“ | I don't judge Homer or Marge. That's for vengeful God to do. | „ |
~ Maude Flanders[src] |
“ | Neddy doesn't believe in insurance. He considers it a form of gambling. | „ |
~ Maude Flanders[src] |
“ | I know. They make you uncomfortable. | „ |
~ Maude Flanders' last words[src] |
“ | In many ways, Maude Flanders was a supporting player in our lives. She didn't grab our attention with memorable catchphrases, or comical accents. But, whether you noticed her or not, Maude was always there but then she was still alive in episode 6 | „ |
~ Reverend Timothy Lovejoy at Maude's funeral[src] |
“ | Excuse me, Edna. I don't think we're talking about love here. We're talking about S-E-X in front of the C-H-I-L-D-R-E-N. | „ |
~ Maude Flanders[src] |
Maude Flanders was a major character of The Simpsons in the first 11 seasons, was the first wife of Ned Flanders, and the late mother of Todd and Rod Flanders.

Maude and Ned homeless
Maude was a devout Christian who once attended a Bible camp to learn how to be more judgmental, although she isn’t as preachy as her husband. She campaigned strongly against Itchy and Scratchy with Marge and often partnered with Helen Lovejoy as they protest against the "evils" in Springfield. She died after being struck by a barrage of shirts fired from T-shirt cannons at the Springfield Speedway in "Alone Again, Natura-Diddily".
Although she spent much of her free time in prayer and reading the Bible, Maude was known to let her hair (and her neckline) down for the occasional dinner party at the home of the Simpsons (Maude's neighbors).
Homer Simpson and Moe Szyslak both find her attractive as shown when Moe made unnamed phone calls to her and Homer once ogled Maude's low-cut dress at a dinner party, which resulted in him and Marge going to marriage camp.[1]

Maude smiling
Maude liked ficus plants, unflavored nonfat ice milk, and Newsweek Magazine. In one episode, when Marge was arrested for accidental shoplifting, Maude was one of the people who missed Marge’s treats during a bake sale.
After her so called death, Marge was mildly surprised and concerned to discover Maude's three pairs of shoes as she believes this to have been a fetish.[2]

Maude getting hit by a T-shirt and falling to her death
In the episode from 2000, Maude died after being knocked off a grandstand by several t-shirt cannons at the Springfield Speedway. The shirts had been meant to hit Homer, who wanted one of them. However, before the shirts could hit him, Homer noticed a bobby pin on the ground and bent over to pick it up. This caused Maude, who was returning to her seat behind Homer, to be struck instead, and fall off the grandstand to her death, at least a 20-foot drop. According to Homer's statement later in the episode, he had parked in the ambulance zone, which prevented any quick resuscitation.[3]
Her death crushed Ned and their sons, Todd and Rod, who, although used to some measure of hardship (their house getting destroyed[4]) assumed they would always be together (the actual reason her character was killed off was due to a pay dispute between the actress who voiced her character and the show's producers) and they are still together since Maude can be seen next to Flanders in Take My Life, Please.

Maude's Funeral.
Apparently, Homer fell in her grave, which Ned mentioned.[5] Reverend Lovejoy eulogized her as follows: "In many ways, Maude Flanders was a supporting player in our lives. She didn't grab our attention with memorable catchphrases, or comical accents. But whether you noticed her or not, Maude was always there ... and we thought she always would be."[6] Though the episode aired in February 2000, the events appeared to take place before the winter meaning that the events probably took place before Winter 1999 and 2000.
After her death, the grieving Ned Flanders and the Simpsons saw in her sketchbook a series of drawings that outlined a plan for a Christian-themed amusement park named "Praiseland." Realizing this park to be her so thought final dream, Ned acquired the defunct amusement park "Storytime Village" from Colonel Antoine "Tex" O'Hara ("The Rich Texan") and, with the assistance of Homer and other townspeople, built and opened Praiseland. He memorialized Maude there with a statue of her and placed on its base a plaque bearing the phrase: "She taught us the joy of shame and the shame of joy."

A Maude mask
Praiseland sold Maude memorial items such as masks. Praiseland gained popularity among the residents of Springfield when they erroneously attributed to the statue of Maude the performance of miracles providing religious experiences. The religious experiences were actually hallucinations, caused by gas that was leaking from a gas line near the base of the statue (it was revealed that Springfield natural gas was actually deadlier and more poisonous in area with good ventilation). Feeling that profiting off the memory of his thought to be dead wife was wrong, and even more so after the candles near the gas leak nearly caused an explosion, Ned closed down Praiseland.[7]

Maude in Heaven
Post Death Appearances in the Simpsons[]
- Despite her death, she and Bleeding Gums Murphy continued to be in the seasons 2-20 intro until the show introduced the 720p high-definition opening sequence as well as the new 16:9 high-definition format in the episode "Take My Life, Please".
