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We're on the Road to D'oh-where
My Fair Laddy
The Seemingly Never-Ending Story


  • Despite being mentioned that she was going through a sex-change operation, Mrs. Pommelhorst is still seen as a woman in later episodes.
  • In the show's entire 17-year run, this is the very first full-length episode centered around Groundskeeper Willie.
  • In the gym teacher's datebook, "Double Bombardment" is listed on Christmas.
  • Starting with this episode, Anke Engelke took over as the German dub voice of Marge after the death of her predecessor Elisabeth Volkmann.
  • This is another one of the rare episodes to feature the rumpus room.
  • In the Italian dub, Coach Krupt was voiced by Gennaro Gattuso, former AC Milan player and winner of two Champion's leagues.
    • Coach Krupt is also only seen in the first and third acts of this episode.
  • It's revealed that Willie made a mini tree out of retainers much to Marge's disgust.
  • Lisa wins first place for the science fair thanks to Groundskeeper Willie.
  • This is the second time that Willie's shack was destroyed after Girly Edition.
  • Bart used up all of the nails on one wood piece, hence the reason there were no more to use.
  • In Homer's flashback, he drove a go kart and paid to go 50 laps, despite the fact that he broke the cushion.
  • In addition to getting more blue pants for advertisements, Homer got tattoos on his chest and two arms to help with money.
  • When first using the mower, Dewey ends up on the roof of the school as the new Groundskeeper, then puts ferns in the newly build shack.
  • This episode reveals that Willie's dad was a disapproving and strict father.

Cultural References[]


  • In the episode "Monty Can't Buy Me Love", Willie claimed that he was born on a pool table. This was revisited in this episode, during a flashback to shortly after Willie's birth.
Season 16 Season 17 References/Trivia Season 18
The Bonfire of the ManateesThe Girl Who Slept Too LittleMilhouse of Sand and FogTreehouse of Horror XVIMarge's Son PoisoningSee Homer RunThe Last of the Red Hat MamasThe Italian BobSimpsons Christmas StoriesHomer's Paternity CootWe're on the Road to D'oh-whereMy Fair LaddyThe Seemingly Never-Ending StoryBart Has Two MommiesHomer Simpson, This is Your WifeMillion-Dollar AbieKiss Kiss Bang BangaloreThe Wettest Stories Ever ToldGirls Just Want to Have SumsRegarding MargieThe Monkey SuitMarge and Homer Turn a Couple Play