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Homer and Ned's Hail Mary Pass |
- LeBron James would personally call Homer for advice. Fellow NBA legend Magic Johnson did the same during his guest appearance in the 1991 episode Homer Defined. However, unlike Magic Johnson, LeBron James sought advice related to on-court dancing rather than gameplay strategy.
- Crazy Cat Lady can speak articulately and clearly when she took Reese's Pieces according to Marge.
- We learn that Comic Book Guy's real name is Jeffery Albertson. Showrunner Al Jean remarked: "That was specifically done to make people really mad. We just tried to pick a generic name. It was also the Super Bowl show. We did it so the most people possible would see it." Matt Groening stated that he had originally intended him to be called Louis Lane and be "obsessed and tormented by" Lois Lane, but was out of the room when the writers named him.
- With 23.1 million viewers, this episode is one of the highest rated episodes in Simpsons history.
- Homer is called a "jerkass" by a sports commentator. This is a reference to "Jerkass Homer", which is what many internet fans called Homer during seasons 12-14.
- Ned is dressed as the Devil in his film in the same way he appeared as the Devil in "Treehouse of Horror IV".
- Homer should be in the owners meeting because he owns the Denver Broncos since Hank Scorpio gave them to him in "You Only Move Twice".
- Quarterback Tom Brady, who made a cameo in this episode, led the New England Patriots to victory in Super Bowl XXXIX, which aired immediately before this episode.
- Yao Ming was the only one whose coat doesn't have his second name written on it.
- This is the second episode where Ned directs a Biblical film. The first was "A Star is Burns."
- The Super Bowl halftime show debacle in this episode mirrors the real NFL trying to get away from controversy surrounding Nipplegate (the halftime incident in the 2004 Super Bowl). Unlike this episode, the NFL started booking older acts like Tom Petty and Paul McCartney for many years.
- The Capital City Stadium is almost identical to the Miami Dolphins' stadium (the Dolphins' stadium made an appearance for the Super Bowl in "Sunday, Cruddy Sunday").
- This episode aired the day before the premiere of American Dad!.
- Homer's statement that the internet was created so researchers at different universities could share data sets is actually true.
- The commercial that the Flanders' were watching contained an explicit sex reference and therefore would not be shown before 22:00. There is a deleted scene on the DVD version showing a more in-depth look at the commercial and Todd Flanders asks Ned if he can have the side effect mentioned in the deleted scene.
- The final score was 24-21 in Super Bowl XXXIX, not 55-6.
- During Warren Sapp’s sack highlight the teams jersey colors are incorrect.
- On the remastered screen format version of the episode, the TV part is stretched out after the couch gag.
- During the XXXIX game and the Halftime show, where’s Maggie?
- At the Showboating Academy, When Homer asked everybody to throw something at the nearby authority figure, one of Michelle Kwan's Skates hits Homer, Later when Milhouse encountered her, She is still shown to still have both skates on her feet.
Cultural References[]
- One of the Italian tourists that makes fun of Homer's dance is the famous video game character Mario. An enraged Homer throwing trash cans at him is a direct parody of the original Donkey Kong arcade game.
- The screenplay for the 1941 film Citizen Kane is visible on Ned's bookshelf.
- Ned's violent films are an obvious parody of the 2004 film The Passion of the Christ and the controversies over its graphic content.
- Ned's first film features a "hellfire" sequence includes brief shots of newspapers with "anti-conservative" headlines, including "Massachusetts Legalizes Gay Marriage". The state had legalized same-sex marriages in 2003, and was then the only state to have done so.
- The opening logo for Burns' Celluloid Whimsies is a parody of the logo for Columbia Pictures, with Mr. Burns as the "Torch Lady".
- Bart's book The Bible for Wise-asses is a reference to the "For Dummies" series of instructional books.
- Michelle Kwan's line, "Beware the wrath of Kwan!", is a reference to the 1982 film Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan.
- A previous Super Bowl halftime show depicts the wedding of Pac-Man and Ms. Pac-Man. Costumed versions of them, as well as the ghosts, dance to "Physical" by Olivia Newton-John.
Production Notes[]
- The final draft for this episode was published on May 10, 2004.[1]

May 10, 2004