- At the start of "Treehouse of Horror XIII" originally broadcast in the U.S. on November 3, 2002, the Simpsons and Ned Flanders hold a séance and summon Maude's ghost, who proceeds to tell them three horror stories.
- In the regular episode "Bart Has Two Mommies", which aired March 19, 2006, Maude was shown looking down on her sons from Heaven and said: "My little boy's growing up." Maggie Roswell voiced her, and she was credited in the premiere airing.
- Maude was also shown to be alive in Season 6 in the episode "Lisa's Wedding" which was set in the future after the Simpson children had grown up but written before Season 11 when Maude was killed. However, it should be noted that this was a vision by a possibly illegitimate psychic and may not have been considered canonical.
- Maude appeared in flashbacks in the Season 20 episode "Dangerous Curves" and the Season 21 episode "Postcards From the Wedge", as well as other episodes such as "Take My Life, Please", "The Kids Are All Fight", and "Fland Canyon".
- There is a house in the final level of The Simpsons Game with a huge sign with Maude's name on it, which may have implied that she's literally "living with God."
- Comically, she was seen with Ned, Rod, and Todd when an overview of the crowd was seen in "Take My Life, Please", even though she was supposed to be dead.
- She was mentioned in "Kill the Alligator and Run", "A Star is Torn" and "The Ned-liest Catch".
- Ned mentions in "Sex, Pies, and Idiot Scrapes" that he forgave Homer for accidentally killing her.
- There are still pictures of Maude in the Flanders home.
- In The Simpsons Road Rage game, if you play as Ned and go airborne, he'll eventually yell out: "AAGH, I'm coming to join ya, Maude!"
- In "Treehouse of Horror XXII", Maude appears as a devil who is sleeping with Satan. God kills Homer in an act of revenge and anger, but God refuses to resurrect him because Satan wouldn’t like it. Ned is happy to have Maude back.
- In "How I Wet Your Mother", Maude appears in Homer's dream as a member of a crowd of women who support drunk driving, ironically enough.
- In The Simpsons: Tapped Out, Maude's ghost could be unlocked in the "Treehouse of Horror XXIV" Event in 2013.
- In the crossover episode "The Simpsons Guy", while threatening to hit Peter Griffin with a large rock, Homer says "Say hi to Maude Flanders!" (who Peter naturally did not know). Peter seeing Kang and Kodos's flying saucer about to crash onto Homer, replies "No, you say hi to Muriel Goldman" (a deceased Family Guy character who Homer didn't know).
- In "Holidays of Future Passed", Maude appears as a bride ghost and remarries Ned, interestingly claiming that Heaven doesn’t exist, where Ned revealed that Homer had killed Edna Krabappel.
- In "Waiting for Duffman", when Bart and Lisa are playing with the t-shirt cannons, Homer says that no one had ever been killed by a t-shirt cannon. One of the t-shirts hit a picture of Maude in Ned's house and Ned looks at the audience, referencing Maude's death.
- In "Fland Canyon", Maude features heavily, appearing in flashbacks in which she and Ned, amongst others, clean up Springfield's Skid Row, and on the Flanders' and Simpson's family vacation to the Grand Canyon and she judges Marge's parenting towards Bart during the vacation.
- Maude's most recent appearance is in "Flanders' Ladder", where she meets Bart in ghost form to resolve unfinished business. She seems to be jealous of Ned marrying Edna.
- In the episode "Monty Burns' Fleeing Circus", the deceased Maude and Edna Krabappel sit beside Ned Flanders.
- In "My Way or the Highway to Heaven", she is in heaven alongside Edna Krabappel.
- In "Todd, Todd, Why Hast Thou Forsaken Me?", she appears to Ned in his dreams.
- In "Manger Things", she appears in a never-before seen story where she falls pregnant and gives birth to Todd.
- Helen Lovejoy
- Timothy Lovejoy
- Luann Van Houten
- Marge Simpson
- Julius Hibbert
- Bernice Hibbert
- Edna Krabappel
- Agnes Skinner
She was often seen with Helen Lovejoy, with whom she would protest against the evils of Springfield. After her death in Season 11, Helen is often seen with Luann Van Houten and Bernice Hibbert.
