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I’m an open book, but the media and haters and people who have never played the game, I carry myself with a certain confidence, and I don’t apologize for your perception of statements I did not make, but stand by. Truth bomb: I sleep at night. [...] I do me.
~ Grayson Mathers

Grayson Mathers is a 22-year old football prodigy.


Grayson grew up along the Florida-Texas border. His love for football began as a baby, where he threw a pacifier at another baby, which was a perfect 20-yard spiral. His parents took notice, and decided that he would be sent to football academy, mostly being raised in an all-football environment; he never really saw his parents again, except at football games or in documentaries and commercials. Grayson attended Alabama Tech for college, apparently not even being told what he was studying (Lisa assumes it was communications).

In modern day, Grayson was drafted by the Springfield Atoms. He has a very bold personality, being brutally honest and not being afraid of offending anybody. He is adored by the entire town of Springfield, which gives Mr. Burns the great idea of using Grayson as the spokesperson for his new liquor product, Mr. Gentleman Brandy. Grayson agrees, and the two develop a father-son type of relationship.

Grayson goes out partying hard one night, and has a football game the next day. It is here when Marge Simpson finds herself drawn to Grayson, akin to how a mother does to her son. However, Grayson is embarrassing himself because he is very hungover. He plays a terrible game, and the town turns against him. Grayson is taken out of the game and continues to be booed; Mr. Burns cannot believe it, and even Homer Simpson, who was psyched to see Grayson join the Atoms, turns against him.

Some days later, Grayson still cannot believe that he was booed. Mr. Burns tries to lift his spirits by arranging for him to pay a visit to Springfield Elementary School, where there will certainly be kids that still look up to him. The visit starts out well, with Grayson bragging about his three Ferraris, and how he had never actually been inside of a school before. However, the kids then remind him about how awful he played the other night. Grayson snaps, and insists that he throws dimes, then he literally begins throwing dimes at the kids. The chaos continues when Grayson destroys a tank full of Madagascar hissing cockroaches, who escape.

Marge later checks on Grayson, who complains about his urethra being on fire because all he has been doing is drinking Mr. Burn's brandy. Grayson then calls Marge "media" and tells her to go away, but Marge puts him in his place, telling him to be nice to her, because she is quite possibly the only person who feels bad for him. She demands that he apologizes, and he does. Grayson then explains what is wrong: he says he has not slept because all he does is partying, he thought he could feel better by insulting Peyton Manning on Twitter, but it did not help. He begins questioning himself, then admits that he actually has six Ferraris, but still feels bad about himself and begins crying. Marge tells him that he needs to slow down a bit, and perhaps he can spend the night at the Simpson residence. Mr. Burns then enters the scene, proposing the idea of a partnership between himself and Marge: Marge would be the nurturing mother figure, while Burns will be the cold father figure that Grayson can still somewhat worshipped.

The deal is made, and Grayson comes to the Simpson home for dinner. He still acts out, but was told by Marge not to be selfish and to respect his parental figures. Marge tells him that he can stay for as long as he needs, and she is willing to cater to his needs. Grayson bonds with the family some more, experiencing the life of an average person and begins softening up; Marge truly has become a mother figure to him. When Grayson' birthday is celebrated by the family, Mr. Burns returns and tells Grayson to join him for a night of partying. Marge forbids this, because Grayson has an important game the next day and needs to be prepared for it. Burns is annoyed with Marge coddling him, and warns her that there will be consequences.

Grayson does really well at the game, winning by 53 points and essentially making the other team quit. At an interview, Burns encourages Grayson to do what he did best: insult the other team and act arrogant, but Grayson does not. Instead, he mentions how he is lucky to have a great team and a great gameplan. The reporters also encourage Grayson to act rude, but Grayson declines. Marge appears and congratulates Grayson, with Burns again scolding her for how she has "ruined" Grayson by making him soft. Marge insists that Grayson is happy now; as they continue to argue, Grayson becomes upset. Burns tells him that he has to choose between him or Marge, but Grayson instead runs away crying.

A few days pass and nobody at all has heard about Grayson. Marge is upset, especially because she had just finished folding the sheets that he may never sleep on again. Then, an invitation arrives for the Sports Channel's annual awards show, making it seem like Grayson has chose Marge to be her plus-one. Marge cheers, and later attends the show. However, apparently, burns was also invited; it feels like a scene straight out of The Parent Trap, where both of Grayson' surrogate parents have been reunited in an attempt to rekindle their relationship. Marge and Burns insist that they will not heal their bond, and toast to being "enemies forever".

Grayson comes out, being the contender for Most Inspiring Athlete. Marge is happy to see him, and Burns begins to feel upset, wondering how such flawed people such as themselves could "make" such a perfect creature like Grayson. He wishes he raised Grayson like an actual son rather than a brand; Marge then mentions how they will try better. Grayson wins the award, and is ready to thank the person that shaped him into the man he is now. Burns thinks he is talking about Marge because she nurtured him, but Marge thinks it is Burns because he was her inspiration. However, Grayson does not thank either person, instead, he thanks his fiancée Kaitlyn.

As it turns out, Grayson had met Kaitlyn during the three days that he was gone, and is now engaged to her. In addition to being an Instagram model and the creator of Yoga Yogurt, she is also now his business manager. Kaitlyn secures a pay-per-view fight between Grayson and Floyd Mayweather on Valentine's Day. Additionally, Grayson has gotten out of promoting brandy, because he will now promote their new line of hard seltzers for all age. Grayson is happy to marry Kaitlyn, and won't even sign a prenup.

Grayson does not acknowledge Marge and Burns once: they are left thinking about how fast kids tend to grow up and leave their families behind.

