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Simpsons Wiki
Live from Hawaii's beautiful Molokai Island - we're not just for lepers anymore!
~ Troy McClure[src]

Molokai Leper Colony is a small village on the Hawaii's Molokai Island for the quarantining and treatment of people suffering from leprosy.


After Homer and Bart thought they had leprosy, they paid the Flanders family a visit for help, but the Flanders unprepared to take care of lepers, spend all their Christmas savings to pay them an expensive trip to the colony. There they found out that they were tricked by Lisa but decided to stay because they had 22 hours a day to tan despite having to endure two hours of painful electric needles.

The Simpsons watch "Carnival of the Stars" live from Molokai.

When extorting Mr. Burns for the return of his beloved boyhood teddy bear Bobo, Homer's final ask is, "A million dollars and three Hawaiian Islands--Good ones, not the leper ones."

Behind the Laughter[]

Molokai has suffered from leper_colony_stigma which all of Hawaii partly shared. Leper colonies are somewhat anachronistic as the quarantine laws were repealed and there are no persons on Molokai Island with active cases of leprosy.