Note: Maude is mainly a background character, episodes in which she has a speaking role are in bold.
Episode – "Dead Putting Society"
Episode – "Itchy & Scratchy & Marge"
Episode – "One Fish, Two Fish, Blowfish, Blue Fish" (picture)
Episode – "Old Money"
Episode – "The War of the Simpsons"
Episode – "Blood Feud"
Episode – "When Flanders Failed"
Episode – "Lisa's Pony"
Episode – "Flaming Moe's"
Episode – "Radio Bart" (Mentioned)
Episode – "Bart the Lover"
Episode – "Brother, Can You Spare Two Dimes?"
Episode – "Homer the Heretic"
Episode – "Lisa the Beauty Queen"
Episode – "Marge vs. the Monorail"
Episode – "I Love Lisa"
Episode – "Duffless" (Ned's flashback)
Episode – "So It's Come to This: A Simpsons Clip Show" (pagan daydream)
Episode – "Marge in Chains"
Episode – "Cape Feare"
Episode – "Bart's Inner Child"
Episode – "$pringfield (Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Legalized Gambling)"
Episode – "Homer Loves Flanders"
Episode – "Bart Gets an Elephant"
Episode – "Burns' Heir"
Episode – "Lady Bouvier's Lover"
Episode – "Grampa vs. Sexual Inadequacy"
Episode – "Bart of Darkness"
Episode – "Another Simpsons Clip Show"
Episode – "And Maggie Makes Three"
Episode – "Bart's Comet"
Episode – "Lisa's Wedding"
Episode – "The Springfield Connection"
Episode – "Who Shot Mr. Burns? (Part One)"
Episode – "Home Sweet Homediddly-Dum-Doodily"
Episode – "Bart Sells His Soul"
Episode – "Mother Simpson"
Episode – "Team Homer"
Episode – "Two Bad Neighbors"
Episode – "Much Apu About Nothing"
Episode – "Bart After Dark"
Episode – "A Milhouse Divided"
Episode – "Lisa's Date with Density"
Episode – "Hurricane Neddy"
Episode – "The Twisted World of Marge Simpson"
Episode – "My Sister, My Sitter"
Episode – "Homer vs. the Eighteenth Amendment"
Episode – "Grade School Confidential"
Episode – "In Marge We Trust"
THOH – "Treehouse of Horror VIII"
Episode – "Bart Star"
Episode – "Realty Bites"
Episode – "The Trouble with Trillions"
Episode – "Natural Born Kissers"
Episode – "D'oh-in' in the Wind"
Episode – "Viva Ned Flanders"
Episode – "I'm with Cupid"
Episode – "Make Room for Lisa"
Episode – "Mom and Pop Art"
Episode – "Brother's Little Helper"
THOH – "Treehouse of Horror X"
Episode – "Little Big Mom"
Episode – "Saddlesore Galactica"
Episode – "Alone Again, Natura-Diddily" (Death)
Episode – "Kill the Alligator and Run" (Mentioned and pictured)
Episode – "I'm Goin' to Praiseland" (Seen in pictures and as a statue)'
THOH – "Treehouse of Horror XIII" (As a ghost)
Episode – "Bart Has Two Mommies" (heaven)
Episode – "Kill Gil: Vols. 1 & 2"
Episode – "Dangerous Curves" (Flashback) (returned)
Episode – "Take My Life, Please" (In crowd with Ned, Rod and Todd due to an error)
Episode – "Postcards From the Wedge" (Flashback) (returned)
Episode – "The Ned-liest Catch" (Mentioned and pictured)
THOH – "Treehouse of Horror XXII" (returned)
Episode – "Holidays of Future Passed" (As a ghost)
Episode – "How I Wet Your Mother" (Seen in Homer's dream) (returned)
Episode – "Them, Robot" (Seen in couch gag as a ghost) (returned)
Episode – "The Man Who Grew Too Much" (Appeared in a picture)
Episode – "Days of Future Future" (As a ghost) (returned)
Episode – "The Simpsons Guy" (Mentioned and pictured)
Episode – "My Fare Lady" (Seen in pixel couch gag as an angel)
Episode – "Waiting for Duffman" (Picture and indirectly mentioned by Homer)
Episode – "The Kids Are All Fight" (Flashback) (returned)
Episode – "Barthood" (Tombstone)
Episode – "Fland Canyon" (Flashback) (returned)
Episode – "Monty Burns' Fleeing Circus" (ghost)
