Gwyneth Poultry is a chicken owned by Truth-Anne.
Gwyneth was first shown in Game Done Changed while Truth-Anne showed Seymour Skinner and Bart Simpson the way to the computer lab at Limitless Frontier Horizons.[1]
In Night of the Living Wage, while Lisa was confronted by Truth-Anne, Gwyneth unexpectedly got attacked by Snowball V, much to Truth-Anne's horror, and is critically wounded. She was taken to Tweeter Sinai Bird Hospital for treatment. Gwyneth Poultry's medical bill is $16,000 for prosthetic beak, cluck-lear implant, and bawk therapy, but Marge couldn't afford it. Marge is the only way to save money to get her job in order to pay off for a chicken. Later, at the end of the episode, Homer will pay off the medical bill for a chicken with a gift card.[2]