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My Way or the Highway to Heaven |
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Cultural References[]
- The title of this episode is a reference to the lyrics "My way or the Highway" from the song My Way by Limp Bizkit.
- The title may also reference the songs Highway to Hell and Stairway to Heaven, by AC/DC and Led Zeppelin, respectively.
- The couch gag isa parody of Bob's Burgers
- The line "Won't somebody please think of the elephants" is a parody of Helen Lovejoy's "Won't somebody please think of the children" line.
- Lisa introduces her story as "The Princess Not Affiliated With Disney... unless we are now owned by Disney," referencing the Walt Disney Company's acquisition of 21st Century Fox.
- On the premiere on November, 3rd, 2022 on Channel 4 they cut these three scenes.
- Millhouse's body being rebuilt in heaven after he gets hit by a train in his fantasy was cut.
- The citizens of France singing the national anthem was shortened.
- Most of the fight between Germany and France was cut, Marge stabbing Rainier Wolfcastle in the neck with a knife, Moe saying "Well the marriage councillor said that we need to find a common interest so…", and then stabbing a German citizen in the neck with a corkscrew was cut, next Lenny drinking the alcohol in the bottle he smashed and using it to stab a German citizen in the chest while Carl lights up a frying pan and bludgeons two German citizens with it and Abe bashing a photo of Adolf Hitler on Comic Book Guy's head was cut.