Episode – "Moho House" (ghost)
Episode – "Dogtown" (grave)
Episode – "The Serfsons" (severed head)
Episode – "Haw-Haw Land"
Episode – "Flanders' Ladder" (ghost)
Episode – "My Way or the Highway to Heaven"
Episode – "Thanksgiving of Horror" (in turkey form)
Episode – "Todd, Todd, Why Hast Thou Forsaken Me?" (seen in Ned's dream and in Todd's dream)
Episode – "Diary Queen"
Episode – "Manger Things"
Episode – "Mother and Child Reunion" (picture seen)
THOH – "Treehouse of Horror XXXIII"
Episode – "Pin Gal" (flashback) (returned)
Episode – "Homer and Her Sisters" (flashback)
Episode – "O C'mon All Ye Faithful" (mentioned, picture seen)
- Template:Comic Book
Couch gag – "Citizens of Springfield couch gag"[src]
Music video – "Do the Bartman"
Commercials – "Crime of the Century"
Video game – The Simpsons: Tapped Out (As a ghost)
Video game – The Simpsons: Hit and Run (pictured)
The Simpsons: Season Two | ||||
"Bart Gets an "F"": | "Simpson and Delilah": | "Treehouse of Horror": | "Two Cars in Every Garage and Three Eyes on Every Fish": | "Dancin' Homer": |
Absent | Absent | Absent | Absent | Absent |
"Dead Putting Society": | "Bart vs. Thanksgiving": | "Bart the Daredevil": | "Itchy & Scratchy & Marge": | "Bart Gets Hit by a Car": |
Minor | Absent | Absent | Minor | Absent |
"One Fish, Two Fish, Blowfish, Blue Fish": | "The Way We Was": | "Homer vs. Lisa and the 8th Commandment": | "Principal Charming": | "Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?": |
Absent | Absent | Absent | Absent | Absent |
"Bart's Dog Gets an F": | "Old Money": | "Brush with Greatness": | "Lisa's Substitute": | "The War of the Simpsons": |
Absent | Cameo | Absent | Absent | Minor |
"Three Men and a Comic Book": | "Blood Feud": | |||
Absent | Cameo |
The Simpsons: Season Three | ||||
"Stark Raving Dad": | "Mr. Lisa Goes to Washington": | "When Flanders Failed": | "Bart the Murderer": | "Homer Defined": |
Absent | Absent | Minor | Absent | Absent |
"Like Father, Like Clown": | "Treehouse of Horror II": | "Lisa's Pony": | "Saturdays of Thunder": | "Flaming Moe's": |
Absent | Absent | Cameo | Absent | Cameo |
"Burns Verkaufen der Kraftwerk": | "I Married Marge": | "Radio Bart": | "Lisa the Greek": | "Homer Alone": |
Absent | Absent | Absent | Absent | Absent |
"Bart the Lover": | "Homer at the Bat": | "Separate Vocations": | "Dog of Death": | "Colonel Homer": |
Minor | Absent | Absent | Absent | Absent |
"Black Widower": | "The Otto Show": | "Bart's Friend Falls in Love": | "Brother, Can You Spare Two Dimes?": | |
Absent | Absent | Absent | Minor |
The Simpsons: Season Four | ||||
"Kamp Krusty": | "A Streetcar Named Marge": | "Homer the Heretic": | "Lisa the Beauty Queen": | "Treehouse of Horror III": |
Absent | Absent | Minor | Cameo | Absent |
"Itchy & Scratchy: The Movie": | "Marge Gets a Job": | "New Kid on the Block": | "Mr. Plow": | "Lisa's First Word": |
Absent | Absent | Absent | Absent | Absent |
"Homer's Triple Bypass": | "Marge vs. the Monorail": | "Selma's Choice": | "Brother from the Same Planet": | "I Love Lisa": |
Absent | Minor | Absent | Absent | Minor |
"Duffless": | "Last Exit to Springfield": | "So It's Come to This: A Simpsons Clip Show": | "The Front": | "Whacking Day": |
Minor | Absent | Cameo | Absent | Absent |
"Marge in Chains": | "Krusty Gets Kancelled": | |||
Minor | Absent |
The Simpsons: Season Five | ||||
"Homer's Barbershop Quartet": | "Cape Feare": | "Homer Goes to College": | "Rosebud": | "Treehouse of Horror IV": |
Absent | Minor | Absent | Absent | Absent |
