant his penis" was removed. The subtitle wasn't removed on Global, but was cut on Channel 4 in the UK.

Cultural References[]


  • The left part of the school is restricted to boys, but in the girls part, there's a corridor that turns left. that would invade the boys part of the school.
  • In the class scene, when Nelson finished to drawing a robot with guns for arms shooting a plane made out of guns that fires guns, the class room turned into the theater.
  • When Lisa entered the Girls side of school, two paintings on both sides on the walls were originally done by a male French artist, Henri Matisse. Even though Melanie Upfoot claimed that she was a Women's Educational expert.
  • When Assistant Groundskeeper Seymour catches Lisa eavesdropping on the boys math class, she is right in front of the classroom's window, but when she turns around, they are in the middle of the courtyard.
  • When Bart said they didn't need to do any "girl classes", the theater behind him was full of students, but when the boys started dancing, the theater was empty.
  • Lisa disguised herself and started going to the boys' school, however this would have resulted in her being marked absent for so long that the family would receive a visit from the state.
    • Also, there would be no record of Lisa's alter ego 'Jake Boyman' ever existing.

Season 16 Season 17 References/Trivia Season 18
The Bonfire of the ManateesThe Girl Who Slept Too LittleMilhouse of Sand and FogTreehouse of Horror XVIMarge's Son PoisoningSee Homer RunThe Last of the Red Hat MamasThe Italian BobSimpsons Christmas StoriesHomer's Paternity CootWe're on the Road to D'oh-whereMy Fair LaddyThe Seemingly Never-Ending StoryBart Has Two MommiesHomer Simpson, This is Your WifeMillion-Dollar AbieKiss Kiss Bang BangaloreThe Wettest Stories Ever ToldGirls Just Want to Have SumsRegarding MargieThe Monkey SuitMarge and Homer Turn a Couple Play