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How the Test Was Won - Marge kissing Lindsey The contents of this article or section are considered to be non-canon and therefore may not have actually happened/existed.
~ King Snorky

King Snorky was an evil dolphin. He is a parody of Corky the orca from SeaWorld. In contrast to the other dolphins he serves as King of, Snorky is light grey rather than dark grey.


Thought to just be a regular dolphin happily performing tricks, he was soon suspected to be miserable when a crowd of people crowded his tank for merriment. Feeling sorry for the way some people mistreat him, Lisa sets him free from Marine World. However, upon being released from Marine World, Snorky is revealed to be King of the Dolphins and, unable to put the actions of man behind him, formulated a plan for revenge. He then took control of the land and started killing humans including Lenny Leonard, Captain McCallister, Squeaky-Voiced Teen, Raphael, Carl Carlson, Kent Brockman, Groundskeeper Willie, Krusty the Clown and others. He revealed himself to be able to balance on his tail and speak perfect English. After revealing to the citizens of Springfield that dolphins had once lived on land but were driven to the ocean, he announces that he and all dolphin kind will no longer take the careless actions of the humans. He led a dolphin army to kick all of the Springfield citizens, including Lisa, off the land and into the sea.

He also was an enemy featured in The Simpsons Game. He appeared as the boss in the level "The Day of the Dolphin" wherein the players had to fight off his army and knock him into an aquarium filled with Electric Eels and Jellyfish that would shock him. Unlike in his original appearance, where he attacked humanity of his own free will, it is implied in this instance that he alongside the other dolphins had been brainwashed by Kang and Kodos during their invasion.[1]



