Lisa: Well, I believe you're required to provide a vegetarian alternative.
[Doris picks up a hot dog, shakes the wiener out, and slaps the bun down on Lisa's tray]
Doris: Yum. It's rich in bunly goodness.
Lisa: [dryly] Do you remember when you lost your passion for this work?
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
(Homer sees The Flanders having a BBQ Family Reunion where there is a lot of relatives that look like The Flanders)
Homer: Hey, Flanders.
Flanders Relatives: Hidilly-ho, neighboreeno!
Homer: Shut up!
Flanders Relatives: Okilly-dokilly.
Homer: So, Ned, you're having a family reunion and you didn't invite me?
Ned: Oh, gosh, Homer. This is strictly a Flanders affair. I got family here from around the globe. (He goes to a Spanish Version of Ned) Here's José Flanders.
José Flanders: Buenos Ding Dong Diddly Dias, Señor.
Ned: (He goes to a British Version of Ned) And this is Lord Thistlewick Flanders.
Lord Thistlewick Flanders: Charmed. (Ned nudges him) Eh... a googilly-doogilly.
[Lunchlady Doris secretly sets off the Independent Thought Alarm, which leads all the way to Principal Skinner's office]
Principal Skinner: Uh oh. Two independent thought alarms in one day. The students are overstimulated. Willie, remove all the colored chalk from the classrooms.
Groundskeeper Willie: [slamming his fist angrily on Skinner's desk] I warned ye! Didn't I warn ye?!? That colored chalk was forged by Lucifer himself!
Troy McClure: If a cow ever got the chance, he’d eat you and everyone you care about.
Lisa: Dad, can't you have some other kind of party, one where you don't serve meat?
Homer: But all normal people love meat. If I went to a barbeque and there was no meat, I would say 'Yo Goober! Where's the meat?!’ I’m trying to impress people here, Lisa. You don't win friends with salad.
(Bart dances in)
Bart: (musically)You don't win friends with salad! You don't win friends with salad! (Homer joins) You don't win friends with salad! You don't win friends with salad! You don't win friends with salad! You don't win friends with salad! (Marge joins) You don't win friends with salad! You don't win friends with salad! You don't win friends with salad!
Lisa: Mom!
Marge: I didn't mean to take sides. I just got caught up in the rhythm.
[At Homer's barbecue, Lisa steals the pig, using the riding lawnmower to push the grill out of the yard and up a steep slope, while Homer and Bart chase after her. When Lisa gets to the top of the slope, the grill starts rolling downhill, building up speed. Homer and Bart now chase after the grill, while it rolls into a street and through a hedge]
Homer: It's just a little dirty. It's still good, it's still good!
[Homer and Bart keep running after the grill. The grill rolls into traffic (miraculously missing every car) and crashes into a bridge railing. The pig keeps going and ends up splashing into the river.]
Homer: It's just a little slimy. It's still good, it's still good!
[The pig floats downstream to a dam where it gets caught in the spillway, blocking it. Water builds up behind the pig until the pressure pushes the pig the rest of the way through the spillway, blasting it into the sky. Homer and Bart watch from on top of the dam.]
Homer: It's just a little airborne. It's still good, it's still good!
Bart: [crestfallen] It's gone.
Homer: [even more crestfallen] I know.
[Mr. Burns and Smithers are in Burns' office, looking out the window]
Mr. Burns: You know, Smithers, I think I'll donate a million dollars to the local orphanage ... when pigs fly!
[Burns and Smithers laugh. Then, they notice Homer's pig soar by.]
Smithers: Will you be donating that million dollars now, sir?
Mr.Burns: No, I'd still prefer not.
Homer: Lisa, you ruined my barbecue! I demand you apologize this second!
Lisa: I'm never ever apologizing because I was standing up for a just cause and you were wrong, wrong, wrong! Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to my room.
Homer: That's it! Go to your room!
[At a neighborhood, the other kids tease Lisa about her vegetarianism]
Lisa: [sarcastically] Yes, I'm going to marry a carrot.
Sherri and Terri: Ooh! She admitted it! She admitted she's going to marry a carrot!
[Lisa visits Apu and meets Paul and Linda McCartney, and finally finds some understanding of her vegetarianism.]
Paul McCartney: Linda and I both feel strongly about animal rights. In fact, if you play 'Maybe I'm Amazed' backwards, you'll hear a recipe for a really ripping lentil soup.
Lisa: When will all those fools learn that you can be perfectly healthy simply eating vegetables, fruits, grains and cheese?
Apu: No, I don't eat any food that comes from an animal.
Lisa: Oh, then you must think I'm a monster!
Apu: Yes, indeed, I do think that. But I learned long ago, Lisa, to tolerate others rather than forcing my beliefs on them. You know you can influence people without badgering them always. It's like Paul's song, 'Live and Let Live.'