"Marge on the Lam": | "Bart's Inner Child": | "Boy-Scoutz 'n the Hood": | "The Last Temptation of Homer": | "$pringfield (Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Legalized Gambling)": |
Cameo | Cameo | Absent | Absent | Cameo |
"Homer the Vigilante": | "Bart Gets Famous": | "Homer and Apu": | "Lisa vs. Malibu Stacy": | "Deep Space Homer": |
Absent | Absent | Absent | Absent | Absent |
"Homer Loves Flanders": | "Bart Gets an Elephant": | "Burns' Heir": | "Sweet Seymour Skinner's Baadasssss Song": | "The Boy Who Knew Too Much": |
Major | Minor | Cameo | Absent | Absent |
"Lady Bouvier's Lover": | "Secrets of a Successful Marriage": | |||
Cameo | Absent |
The Simpsons: Season Six | ||||
"Bart of Darkness": | "Lisa's Rival": | "Another Simpsons Clip Show": | "Itchy & Scratchy Land": | "Sideshow Bob Roberts": |
Minor | Absent | Absent | Absent | Absent |
"Treehouse of Horror V": | "Bart's Girlfriend": | "Lisa on Ice": | "Homer Badman": | "Grampa vs. Sexual Inadequacy": |
Absent | Cameo | Absent | Absent | Minor |
"Fear of Flying": | "Homer the Great": | "And Maggie Makes Three": | "Bart's Comet": | "Homie the Clown": |
Absent | Absent | Minor | Minor | Absent |
"Bart vs. Australia": | "Homer vs. Patty and Selma": | "A Star is Burns": | "Lisa's Wedding": | "Two Dozen and One Greyhounds": |
Absent | Absent | Minor | Cameo | Absent |
"The PTA Disbands": | "'Round Springfield": | "The Springfield Connection": | "Lemon of Troy": | "Who Shot Mr. Burns? (Part One)": |
Cameo | Absent | Minor | Cameo | Cameo |
The Simpsons: Season Seven | ||||
"Who Shot Mr. Burns? (Part Two)": | "Radioactive Man": | "Home Sweet Homediddly-Dum-Doodily": | "Bart Sells His Soul": | "Lisa the Vegetarian": |
Cameo | Absent | Major | Minor | Cameo |
"Treehouse of Horror VI": | "King-Size Homer": | "Mother Simpson": | "Sideshow Bob's Last Gleaming": | "The Simpsons 138th Episode Spectacular": |
Cameo | Absent | Minor | Absent | Absent |
"Marge Be Not Proud": | "Team Homer": | "Two Bad Neighbors": | "Scenes from the Class Struggle in Springfield": | "Bart the Fink": |
Absent | Minor | Minor | Absent | Absent |
"Lisa The Iconoclast": | "Homer The Smithers": | "The Day The Violence Died": | "A Fish Called Selma": | "Bart on the Road": |
Cameo | Absent | Absent | Absent | Absent |
"22 Short Films About Springfield": | "Raging Abe Simpson and His Grumbling Grandson in "The Curse of the Flying Hellfish"": | "Much Apu About Nothing": | "Homerpalooza": | "Summer of 4 Ft. 2": |
Absent | Voice only | Minor | Absent | Absent |
The Simpsons: Season Eight | ||||
"Treehouse of Horror VII": | "You Only Move Twice": | "The Homer They Fall": | "Burns, Baby Burns": | "Bart After Dark": |
Absent | Absent | Absent | Cameo | Minor |
"A Milhouse Divided": | "Lisa's Date with Density": | "Hurricane Neddy": | "El Viaje Misterioso de Nuestro Jomer (The Mysterious Voyage of Homer)": | "The Springfield Files": |
Minor | Minor | Minor | Absent | Absent |
"The Twisted World of Marge Simpson": | "Mountain of Madness": | "Simpsoncalifragilisticexpiala(Annoyed Grunt)cious": | "The Itchy & Scratchy & Poochie Show": | "Homer's Phobia": |
Major | Absent | Absent | Absent | Absent |
"Brother from Another Series": | "My Sister, My Sitter": | "Homer vs. the Eighteenth Amendment": | "Grade School Confidential": | "The Canine Mutiny": |
Cameo | Minor | Minor | Minor | Absent |
"The Old Man and the Lisa": | "In Marge We Trust": | "Homer's Enemy": | "The Simpsons Spin-Off Showcase": | "The Secret War of Lisa Simpson": |
Absent | Minor | Absent | Absent | Absent |
