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Krusty's Clown College is a college that trains people to become Krusty actors on a regional basis. Although Krusty was the nominal owner of the college, it was actually founded by his accountant in Krusty's name, mostly because Krusty implied that ultimately won't be able to hold to his alternate plan to save money by cutting back on condor egg omelets. Originally part of Krusty's merchandise empire, Krusty used it to help pay off his growing debts. One of these debts was with Fat Tony, head of the Springfield Mafia. Fat Tony takes over the college as part of Krusty's payment. The college has since focused on getting the clowns to rob from the children after performances. Homer Simpson went through Clown College and was mistaken for Krusty by the mafia.

The building used to be Willie Nelson's house. In addition, Krusty also indicated he didn't want to form the college due to its similarities to an already-existing and similar institution made by Bonko the Clown.


Schools and other educational facilities
Nursery: Ayn Rand School for Tots ā— Day-Care Center ā— Miss Tillingham's School for Snotty Girls and Mama's Boys ā— Mrs. Wickerbottom's Pre-Nursery School ā— Preschool
Elementary Schools: Asteroid Elementary ā— Cypress Creek Elementary School ā— Enriched Learning Center for Gifted Children ā— Montessori School ā— Onward Christian Schoolboys Academy ā— Rommelwood Military School ā— Saint Sebastian's School for Wicked Girls ā— Shelbyville Elementary School ā— Springfield Christian School ā— Springfield Creative Arts Academy ā— Springfield Elementary School ā— Springfield Elementary School and Prison ā— Springfield Magnet School ā— Springfield Preparatory School ā— St. Jerome's Catholic School ā— Tuition Academy ā— Waverly Hills Elementary School ā— West Springfield Elementary School
High Schools: Springfield High School
Universities / Colleges : Burns University ā— Hollywood Upstairs Medical College ā— MIT ā— Oral Roberts University ā— Springfield A&M ā— Springfield Community College ā— Springfield Heights Institute of Technology ā— Springfield University ā— University of Michiganā€“Dearborn Campus ā— Yale University
Adult: Adult Education Annex ā— Springfield Extension School ā— Teacher Holding Facility
Trade schools/Academies: Chazz Busby Ballet Academy ā— Cloisters Academy ā— Karate ā— Krusty's Clown College ā— Leavelle's Bodyguard Academy ā— Li'l Ludwig's Music School ā— Santa School ā— Springfield Arts Center ā— Springfield Barber College ā— Springfield Police Academy ā— Swigmore University
Animals: Pitiless Pup Attack Dog School
Krusty The ClownKrusty the Clown Show Characters, Locations and Key Episodes
Krusty the Clown | Sideshow Bob | Sideshow Mel | Sophie Krustofsky | Mr. Teeny

Krusty Burger | Clown College | Kamp Krusty
Krusty Gets Busted | Itchy & Scratchy & Marge | Like Father, Like Clown | Kamp Krusty | Krusty Gets Kancelled | Bart Gets Famous | Homie the Clown | Bart the Fink | The Itchy & Scratchy & Poochie Show | The Last Temptation of Krust | Insane Clown Poppy | Day of the Jackanapes | Mr. Spritz Goes to Washington | Today, I Am a Clown | Yokel Chords | All About Lisa | Once Upon a Time in Springfield | The Ten-Per-Cent Solution | Clown in the Dumps | The Nightmare After Krustmas | Fears of a Clown | Krusty the Clown (episode) | The Clown Stays in the Picture | Clown V. Board of Education
