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"Ha ha!"
Miniature couch gag
Frog Family
The title of this article is conjectural. Though the topic is found within The Simpsons universe, a proper name is not available.

The Miniature couch gag is the thirteenth couch gag of Season 9.


Similar to the Shrunken Family couch gag on "Homer's Triple Bypass", the family are minature and must get on the giant couch. Unlike the former couch gag, there's an extra scene of the family helping each other get on the couch and it ends with Santa's Little Helper taking Homer away in his mouth.

Character Appearances[]

Previous Episode References[]


⇐ Season 8 Season 9 couch gags Season 10 ⇒
Harlem Globetrotters couch gagRocket couch gagMatrjoschka couch gagElectrocution couch gagBurning Family couch gagCompressor couch gagSpray Paint couch gagSauna couch gagSmeared couch gagSnow Globe couch gagTreadmill couch gag"Ha ha!" couch gagMiniature couch gagFrog Family couch gagVegetation couch gagFlowers couch gagChalk Board couch gag
⇐ Season 8 Re-used couch gags Season 10 ⇒
Burning Family couch gagCompressor couch gagSpray Paint couch gagSauna couch gagSmeared couch gagSnow Globe couch gag"Ha ha!" couch gagFrog Family couch gag