The Simpsons: Season Nine | ||||
"The City of New York vs. Homer Simpson": | "The Principal and the Pauper": | "Lisa's Sax": | "Treehouse of Horror VIII": | "The Cartridge Family": |
Absent | Cameo | Absent | Minor | Absent |
"Bart Star": | "The Two Mrs. Nahasapeemapetilons": | "Lisa the Skeptic": | "Realty Bites": | "Miracle on Evergreen Terrace": |
Minor | Cameo | Cameo | Minor | Cameo |
"All Singing, All Dancing": | "Bart Carny": | "The Joy of Sect": | "Das Bus": | "The Last Temptation of Krust": |
Absent | Absent | Cameo | Absent | Absent |
"Dumbbell Indemnity": | "Lisa the Simpson": | "This Little Wiggy": | "Simpson Tide": | "The Trouble with Trillions": |
Absent | Absent | Cameo | Absent | Minor |
"Girly Edition": | "Trash of the Titans": | "King of the Hill": | "Lost Our Lisa": | "Natural Born Kissers": |
Absent | Absent | Cameo | Absent | Minor |
The Simpsons: Season Ten | ||||
"Lard of the Dance": | "The Wizard of Evergreen Terrace": | "Bart the Mother": | "Treehouse of Horror IX": | "When You Dish Upon a Star": |
Absent | Absent | Absent | Absent | Absent |
"D'oh-in' in the Wind": | "Lisa Gets an "A"": | "Homer Simpson in: "Kidney Trouble"": | "Mayored to the Mob": | "Viva Ned Flanders": |
Minor | Absent | Absent | Cameo | Minor |
"Wild Barts Can't Be Broken": | "Sunday, Cruddy Sunday": | "Homer to the Max": | "I'm with Cupid": | "Marge Simpson in: "Screaming Yellow Honkers"": |
Cameo | Cameo | Absent | Minor | Cameo |
"Make Room for Lisa": | "Maximum Homerdrive": | "Simpsons Bible Stories": | "Mom and Pop Art": | "The Old Man and the "C" Student": |
Minor | Cameo | Cameo | Minor | Cameo |
"Monty Can't Buy Me Love": | "They Saved Lisa's Brain": | "Thirty Minutes Over Tokyo": | ||
Absent | Cameo | Cameo |
The Simpsons: Season Eleven | ||||
"Beyond Blunderdome": | "Brother's Little Helper": | "Guess Who's Coming to Criticize Dinner?": | "Treehouse of Horror X": | "E-I-E-I-D'oh": |
Cameo | Minor | Minor | Minor | Cameo |
"Hello Gutter, Hello Fadder": | "Eight Misbehavin'": | "Take My Wife, Sleaze": | "Grift of the Magi": | "Little Big Mom": |
Cameo | Absent | Absent | Cameo | Minor |
"Faith Off": | "The Mansion Family": | "Saddlesore Galactica": | "Alone Again, Natura-Diddily": | "Missionary: Impossible": |
Cameo | Cameo | Cameo | Major | Absent |
"Pygmoelian": | "Bart to the Future": | "Days of Wine and D'oh'ses": | "Kill the Alligator and Run": | "Last Tap Dance in Springfield": |
Absent | Absent | Absent | Absent | Absent |
"It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad Marge": | "Behind the Laughter": | |||
Absent | Absent |
The Simpsons: Season Twelve | ||||
"Treehouse of Horror XI": | "A Tale of Two Springfields": | "Insane Clown Poppy": | "Lisa the Tree Hugger": | "Homer vs. Dignity": |
Absent | Absent | Absent | Absent | Absent |
"The Computer Wore Menace Shoes": | "The Great Money Caper": | "Skinner's Sense of Snow": | "HOMЯ": | "Pokey Mom": |
Absent | Absent | Absent | Absent | Absent |
"Worst Episode Ever": | "Tennis the Menace": | "Day of the Jackanapes": | "New Kids on the Blecch": | "Hungry, Hungry Homer": |
Absent | Absent | Absent | Absent | Absent |
"Bye Bye Nerdie": | "Simpson Safari": | "Trilogy of Error": | "I'm Goin' to Praiseland": | "Children of a Lesser Clod": |
Absent | Absent | Absent | Absent | Absent |
"Simpsons Tall Tales": | ||||
Cameo |
![]() |
| |||
Maude Flanders | Helen Lovejoy | Elizabeth Hoover | Luann Van Houten | Princess Kashmir | Mary Bailey | Shary Bobbins | Barbara Bush | Mona Simpson | Martha Quimby |