The Simpsons Characters
The Simpsons and relatives
Homer SimpsonMarge SimpsonBart SimpsonLisa SimpsonMaggie Simpson
Santa's Little HelperSnowball IIAbraham SimpsonPatty BouvierSelma BouvierMona SimpsonJacqueline BouvierLing BouvierHerb Powell
Around Springfield
Jasper BeardlyComic Book GuyKumiko AlbertsonBarney GumbleMaude FlandersNed FlandersProfessor FrinkGil GundersonJulius HibbertLionel HutzHelen LovejoyReverend Timothy LovejoyCaptain Horatio McCallisterAkiraHans MolemanMarvin MonroeBleeding Gums MurphyApu NahasapeemapetilonMayor Joe QuimbyDr. Nick RivieraAgnes SkinnerCletus SpucklerDisco StuSqueaky-Voiced TeenMoe SzyslakSam and LarryKirk Van HoutenLuann Van HoutenClancy WiggumEddieLouCrazy Cat LadyLindsey NaegleCookie KwanWiseguyBrandine SpucklerThe Yes GuySanjay NahasapeemapetilonBlue-haired LawyerJudge Roy SnyderRich TexanLuigi RisottoOld Jewish ManMrs. Glick
Media Personalities
Itchy & ScratchyKent BrockmanKrusty the ClownTroy McClureSideshow MelRainier Wolfcastle | Arnie PyeRadioactive ManDuffmanBumblebee ManBill and MartyDrederick TatumMr. TeenyScott ChristianBooberellaGabboLurleen LumpkinCelebrities
Springfield Elementary School faculty and students
Superintendant ChalmersSeymour SkinnerEdna KrabappelElizabeth HooverGroundskeeper WillieOtto MannLunchlady DorisDewey LargoRayshelle PeytonDr. J. Loren PyrorMilhouse Van HoutenRalph WiggumNelson MuntzMartin PrinceRod FlandersTodd FlandersSherri and TerriWendell BortonDatabaseJimbo JonesKearney ZzyzwiczDolph StarbeamÜter ZörkerJaney PowellLewisRichardBashir bin Laden
Springfield Nuclear Power Plant
Charles Montgomery BurnsWaylon SmithersCarl CarlsonLenny LeonardCharlieBlinky
Snake JailbirdKang & KodosHermanSideshow BobFat TonyFrankie the SquealerJohnny TightlipsLegs and Louie
The SimpsonsThe BouviersThe FlandersThe Van HoutensThe Wiggums
Guest Stars
Matt GroeningConan O'BrienStan LeeStephen HawkingMark ZuckerbergKaty PerryLady GagaElon MuskLizzoTaika Waititi
Fictional charactersOne-Time CharactersLGBT charactersParodied celebritiesAnimals
Characters in the Treehouse of Horror series
Treehouse of Horror
Evil HouseLenoreKangKodosSerak the PreparerSeraphimRavenThe Raven Narrator
Treehouse of Horror III
King HomerHouse of Evil ShopkeeperKiller Krusty Doll
Treehouse of Horror IV
Flanders the DevilGrim ReaperCount BurnsGremlin
Treehouse of Horror V
Mister PeabodyShermanJasonUnnamed LunchladyDarwin Fish
Treehouse of Horror VI
Duff CowboyPaul AnkaVan Brunt & Churchill OwnerZip Boys
Treehouse of Horror VII
Hugo SimpsonPigeon-RatJonathan Frink (Lisa's World)Religious Leader (Lisa's World)Man (Lisa's World)Clinton Campaign Member
Treehouse of Horror VIII
FloydKiller Rating
Treehouse of Horror IX
JasonKiller Toupée
Treehouse of Horror X
Werewolf FlandersClobber GirlStretch DudeThe CollectorXena the Warrior Princess
Treehouse of Horror XI
Baby BearGeorge CauldronGoldilocksDaddy BearMummy BearRapunzelTrollSuzanneSnorky
Treehouse of Horror XII
GypsyHobgoblinLeprechaunYodaUltrahouse 3000Harry PotterLord MontymortSlithers
Treehouse of Horror XIII
Homer's clonesPeter GriffinBilly the Kid
Treehouse of Horror XIV
Jonathan Frink Sr.Grim Reaper
Treehouse of Horror XV
Simon StoolowitzEliza SimpsonDr. BartleyPeter PanC. Ebenezer BurnsInspector WiggumMao
Treehouse of Horror XVI
DavidCyborg BartWitchMutant PeacockDefunct Robots
Treehouse of Horror XVII
Dr. Phil McGrawFemale GolemMale GolemOrson Welles
Treehouse of Horror XIX
Airport Stair BotATM BotBestimus MuchosCarnage DestructicusCoffee Machine BotHot Dog Oven BotKitchen BotsMelodyMicrowave BotNacho BotPlane BotSedan BotSex ToySnoozeSquishee Machine BotThree-WayToaster BotAdvertisersGeorge ClooneyJohn LennonGolda MeirJimmy StewartRip TaylorJohn WayneGrand PumpkinTom Turkey
Treehouse of Horror XX
Countess DraculaAmenhotepWomenhetHubert WongFrankenstein's MonsterJuliensteinThe WolfmanShe-Wolf
Treehouse of Horror XXI
EdmundRogerColonel KetchupCrazy Eights
Treehouse of Horror XXII
KamalaRigel 7 Taxi Driver
Treehouse of Horror XXIII
Crazy iguana ladyGluttonGlutton's wifeMayan priestMayan scientistMayan godsBlack hole aliensMoe-looking SatanOrange DemonUnited Federation of Homers Through History
Treehouse of Horror XXIV
The Fat in the HatStrong-Man HomerBore-AxCount OrlokRay BradburyBrundleflyEdward C. BurkeThe CreeperGortHypnotoadStephen KingWinslow LeachH. P. LovecraftRichard MathesonRo-ManRod SerlingYmir
Treehouse of Horror XXV
Hot StuffHellroads TeacherJeffistophelesStanley KubrickPvt. Leonard 'Gomer Pyle' Lawrence
Treehouse of Horror XXVII
HomishPetaPitaDrew CareyRachelJerry and Larry MackleberryMs. Mancuso-GluckmanSergeant SausageHigh BallDonald Fagen
Treehouse of Horror XXVIII
Irish PriestDr. Kenneth HumphriesMario BataliChocolate Easter BunnyPazuzuOther Homer SimpsonOther Marge SimpsonOther Bart SimpsonOther Lisa SimpsonOther Maggie SimpsonOther Abraham Simpson IIOther Milhouse Van Houten
Treehouse of Horror XXIX
CthulhuPhloemHerb TannenbaumXylem
Treehouse of Horror XXX
DemogorgonFlander DemogorgonSt. GreeterAmphibian Man
Treehouse of Horror XXXI
FunzoHomerverse charactersBurnsverse characters
Treehouse of Horror XXXII
Mopey Mary