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Miniature Model Family
Harold and the Purple Crayon couch gag
Puppet Show

The Harold and the Purple Crayon couch gag is the sixteenth couch gag of Season 21.


Harold, from the children's book Harold and the Purple Crayon, draws the Simpson living room with his purple crayon. After he finishes, the Simpson family runs into the room and sit on the couch as usual. Homer asks Harold to draw him a can of beer, and Harold agrees to draw it for him. While Homer drinks the beer, he pats Harold on the head, as a way for saying thanks.

Character Appearances[]


⇐ Season 20 Season 21 couch gags Season 22 ⇒
Springfield Subway Station couch gagGunfire couch gagPrehistoric Exhibit Family couch gagThe 12 Days of Christmas couch gagThanksgiving Dinner couch gagDancing Furniture couch gagCouch Gag Chaos couch gagEmbryogenesis couch gagMyPhone couch gagTarot Cards couch gagCrop Field Family couch gagCardboard House couch gagSpringfield Shopper couch gagTik TokMiniature Model Family couch gagHarold and the Purple Crayon couch gagPuppet Show couch gag
⇐ Season 20 Re-used couch gags Season 22 ⇒
Simpsons Chasing Couch couch gagOlympic Swimming Family couch gagPiñata Couch couch gagDog Show Family couch gagFancy Meal Family couch gag