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Ssi 5 The contents of this article or section are considered to be non-canon and therefore may not have actually happened/existed.

The Hellroads faculty are two unnamed men (attached to each other) that are faculty of Hellroads school in Hell who resemble both Seymour Skinner and Gary Chalmers in voice and figure.


Bart (as Beelzebart) was skinned for not having a "Hell pass". Soon after, when Bart wanted to become a fulltime student of the school, Homer and Marge were spoken to by the men. On the graduation ceremony day, the men read out a prepared speech, stating that Webster defines success before pointing out chained-up Noah Webster in the crowd. After Webster asked why he was there, the reply "You changed the "R-E" to "E-R" in "theater," I hate that!" was given. Then the two then announce Beezlebart as class mal-edictorian.

