Simpsons Wiki
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The Guillermo del Toro couch gag couch gag is the second couch gag of Season 24. It appears in the episode "Treehouse of Horror XXIV" and was directed by the Mexican director Guillermo del Toro.


The family rushes onto the couch, with Homer as a zombie from The Devil's Backbone, Marge as a giant blue cockroach from Relic, and Maggie holding a steering wheel. Suddenly, Lisa is sucked in. She falls down à la Alice in Wonderland, passing different things floating (e.g. cuckoo clocks and cards) in the air, wearing a blue dress,  a white apron and a blue bow. She lands on a giant mushroom when she sees a big, brown toad next to her, with luminous eyes and a collar (the Hypnotoad from the recently canceled Futurama). She then turns and suddenly find herself in the golden throne room à la Pan's Labyrinth. She sees the king Homer and queen Marge, holding Maggie, sitting on two high thrones, while small, blue fairies are flying around her. Under the thrones, Pan (aka Bart) bows to her.

Character Appearances

Behind the Laughter

  • The scene where Lisa falls down the hole is a reference to the same scene from Alice in Wonderland. Also, Lisa wears Alice's classical dress and apron.
  • After Lisa lands on a mushroom, she sees the Hypnotoad from Futurama, which is a parody to the giant toad from the movie Pan's Labyrinth.
  • The throne room scene is a reference to the ending scene from Pan's Labyrinth which director is Guillermo del Toro himself. Lisa is Ofelia, Homer and Marge are Ofelia's real parents and Bart is Pan. Fairy guides are there, too.

