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~ Ling's first word
Help me.
~ Ling, to her aunt Marge and uncle Homer in "Changing of the Guardian".

Ling Bouvier (Mandarin:灵·鲍维尔) is the adoptive daughter of Selma Bouvier after she discovered that she had reached menopause in "Goo Goo Gai Pan".

Ling currently lives with Selma, Patty and Jub-Jub.


Selma adopted Ling in Beijing, China after discovering that she had reached menopause. She lied about being married to Homer Simpson, in order to fool the local authorities into thinking that Ling would be part of a traditional family as opposed to a single mother. Though she and Jacqueline Bouvier have only been seen once together, Jacqueline is her adopted grandmother. It's later revealed in "Changing of the Guardian" that Selma and Patty push her to her limit in numerous hobbies and fail to praise her. It's unknown who her biological parents are, nor is it known if they're alive or deceased. She also has diabetes, which she was more than likely born with.

Ling has a weird habit of squeezing Homer's eyeballs, which he doesn't seem to mind, even though it would hurt.


Ling was seen at the "Midday Mommies" with Maggie, Baby Gerald, Sashi Nahasapeemapetilon, and Noah's Sister.[1] She also played with her cousin Maggie when Selma and Abe babysat.

Behind the Laughter[]


In her first appearance in "Goo Goo Gai Pan", she only made a few appearances making baby giggles and her only actual word in the series was "mama". During her other three appearances, she did not talk. She has a laugh similar to Selma.

She appears slightly older by "Changing of the Guardian", walking, exhibiting manual dexterity, and even performing gymnastics. She also seems able to speak in complete sentences, saying "Help me!" to Marge.

Ling remains a rare character that is seldom even mentioned in recent episodes, as if her existance had been semi-retconned. She is inexcusably missing in episodes like "Desperately Seeking Lisa" where Patty, Selma, and Lisa take a trip, and not even the remaining Simpson family are seen babysitting her.


Note: All of Ling's major appearances are in bold.



  • In "Changing of the Guardian", Ling is shown to have grown a couple of years older since her first appearance in "Goo Goo Gai Pan", although Maggie, who is about the same age as Ling, has not, which makes her one of the few characters who has aged in the series.
  • She is Bart, Lisa, and Maggie's so far only known cousin, not including Jessica Simpson since Lisa most likely made a joke about her being her "cousin".
  • She was voiced by Nancy Cartwright, the voice of Bart, making her the only female Bouvier to not be voiced by Julie Kavner.
  • Ling can be seen next to her aunts during the parade scene in "My Life as a Vlog".


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