Incompetent Husband is a song performed by the pharmacy cashier, Julio Franco, Homer, and Marge, after Marge had forgotten to buy tampons.
When Marge was about to get the item herself, the pharmacy cashier stopped her and then began the song.
- Pharmacy cashier:
- Incompetent husband, you weak little punk
- To soothe the rash on your junk
- Julio:
- Incompetent husband, just be a brown man
- She didn't flinch when she bought you an XL bedpan
- Pharmacy Store cashier and Julio:
- You weren't even injured
- You weren't even sick
- Just too drunk to make it to the can
- All:
- To the can, can, can...
- Homer
- Stop shaming me in front of Hans Moleman.
- Pharmacy cashier
- Oh, we're just getting started.
- Your fungus has infections
- Your infections have the runs
- Julio:
- Gassy nipples, crotch foot
- Massive hemorrhoids on your buns
- Homer:
- You said they don't remember or care what we buy
- Marge:
- It's a little disconcerting
- But I'm glad they're on my side
- Pharmacy cashier
- She gets you meds for blood pressure
- Cholesterol and gout
- Homer:
- I want to get the tampons, but I can't figure it out
- All:
- Yes, you can, yes, you can
- Yes, you can, can, can
- She texted you a photo of the brand
- Incompetent husband, we're so on to you
- You're only bad at doing things you don't want to do
- You can't be this stupid
- It's all just a ruse...
- Homer:
- Okay, okay, I'll do it! I'll buy my wife tampons!
- Just tell me where they are.
- All:
- Incompetent husband, aisle two.
- The song is a parody of "Officer Krupke" from the musical West Side Story.