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Simpsons Wiki
Bobby, It's Cold Outside
Hail to the Teeth
The Miseducation of Lisa Simpson
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Artie Ziff: It's me, Artie Ziff, in prerecorded form. So you can't talk to me.
Homer: I can't?
Artie Ziff: No, you can't. Pause for laughs, and thank you.
Bart: Artie Ziff? Isn't that the rich guy who could have been our dad?
Homer: I am the only man your mother has ever been with and she doesn't have a single regret!
Marge: Well...
Homer: You stay out of this, Marge!

Lisa: What I have is an agenda for this school, an agenda that looks forward. I can deliver results, while my opponent can't even spell "results".
Dubya: Yes, I can! R-E-squiggly letter, bucket letter, tall man, little plus sign, squiggly letter. Results!
Season 30 Season 31 Quotes Season 32
The Winter of Our Monetized ContentGo Big or Go HomerThe Fat Blue LineTreehouse of Horror XXXGorillas on the MastMarge the LumberjillLivin' La Pura VidaThanksgiving of HorrorTodd, Todd, Why Hast Thou Forsaken Me?Bobby, It's Cold OutsideHail to the TeethThe Miseducation of Lisa SimpsonFrinkcoinBart the Bad GuyPlaydate with DestinyScreenlessBetter Off NedHighway to WellThe Incredible Lightness of Being a BabyWarrin' Priests (Part One)Warrin' Priests (Part Two)The Hateful Eight-Year-OldsThe Way of the Dog