The Price is Right "loser" horn is made when Homer sprays the can of spray music.
Kirk protesting the gazebo incident and "Critical Brace Theory" parodies conservatives protesting (and Republicans banning in some states) the teaching of Critical Race Theory and other racial topics (such as slavery) in schools because they claim it makes white people "hate themselves."
Don't Teach on Me is a parody of the "Don't Tread in Me" phrase.
Kirk appears on Tucker Carlson's segment of Fox News in one scene.
The book parts of the episode parody the style of Dr. Seuss.
When Homer escapes the new gazebo ANNOYED GRUNT is shown on his shirt.
Episode References[]
Treehouse of Horror XXIV (segment one): Lisa is shown wearing his Dr. Seuss-based outfit on a book scene.
The Van Houtens are revealed to have been failures, starting with Mayor Eustace Van Houten, who commissioned the Great Springfield Gazebo, and thus after collapse became a pariah.
As the new gazebo collapses, One of Kirk's lenses cracks apart, but the lens is unaffected in the next scene as he escapes the gazebo.