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Simpsons Wiki
The Winter of Our Monetized Content
Go Big or Go Homer
The Fat Blue Line
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Marge: *SNIFF* *SNIFF* Are you wearing my perfume?

Homer: I like it on you, you like it on me.

Mike: I can’t believe it! I'm 35 and I’m at the foot of the world’s greatest bababoo!

Mike: Hey, Lenny, you duck-faced psycho!

Carl: I’m Carl! bababoo!

Homer: This guy I'm menting is so cool. He listens with his mouth open. He's been blocked by so many celebrities on Twitter. And he thinks I'm the most valuable worker at the entire nuclear plant.

Bart: Oh, I get it. He's super dumb. [laughs]

Mike Wegman: [to Bart] No one disrespects Homer Simpsons! Especially not an ugly little punk like you. That's right, I said "ugly." Your head looks like a rejected Muppet. Two golf balls glued to a can of oats. Between that Tommy Lasorda gut and those toothpick legs, you are not a kid... you are a walkin' potato clock.

Season 30 Season 31 Quotes Season 32
The Winter of Our Monetized ContentGo Big or Go HomerThe Fat Blue LineTreehouse of Horror XXXGorillas on the MastMarge the LumberjillLivin' La Pura VidaThanksgiving of HorrorTodd, Todd, Why Hast Thou Forsaken Me?Bobby, It's Cold OutsideHail to the TeethThe Miseducation of Lisa SimpsonFrinkcoinBart the Bad GuyPlaydate with DestinyScreenlessBetter Off NedHighway to WellThe Incredible Lightness of Being a BabyWarrin' Priests (Part One)Warrin' Priests (Part Two)The Hateful Eight-Year-OldsThe Way of the Dog