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Insane Clown Poppy
Lisa the Tree Hugger
Homer vs. Dignity

Previous Episode References[]

  • Mother Simpson: A member of The Simpson family (Homer and Homer's mom/Lisa) is believed to be dead.
  • Stark Raving Dad and Bart Gets Famous: Bart has a lucky red cap (that he apparently forgot about. See "Goofs" below)
  • Three Men and a Comic Book: Bart raises money to get something he wants (issue #1 of Radioactive Man/the Gamestation 256)
  • Marge Be Not Proud: Bart wants something video game-related (Bonestorm/Gamestation 256) after seeing it in a commercial.
  • When Flanders Failed: Bart learns martial arts (or martial arts type skills) from an East Asian man (Akira/the owner of You Thai Now) voiced by Hank Azaria.
  • Lisa the Vegetarian and Lisa vs. Malibu Stacy: Lisa being a social justice warrior gets her into trouble (ruins Homer's barbecue because it served meat and no one would accept her gazpacho/the Malibu Stacy company released a new Malibu Stacy doll to compete with Lisa Lionheart [and, earlier, the family tells Lisa that she's been standing up for what she believes in too much, which led to Bart being in a gay rights parade and the family boycotting the FOX Network because they own chemical weapon plants in Syria]/Lisa lives in a tree to impress an environmentalist, but is declared dead when the tree falls and no one can find her body).
  • Burns Baby Burns, Saddlesore Galactica, and Kill the Alligator and Run: The Snooty Debutante (and her ugly daughter, in the case of Burns Baby Burns) appear(s).
  • Homer to the Max:
    • the hemp leaf pants that Ed Begley, Jr. wore are on sale at Hemp City in this episode.
    • Springfield has a redwood forest
  • Wild Barts Can't Be Broken and Hello Gutter, Hello Fadder: The Teletubbies are referenced (Milhouse watches the show/Homer dresses up as a Teletubby to impress Maggie/the couch gag where Homer, Lisa, Bart, and Marge are Teletubbies and Maggie happily claps).
  • The Telltale Head: Bart's ninja costume is the same one he wore when he sneaked out to steal the head of the Jebediah Springfield statue.
  • The Old Man and the Lisa: An environmentally hazardous facility is built in Lisa's honor.
  • Treehouse of Horror IX ("Hell Toupee"): Snake is executed via the electric chair.
  • Brother's Little Helper: the "clowns piling out of a car" gag is spoofed (Sir Widebottom's butt gets deflated when Bart runs a tank over the car/the clowns pile out of Krusty's limo until Krusty tells them that the joke's only funny when it's a lot of clowns piled in a tiny car).
  • Moaning Lisa: Lisa befriends someone whom Marge is wary of (Bleeding Gums Murphy because he's homeless/Jesse the environmentalist because he's too idealistic).
  • Homie the Clown: reference to The Washington Generals (Krusty bet on them and lost/Homer refers to the Luftwaffe as "The Washington Generals of The History Channel").

Cultural references[]

  • Lisa's quest to save Springfield's oldest redwood tree by living in it is a reference to the real-life story of Julia Butterfly Hill and a redwood tree called "Luna". Hill lived in the tree for two years and succeeded in preventing it from being cut down by loggers. The details of Lisa's day-to-day existence in her tree (such as hauling supplies up to her tent by a rope) are very similar to Hill's.
  • Bart's ninja skills and the music when he's handing out menus are references to the film The Matrix.
  • When the giant log destroys Kentucky Fried Panda, Homer exclaims "No! It was finger-ling-ling good!", which is a reference to Kentucky Fried Chicken and its slogan, "Finger-Lickin' Good", and to either Ling-Ling or Ling Ling, both of whom were famous giant pandas.
  • A game system The Gamestation 256 is a parody on Nintendo 64 and Sony PlayStation.
  • The marijuana leaf pants on the mannequin at Hemp City are from "The Woody Harrelson Collection."
  • The song at the end of the episode, This Log, parodies This Land Is Your Land which was originally written and performed by Woody Guthrie in 1944.
  • Among major landmarks the log passes are Mount Rushmore, the Grand Tetons (recreating Ansel Adams's 1942 photograph The Tetons and the Snake River), Tornado Alley, the West and East Mitten Buttes of Monument Valley, San Francisco's Lombard Street and then goes out to sea from San Francisco Bay passing underneath the Golden Gate Bridge.



Lenny with gray hair and Ms. Hoover with thick glasses

  • In the crowd of people:
  • When Bart tosses his game system in the fireplace, it yells, "No! I can still make you happy! To the max!" The closed captions have the line as, "Warning: store in a cool, dry place. A cool dry place!"
  • Bart tells Marge that he doesn't have a cap during Marge's "Put it in your cap" song. Apparently he -- and, more realistically, the writers -- forgot the early episodes in which Bart had a lucky red cap.

Season 11 Season 12 References/Trivia Season 13
Treehouse of Horror XIA Tale of Two SpringfieldsInsane Clown PoppyLisa the Tree HuggerHomer vs. DignityThe Computer Wore Menace ShoesThe Great Money CaperSkinner's Sense of SnowHOMЯPokey MomWorst Episode EverTennis the MenaceDay of the JackanapesNew Kids on the BlecchHungry, Hungry HomerBye Bye NerdieSimpson SafariTrilogy of ErrorI'm Goin' to PraiselandChildren of a Lesser ClodSimpsons Tall Tales