Leezuh Sampsan is the Sampsan family counterpart of Lisa Simpson. She is an one-eyed alien with an emerged mouth. Her main catchphrase is, "I am Simpson!".
Like the rest of the Simpson family, Lisa ends up as Leezuh Sampsan in the year of 10,535 on Septembar 36.4th after Homer time travels there, and is now an one-eyed alien with a mouth emerged from her head. She, along with Marj, Brt and Maagi, are called by Homar to meet him at the kitchen cube. When she arrives there, Leezuh says, "I am Simpson!" repetitively.
After everything changes again when Homar realizes that he has memories, Leezuh first shows up in the 37,211.4th episode of The Simpsons, where she, along with the rest of the Sampsan family, are polygonal shapes while saying, "We are happy family" in unison. Finally, Leezuh is not in the 100,411.2nd episode, where she, along with Brt and Maagi, are in a grainy and destroyed graph-like background.
Suddenly, Leezuh and the rest of the family are back to the day of Septembar 36.4th, 10,535, where she keeps saying, "I am Simpson!" until she gets cut off by Brt.