Simpsons Wiki
ā—„ Sweets and Sour Marge
Jaws Wired Shut
Half-Decent Proposal ā–ŗ
(When the donkey gets tired)
Homer: Ahh, looks like I needs some fuel for me mule, some gas for me ass.

(At the demolition derby)
Marge: Catch ya later, radiator! Oh my God. I hit someone... then I taunted him. I've never felt so alive!

(From the set of Afternoon Yak.)
Barbara Walters-Type: Marge, what was Homer like before he broke his jaw?
Marge: Well, he would eat all the time. We'd be making love and he'd have a mouthful of Hershey's Miniatures.
Homer: (Shamefully) Krackle was my favorite.

Grampa: Three wars back, we called sauerkraut "Liberty Cabbage." And we called Liberty Cabbage "Super Slaw." And back then a suitcase was known as a "Swedish Lunchbox." 'Course nobody knew that but me... anyway, "long story short" is a phrase whose origins are complicated and rambling.

Marge: A formal! The one place you can wear a tiara and not look crazy.

Marge: (to Homer) I am not making you another sparerib smoothie! Most people with their jaws wired shut lose weight!

(At the Gay Pride Parade Homer notices the men on the "Fab Abs" float.)
Homer: Oh, look at those abs! Everyone here has a six-pack and I'm the only one with a keg.

Usher #1: They're out of control!
Usher #2: Well, if we wanted to live forever, we wouldn't have become ushers.

[While at the movie theater]
Homer (muttering under his breath): So many previews, so many previews, so many previews...
Announcer: And now, our feature presentation. (Homer gasps) If that's a phrase you like to hear, then you'll love Movie Call! (Homer screams)

[During the Gay Pride Parade]
Male Marchers: We're here, we're queer, get used to it!
Lisa: You do this every year! We are used to it.
Male Marcher: Spoilsport!

Duffman: Hey, Duff lovers! Does anyone in this bar love Duff?
Carl: Hey, it's Duffman!
Lenny: Newsweek said you died of liver failure.
Duffman: Duffman can never die, only the actors who play him! Oh yeahhh!

ā—„ Season 12 Season 13 Quotes Season 14 ā–ŗ
Treehouse of Horror XII ā€¢ The Parent Rap ā€¢ Homer the Moe ā€¢ A Hunka Hunka Burns in Love ā€¢ The Blunder Years ā€¢ She of Little Faith ā€¢ Brawl in the Family ā€¢ Sweets and Sour Marge ā€¢ Jaws Wired Shut ā€¢ Half-Decent Proposal ā€¢ The Bart Wants What it Wants ā€¢ The Lastest Gun in the West ā€¢ The Old Man and the Key ā€¢ Tales from the Public Domain ā€¢ Blame it on Lisa ā€¢ Weekend at Burnsie's ā€¢ Gump Roast ā€¢ I Am Furious (Yellow) ā€¢ The Sweetest Apu ā€¢ Little Girl in the Big Ten ā€¢ The Frying Game ā€¢ Poppa's Got a Brand New Badge